Public Policy and Legal prerequisites for Financial Services Cooperatives: Political, strategic and technical pre-conditions for their Effective Regulation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Public Policy and Legal prerequisites for Financial Services Cooperatives: Political, strategic and technical pre-conditions for their Effective Regulation


... Pakistan - Long history of government Sacco program , ... what is Microfinance? A tool for building inclusive, stable, self-sustainable financial sector? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Public Policy and Legal prerequisites for Financial Services Cooperatives: Political, strategic and technical pre-conditions for their Effective Regulation

Public Policy and Legal prerequisites for
Financial Services CooperativesPolitical,
strategic and technical pre-conditions for their
Effective Regulation
  • June 18-20 2009, Sobey School of Business, Saint
    Mary's University
  • by Peter van Dijk, Micro-Finance Consultant

  1.  Tour du monde , some experiences with
    financial cooperatives in different countries
  2. What is Micro-finance and what is its role in
    financial sector development, poverty
  3. What is the Role of Government?
  4. Different interpretations of cooperative
  5. Risks of public support, by government, foreign
  6. Possible steps to design a local process for the
    sustainable development of financial coops.

I. Situation, public policy challenges of/for
financial coops in some parts of the world
  • East Africa (Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda)
  • - long history of Saccos and Coop and Sacco
  • - weak authorities, few reliable data,
    documented weak performance.
  • French-speaking West African UEMOA region
  • - creation of Saccos as consequence of one
    foreign donor project with BCEAO
  • - large organisations, high penetration rate
  • - influx of foreign support of Saccos leading
    to stressed relationship between regulator
    (BCEAO), supervisor (FinMin-y dep-t), MFIs,
  • - worrying trends on large foreign debt, social
    investments, bad loan portfolio quality, stagnant
    savings and slow growth (particular members).
  • Southern Africa (South Africa, Madagascar)
  • - creation and support of many different local
    and foreign bodies
  • - no shared mindset, principles, no central
    public leadership
  • - weak, small, limited potential for
    sustainability and growth.

Situation, public policy challenges of/for
financial coops in some parts of the world
  • Cambodia, Laos
  • - Bad aftertaste of past political experiments
    influenced by totalitarian regimes, local and
  • - Different foreign donor agencies creating
    Saccos without centralised effective supervision
    (some cases regulation written by foreign
  • Pakistan
  • - Long history of government Sacco program ,
    with bad collaboration between central and
    provincial authorities, as well as Credit focus
  • - Misappropriation, politicisation, fraud,
    theft, closure of Saccos, Coop Banks
  • Indonesia
  • - Many government, civic society and foreign
    projects in MF, many MFIs created as cooperative
  • - Weak collaboration between central bank and
    finance ministry on MF/FSD and a Cooperatives
    Ministry with few reliable data.

Table of Conclusions
Regions Origin, Performance Public policy issues, challenges
East Africa Protectorate Great Britain Widespread support program for Coops, Saccos Recognition and understanding of Cooperative Society as legal form Lack of ex-/-internal coordination
West Africa Donor project, DID Canada Coop dominant MFI status Advantage of one expert donor working with one auth-y unregulated influx foreign donors
Southern Africa Many different support initiatives Small in nr, scale of oper-s Lack of local government leadership politicisation credit focus lack of common mindset
Cambodia, Laos Bad aftertaste communist initiatives Foreign donor projects Antipathetic culture lack of local understanding no integration of foreign aid into MF/FSD strategy
Pakistan Large Government program Nearly all closed by 2008 Politicisation lack of internal coordination abuse, criminality
Indonesia Government and foreign projects Most are small Lack of government leadership, forging common mindset and coordinating all efforts
II.Please Government, what is Microfinance?
  • A tool for building inclusive, stable,
    self-sustainable financial sector?
  • A part of the social safety net, providing
    politicised loans to different target clients?
  • Although the overall goal of both is the
    emancipation of poor citizens, these activities
    need to be clearly separated!! Because-
  • Strategy demands a common mindset based on full
    understanding of the realities of finance and the
    complexity of all influences on it
  • Achieving strategic objectives demands a coherent
    policy framework and a regulatory framework
    ensuring full compliance
  • Socio-political objectives and subsidies have a
    damaging effect on financial sector development,
    making a transparent performance based market
    impossible and causing unfair competition.
  • Only in a clear, coherent environment can
    Cooperative societies find their proper role in
    achieving the above-mentioned first definition.

III. Developing a strategy, policy, a regulatory
framework, and ensuring their implementation and
full application are very expensive activities,
especially when safety of money needs to be
  • Need for specific triggers for when to regulate
    institutions that provide financial services-
  • Do they bear risks for the stability of the
    financial system?
  • Do they put at risk deposits and savings of the
    general public?
  • Do they affect a market process (data,
    transparency, fair comp.)?
  • Financial coops are often small and concern the
    money of members who agree on rules and who
    control the organisations. As they are often
    small, operate in remote areas and under specific
    rules, it requires specific expertise, efficient
    coordination and adequate resources to regulate
    them and ensure full compliance.

