Exploring American History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exploring American History


Exploring American History Unit X Post War America Chapter 27 Section 1 Adjusting to Peace Lecture Adjusting to Peace Main Idea 1: As World War II ended ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Exploring American History

Exploring American History
  • Unit X Post War America
  • Chapter 27 Section 1
  • Adjusting to Peace
  • Lecture

Adjusting to Peace
  • The Big Idea
  • After World War II, Americans adjusted to new
    challenges both at home and around the world.
  • Main Ideas
  • As World War II ended, leaders began planning the
    future of the postwar world.
  • The United States and the Soviet Union went from
    being allies to enemies after World War II.
  • Americans adjusted to postwar life.

Main Idea 1As World War II ended, leaders began
planning the future of the postwar world.
  • Yalta Conference
  • Leaders met to discuss Europes future.
  • Supported creation of international peacekeeping
  • Agreed on free elections for countries liberated
    from German control
  • Potsdam Conference
  • Allied leaders divided conquered Germany into
    four zones.
  • Britain, France, the United States, and the
    Soviet Union would each control one zone.
  • Berlin also divided into four zones
  • War Crimes Trials
  • The Nuremberg trials put high-ranking Nazi
    officials on trial.
  • The International Military Tribunal of the Far
    East put Japanese officials on trial.
  • Established that individuals must be held
    responsible for committing war crimes, even when
    acting on behalf of a government

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The United Nations
  • In 1944, American, British, Soviet, and Chinese
    representatives met to draft a plan for the
    United Nations an organization dedicated to
    resolving international conflicts.
  • In 1945, representatives from 50 countries met to
    write the UN Charter.
  • One of its first major actions was to divide
    Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish states.
  • May 14, 1948 Jewish leaders announced the
    creation of nation of Israel.
  • Arab leaders protested and invaded.
  • Israeli forces drove Arabs back and a truce was

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The Future of the Postwar World
  • Recall What was the result of the Potsdam
  • Analyze What legal principle was established at
    the Nuremberg and Japanese International Military
  • Evaluate Why do you think France was not
    represented at the Yalta Conference?

The Future of the Postwar World- answers
  • Recall Germany and its capital were divided
    into four zones
  • Analyze Individuals are responsible for war
    crimes, even if they are following government
  • Evaluate France was occupied during the war
    leader of the French resistance in Britain,
    Charles de Gualle, had not been elected.

The Future of the Postwar World
  • Explain For what purpose was the United Nations
  • Summarize How did Israel become an independent

The Future of the Postwar World- answers
  • Explain to resolve international conflicts.
  • Summarize British occupied Palestine was
    divided by the U.N. General Assembly into
    separate Arab and Jewish states. Jewish leaders
    announced the creation of Israel in May, 1948

Main Idea 2The United States and the Soviet
Union went from being allies to enemies after
World War II.
From Allies to Enemies
  • After the war, differences arose between United
    States and Soviet Union.
  • Americans committed to capitalism and democracy
  • Soviets hoped to spread communism around the

The Iron Curtain
  • Stalin established Communist governments in
    Poland and Eastern Europe, cutting them off from
    the rest of the world.
  • The term iron curtain came to be used to describe
    this division.
  • The phrase Cold War came to be used to describe
    the struggle for global power between the Soviet
    Union and the United States.

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U.S. Foreign Policy
Goal containment, or preventing the Soviet Union
from expanding its influence around the world
Truman Doctrine policy of providing aid to help
foreign countries fight communism
Marshall Plan Western Europe received more than
13 billion in U.S. loans and grants for European
economic recovery between 1948 and 1952.
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization a coalition
    of the United States, nine Western European
    countries, Canada, and Iceland.
  • Members promised to defend each other if
  • Soviet Union responded by creating Warsaw Pact,
    a military
  • alliance with its Eastern European satellite

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From Allies to Enemies
  • Describe What was the purpose of the Truman
  • Make Inferences How did the Marshall fit with
    the goals of the Truman Doctrine?
  • Evaluate Why do you think Soviet Leaders did
    not allow Eastern European nations to accept aid
    from the Marshall Plan ?

