Title: Basic Airway Adjuncts (3 of 6)
1Basic Airway Adjuncts (3 of 6)
2Basic Airway Adjuncts (4 of 6)
- Nasopharyngeal airways
- Conscious patients who cannot maintain airway
- Can be used with intact gag reflex
- Should not be used with head injuries or
3Basic Airway Adjuncts (5 of 6)
- Inserting a nasopharyngeal airway
- 1. Select the proper size airway.
- 2. Lubricate the airway.
- 3. Gently push the nostril open.
- 4. With the bevel turned toward the septum,
insert the airway.
4Basic Airway Adjuncts (6 of 6)
5Suctioning Equipment (1 of 2)
6Suction Equipment (2 of 2)
French, or whistle-tip, catheter
7Suctioning Technique (1 of 2)
- Check the unit and turn it on.
- Select and measure proper catheter to be used.
- Open the patients mouth and insert tip.
- Suction as you withdraw the catheter.
- Never suction adults for more than 15 seconds.
8Suctioning Technique (2 of 2)
9Recovery Position
10Supplemental Oxygen
- All patients in cardiac arrest should get oxygen.
- Any patient with a respiratory or cardiac
emergency needs oxygen. - Never withhold oxygen from anyone who may benefit
from it.
11Supplemental Oxygen Equipment
- Oxygen cylinders
- Available as a compressed combustible gas
- Available in several sizes
- Pin-indexing safety system
- Oxygen regulators
- Humidified oxygen
12Oxygen Flowmeters
- Pressure-compensated flowmeter
- Affected by gravity must be kept upright
- Bourdon-gauge flowmeter
- Not affected by gravity can be used in any
13Using Supplemental Oxygen (1 of 2)
- Inspect cylinder and markings.
- Crack the cylinder.
- Attach the regulator/flowmeter.
- Open the cylinder.
- Attach proper delivery device to flowmeter.
14Using Supplemental Oxygen (2 of 2)
- Adjust flowmeter to desired flow rate.
- Apply the oxygen device to the patient.
- When done, discard the delivery device.
- Turn off the flowmeter.
15Hazards of Oxygen
- Oxygen supports combustion.
- Keep possible ignition sources away from the
area. - Oxygen tanks are under high pressure.
16Oxygen Delivery Equipment
- Nonrebreathing mask
- Provides up to 90 oxygen
- Used at 10 to 15 L/min
- Nasal cannula
- Provides 24 to 44 oxygen
- Used at 1 to 6 L/min