IV. Identical rules of Financial Services
  1. Member ownership (shares, capital value, control)
  2. Savings oriented (deposits, longer term savings)
  3. Common Bond, Solidarity
  4. Non-profit Objective (sustainability, use of
  5. Obligatory reserves (statutory reserves)
  6. Voluntarism (free will, own initiative)
  7. Rigorous Governance structure, rules
  8. Small markets, non-competition
  9. Different levels of Cooperative societies
  10. Gradual transformation into banks
  11. Specific Regulation, Supervision.

Some remarks on important Sacco Rules
  • Member ownership
  • As other investors, state or private, are
    committed to put money in Financial Institutions
    for poor rural citizens, the latter need to
    organise themselves. That means they have to
    contribute a sum of money that is affordable as
    well as important for them to be actively
    involved in these organisations. Active
    membership means real ownership, real control,
    with shares that compare to the total value of
    the organisation.
  • Savings oriented
  • The second important factor that determines a
    Saccos sustainable health, growth is that they
    are deposit- savings oriented. That means that
    loan capital does not come from any other source
    than from member deposits (apart from capital)
    and their longer term specific savings products.
    Capital savings ensure that members are active
    owners and controllers.

Remarks on Sacco rules (continued)
  • Non-profit Objective
  • MF and cooperative supporters often do not fully
    understand the legal status of a cooperative
    society that provides financial services. They
    want it to be sustainable but they also do not
    want it to make profits. That misunderstanding is
    often due to two issues 1) the non-profit
    objective of cooperative soc-s means that they
    can (and should as commercial companies) make
    profits but that these profits are in principle
    not distributed between owners, shareholders, but
    re-invested in the coop 2) net income over total
    costs are often called surplus by cooperants
    and not profit as lawyers and economists do.
  • Obligatory reserves (legal statutory reserves)
  • Minimum capital requirements and provisions are
    basic conditions for banks. In cooperative
    regulations these items are included under
    regulatory reserves. Statutory reserves are
    additional reserves of which training (and
    growth) is most important, considering that
    members have had little education and certainly
    not on controlling financial institutions.

Remarks on Sacco rules (continued)
  • Voluntarism
  • Saccos are created out of free will, own
    initiative of individuals. Their creation, growth
    cannot be dictated by political strategies or
    donor projects. This principle also means that
    member activities, especially in control
    functions are non-remunerated and need to be well
    managed. If not, the cost advantage and common
    bond that Saccos success rely upon, will be
  • Small markets, non-competition
  • Again to ensure common bond and effective
    control, Saccos, especially in start phases and
    underdeveloped environment, should be small.
    Growth will necessitate the creation of more
    different levels of cooperative societies. To
    allow their growth they should not compete
    between each other.
  • Gradual transformation into banks
  • The basic signal of good Sacco performance is
    their growth. That means that its organisation
    and regulation aim at gradual integration into
    the banking sector.

IV. Benefits Pitfalls of foreign donor aid
  • A lack of local government understanding and a
    multitude of foreign donors creating Saccos and
    providing technical financial assistance, often
    resulted in weak and failing Saccos
  • However, as many governments have little own
    know-how of Saccos, have limited resources and
    an uneducated public, foreign assistance can
  • The worlds leading MF/FSD Donors have under CGAP
    and the declarations of Monterrey, Paris and Doha
    promised to strengthen donor coordination and
    make their aid more effective
  • Local governments should integrate foreign aid
    into their national programs and promote
    accountability, focusing on their strategies,
    definitions and local processes.

V. How to design an appropriate local development
process for financial coops?
  1. National Financial Sector Development Strategy
    developed, coordinated supervised at the
    highest executive level (National FSD/MF
  2. National Microfinance Strategy that is in
    included under the FSD Strategy
  3. A FSD/MF Policy framework that ensures that all
    flanking policies are in coherence
  4. Financial Cooperatives chapters in FSD/MF policy
  5. An FSD and MF Regulatory framework that ensures
    implementation of strategies and compliance with
  6. Public promotion education campaign on Saccos

V. How to design an local development process for
financial coops? (continued)
  1. Creation of a competent national Coop Authority
    with adequate resources to effectively regulate
    and supervise all Saccos (registered, and with
    capacity to identify unregistered org-s that
    should register)
  2. A specific Database on the performance of
    registered Saccos, created with assistance of
    the central bank with a comparable system and
  3. All national and foreign support to Saccos needs
    to be known to the Coop Auth-y and all such
    organisations need to be member of the FSD/MF
    Council, respecting local rules and procedures.

Any questions, doubts ?
  • Thank you for your attention
  • Peter van Dijk
  • Home base Jakarta, Indonesia
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