Title: Normal Postpartum
1Normal Postpartum
Chapter 21
2Normal Puerperium
- It is the period of recovery that occurs from
childbirth and extends for 6 weeks after delivery - What is involution?
3Postpartal Physical Adaptations
4Reproductive System Changes
5 The Uterus
- What are the three ways that the uterus
6 Contraction of the Uterus
- Muscle fibers become shorter controlling the
bleeding by compressing and sealing off blood
vessels - Acting as the living ligature
7 Protein Material Catabolism
- Release of a proteolytic enzyme into the
endometrium and myometrium. - This enzyme breaks down the protein material in
the hypertrophied cells causing the uterine
muscle cells to decrease in size - The uterus gradually decreases in size as the
cells grow smaller
8 Regeneration of the Endometrium
- the placenta site heals in about 6 weeks with the
other part healing in 3 weeks. - Heals by exfoliation rather than by forming scar
tissue. - The endometrium grows from the margins of the
placental site and from the fundi of the
endometrial glands left in the basal layer of the
placental site
9 Critical Thinking
Why does the uterus heal by Exfoliation and
not by primary intention?
10Uterine Changes
- Placement and size
- Where is the normal placement of the uterus
immediately after birth, 12 hours later? - What is the size of the uterus?
What nursing intervention should the nurse
encourage PRIOR to assessing the fundus?
12Uterine Changes
- What is the normal tone of the uterus?
- What is the technique used to assess the uterus?
13Uterine Involution
- What is the PRIORITY intervention when the uterus
is found to be boggy? - Why is it important not to over-stimulate the
- What interventions must the nurse include if the
uterus is found deviated from midline?
15Short Answers
- The nurse is going to assess the uterus. The 3
main assessments include - 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- The normal height of a first day postpartum woman
is ________________. It should decrease
_____fingerbreadth per _______. - The tone should be __________. If found boggy,
the nurse would ___________ the uterus.
- What are the three types of lochia?
- What is a normal amount?
- What question is important to ask
- the woman when assessing amount?
- What is normal odor of Lochia?
17Characteristics of Lochia
- Should not be excessive in amount
- Should never have an offensive odor
- Should not contain large pieces of tissue
- Should not be absent during the first 3 weeks
- Should proceed from rubra -- serosa -- alba
18Match the Lochia
- A. Pinkish serum with mucus and debris usually
occurs on day 3 - 10. - B. Creamy yellowish brownish. Occurs after day
10 - C. Dark Red and consists mainly of blood.
Occurs day 1 - 3. -
- Lochia rubra
- Lochia serosa
- Lochia alba
19Fill in the Blank
- Lochia should never be ______________ in amount.
- Lochia should never have an ______________odor.
- Lochia should not contain __________ _________
of tissue - Lochia should not be _____________ during the
first ________ weeks - Lochia should proceed from _________ to _________
to ___________.
- Remains soft and flabby, appears bruised and may
have some lacerations - No longer does the external os have the
pre-pregnant appearance -- now appears as a
jagged slit not a circle.
- May be edematous and bruised.
- Rugae begin to appear when ovarian function
returns. - May teach the mom to do Kegels exercises to
increase the blood flow to the area and aid in
- Assess
- the episiotomy the same as with any incision.
- R redness
- E edema or swelling
- E ecchymosis or bruising
- D drainage
- A approximated
- How should the nurse assess
- the perineum?
23What are measures to teach the mom in caring for
the perineum?
24Comfort Measures
- Relief of Perineal Discomfort
- Ice packs
- Topical agents
- Perineal care
- Sitz bath
- Relief of hemorrhoidal discomfort may include
- Sitz baths
- Topical anesthetic ointments
- Witch hazel pads
25Ovulation and Menstruation
- When does Menstruation generally return?
- Return is prolonged for the breastfeeding mom
because of alterations in the gonadotropin-releasi
ng hormone production.
26Ovulation and Menstruation
- Nurses need to teach moms that breastfeeding is
NOT a reliable means of contraception. - WHY
- Allow the mother to assess her own breasts --
similar to doing a self-breast exam - ask if feels any nodules, lumps
- ask if nipples are sore, reddened, blisters,
cracks - Assess nipples for everted, flat, inverted
- Teach to care for breasts according to whether
they are breastfeeding or bottle feeding.
28Process of Lactation
- Sucking of infant stimulates the nerves beneath
skin of the areola to transmit messages to the
hypothalamus - Hypothalamus sends messages to the pituitary
gland - Anterior pituitary -- stimulates Prolactin to be
released which is the ultimate stimulation for
milk production - Posterior pituitary -- releases Oxytocin which
stimulates the contraction of the cells around
the alveoli in the mammary glands. This causes
milk to be propelled through the duct system to
the infant. This is the LET-DOWN reflex. Felt
as a tingling sensation
29Breastfeeding Care
- No soap on the nipples, wash in water
- wear supportive bra
- Breastfeeding tips
- Most important is the latch-on Teach measures
to assist with the infant getting the nipple and
areola in the mouth - Teach different positions to hold the baby
- No timing
- Relax to allow for let-down
- express colostrum on the nipples after feeding
- remember drops of colostrum are the same as
ounces of milk -- if wetting 6 - 10 diapers /
day, then must be getting enough to eat
30Suppression of Lactation
- Key is to teach the mother measures to decrease
stimulation of the breasts - Wear a tight-fitting bra or binder
- Do not express milk from the breasts
- Take shower with back to the warm water
- Ice packs
31Fill in the Blank
- The Anterior pituitary stimulates the release of
___________________ which is responsible for
_________ _____________________. - The posterior pituitary gland releases
___________ which is responsible for the
______-__________ reflex.
32Short Answers
- What are four important interventions to teach a
mom who is bottle feeding to decrease stimulation
of the breasts. - 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
33Cardiovascular System
34Cardiovascular System Changes
- How does the body rid itself of excess Plasma
volume? - Blood Volume
- Increase for about 24-48 hours after delivery
- Increase in blood flow back to the heart when
blood from the placenta unit returns to central
circulation - Extravascular interstitial fluid is moved into
the vascular system / intravascular - Leads to increased cardiac output mainly RT
increase stroke volume.
35Blood Values
- Post Partum
- WBC leukocytosis is common with values of
25,000 30,000 RT increased neutrophils - RBC return to normal
- Hgb. normal to see a drop of about 1 gram
- Hct normal to see a drop of about 2- 4 points
and then a rise RT gt loss of plasma than RBC
death - Platelets drop and gradually rise
- Pregnancy
- WBC elevated slightly to about 12,000
- RBC increase slightly to about 10 milion.
- Hemoglobin stays about normal at 12 g. Below
10 g anemia - Hemotocrit lowers 33-39 RT hemodilution. If
drops below 32- 35 anemia
36- Assess for Thromboembolism
- During pregnancy, plasma fibrinogen (coagulation)
increases, Mothers body has the ability to form
clots and prevent excessive bleeding. - Plasminogen (lysis of clots) does not rise
- Hypercoagulable state and the woman is at a
greater risk for thrombus formation. - assess for homans sign
37Vital Signs
- Temperature
- A slight elevation of up to 100.40 may occur
related to dehydration and increase basal body
metabolism from exertion of labor and delivery. - After 24 hours, the temperature should be normal
- A temperature greater than 100.40 suggests
infection. - Blood Pressure
- Should remain stable
- Hypovolemia can indicate postpartum hemorrhage
- Hypervolemia could indicate preeclampsia
38Vital Signs
- Pulse
- Bradycardia of 50 70 bpm is Normal
- Tachcardia is not considered a normal occurrence
and may indicate excessive blood loss - Respirations
- Should remain stable and within normal range
39Critical Thinking
- The womans vital signs are
- T.100.8, P- 56, R 16, B/P 110/65.
- How would the nurse interpret these findings?
What interventions are indicated?
40Gastrointestinal Tract
- The most common GI problem during postpartum is
constipation EXPLAIN. - What teaching is important to assist in
decreasing constipation?
41Urinary System
- What is the most common problem associated with
the urinary system? - Why be concerned?
42 Critical Thinking
- A primigravida delivered 2 hours ago. The woman
states she would like to go to the bathroom.
What should the nurse do? - The woman is unable to void. What should the
nurse do next?
- Who is more likely to experience afterbirth
pains? Explain. - Relief of after pains
- Positioning (prone position)
- Analgesia administered an hour before
breastfeeding - Encourage early ambulation - monitor for
dizziness and weakness
44Rest and Activity
- Most common problem is Sleep -- the excitement
and exhilaration experienced by birth my make it
difficult to sleep. They are tired and need
rest. Allow for times of uninterrupted sleep. - Exercises -- have the patient to ask her own
doctor for specific exercises. Usually walking
is safe. May eventually do postpartum exercises.
Just need to allow the body to return to its
pre-pregnant state before straining it.
45Resumption of Activities
- New mother should gradually increase activities
and ambulation after birth - She should avoid heavy lifting, excessive stair
climbing, strenuous activity - Resume light housekeeping by second week at home
- Delay returning to work until after 6-week
postpartum examination
- Recommend exercise to provide health benefits to
new mother - Nurse should encourage client to begin simple
exercises while on nursing unit - Inform her that increased lochia and pain may
necessitate a change in her activity
- Perineal pain -- caused from trauma during
delivery, episiotomy, hemorrhoids. Provide
comfort measures such as sitz baths, Tucks,
Sprays / Foams, oral analgesics. - Afterbirth pain -- more common in multigravidas
and breastfeeding moms. Treat with mild
analgesics (NSAIDS, Acetamenaphen),heating pad,
lie on abdomen, discontinue use of oxytocins, - Breast engorgement -- warm or cold packs,
increase feedings, decrease stimulation. Bind
breasts. - Gas distention -- no ice, increase warm / hot
fluids, increase walking, rocking chair,
antiflatus drugs.
48Decision Making
- During shift assessment of the post partum moms
peri pad, the nurse found it saturated with
lochia rubra. - What would be the priority nursing
- intervention?
49The Nutrition Need
- Most moms are hungry and eager to eat. Start off
slowly to avoid nausea and vomiting. - Diet should include
- High in Protein, vitamin C, and fiber
- Increase in fluids
- Lactating moms need about 700 extra calories for
milk production - Prenatal vitamins and iron supplements are often
continued in the postpartum period.
50Psychological Adjustment
- The responses of the mother to the birth of her
infant are influenced by many factors such as - Her parents own birth -- parenting and
nurturing - Cultural background -- only by understanding and
respecting the values and beliefs of each woman
can the nurse plan and meet the patients needs - Readiness for parenthood -- emotional maturity,
pregnancy planned or unplanned, financial
status, job status - Freedom from discomfort -- physical condition
- Health of her newborn -- physical condition,
prematurity, congenital defects - Opportunities for parent- infant interactions
51Postpartum Blues
- Transient period of depression
- Occurs first few days after delivery
- Mother may experience tearfulness, anorexia,
difficulty sleeping, feeling of letdown - Usually resolves in 10 to 14 days
52The Process of Becoming Acquainted
- Initial attraction felt by parents
- Contact should occur as early as possible and as
frequently as possible. - Allow time for attachment to occur with all
members of the family
- Bond that endures over time
- Occurs through mutually satisfying experiences
- Reciprocity - Mutually gratifying interaction
among mother, infant, father
55Attachment Process
- The Claiming Process
- Includes the identification
- Of the babys specific
- Features, relating them
- To other family members
Those long toes are
just like his Dads
57The Steps in Attachment are
1. 2.
58Postpartum Phases by Rubin
- Taking - in
- Occurs during day 1 - 3 following delivery.
- Marked by a period of being dependent and passive
behavior. - Mothers primary needs are her own -- food
- and sleep
- Mother is talkative about her labor and delivery
experience - Main nursing is to listen and help the mother
interpret events of the delivery to make them
more meaningful and clarify and misconceptions
59Postpartum Phases by Rubin
- Taking - Hold
- Occurs during day 3 to about 2 weeks postpartum
- Ready to deal with the present
- More in control . Begins to take
- hold of the task of mothering
- It is the best time for teaching!
60 - Tailoring teaching to individual Learning Styles
- Demonstrations
- Group Classes
- Videotapes
61Postpartum Phases by Rubin
- Letting Go Phase
- occurs after about 2 weeks
- Mother may feel a deep loss over the separation
of the baby from part of her body and may grieve
over this loss. - Common for Postpartum Blues to occur during this
62Father-Infant Interaction
- Engrossment
- Sense of absorption
- Preoccupation - Interest in infant
- Preparation for discharge should begin when
expectant mother enters birthing unit - Mother needs to be aware of signs of postpartum
complications and should be aware of her
self-care needs - Nurses should begin first by assessing knowledge
and expectations of new mother and family - Nurse should be available to answer questions and
provide support to parents
64DischargePrinted Information
- Nurse should review with new mother any
information she has received regarding postpartum
exercises, prevent of fatigue, sitz bath and
perineal care, etc. - nurse should spend time
with parent to determine if they have any
last-minute questions before discharge - Printed information about local agencies and
support groups should be given to new family
65The End