From Allies to Enemies- answers
  • Describe to provide aid to countries that were
    trying to fight communism.
  • Make Inferences Massive aid helped ensure
    recovery would be democratic and capitalistic
    that countries would ally themselves with the
    United States, not with the Soviet Union.
  • Evaluate Did not want these countries to ally
    with the United States.

Main Idea 3Americans adjusted to postwar life.
  • Government urged women to give up their jobs once
    veterans returned.
  • The Servicemens Readjustment Act, or GI Bill of
    Rights, offered veterans money for school, as
    well as loans for houses, farms, and businesses.
  • Inflation rose as people rushed to buy products
    that were limited during war.

  • More than 35 percent of non-farm workers were
    union members in 1946.
  • With inflation on rise, many went on strike.
  • Labor unions became a major political problem.
  • Government worked to reduce power of labor
  • Passed the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947 that outlawed
    closed shops, or business that could hire only
    union members.

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G.I. Bill- Servicemens Readjustment Act
                                                       "That GI Bill was the best piece of legislation ever passed by the US Congress, and it made modern America. The educational establishment boomed. The suburbs, starting with Levittown and others, were paid by GIs borrowing on their GI Bill at a very low interest rate. Thousands and thousands of small businesses were started in this country and are still there thanks to the loans from the GI Bill. It transformed our country." Historian Steven Ambrose
                                                       "That GI Bill was the best piece of legislation ever passed by the US Congress, and it made modern America. The educational establishment boomed. The suburbs, starting with Levittown and others, were paid by GIs borrowing on their GI Bill at a very low interest rate. Thousands and thousands of small businesses were started in this country and are still there thanks to the loans from the GI Bill. It transformed our country." Historian Steven Ambrose
"That GI Bill was the best piece of legislation
ever passed by the US Congress, and it made
modern America. The educational establishment
boomed. The suburbs, starting with Levittown and
others, were paid by GIs borrowing on their GI
Bill at a very low interest rate. Thousands and
thousands of small businesses were started in
this country and are still there thanks to the
loans from the GI Bill. It transformed our
country." Historian Steven Ambrose
G.I. Bill of Rights
  • Revolutionary War
  • Veterans' benefits- life-long pensions for
    disabled veterans and dependents of soldiers
    killed in battle.
  • War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the
    Indian wars, and the Spanish-American War
  • Benefits- common type was "mustering out" pay.
    Also land grants to vets.
  • Rehabilitation Act of 1919
  • veterans disabled in World War I a monthly
    education assistance allowance
  • June 22, 1944- "Servicemen's Readjustment Act of
    1944," or"GI Bill of Rights.
  • education and training
  • loan guaranty for a home, farm, or business
  • unemployment pay of 20 a week for up to 52 weeks
  • job-finding assistance
  • top priority for building materials for VA
  • military review of dishonorable discharges
  • World War II veteran had to serve 90 days or more
    after Sept. 16, 1940.
  • Total cost of the World War II education program
    was 14.5 billion
  • 500 a year for tuition, books, fees, and other
    training costs.
  • 2,230,000 in college
  • 3,480,000 in other schools
  • 1,400,000 in on-job training
  • 690,000 in farm training

G.I. Bill of Rights
  • Korean Conflict GI Bill
  • Public Law 550, the "Veterans Readjustment
    Assistance Act of 1952, " was approved by
    President Truman on July 16, 1952. To be eligible
    for Korean GI Bill benefits, a veteran had to
  • serve 90 days or more after June 27, 1950,
  • enter service before Feb. 1, 1955, and
  • receive an other than dishonorable discharge.
  • Total cost of the Korean Conflict GI Bill
    education and training program was 4.5 billion.
  • 1,213,000 in institutions of higher learning
  • 860,000 in other schools
  • 223,000 on the job
  • 95,000 in institutional on-farm training
  • Post-Korean - Vietnam Era GI Bill
  • Home and farm loans, job counseling, and an
    employment placement service were other benefits
    provided to veterans, who served between August
    5, 1964, and May 7, 1975. Veterans had to serve
    more than 180 continuous days.
  • By 1984 Veterans were receiving about 376/month
    for education- training, books and tuition.
  • VA spent more than 42 billion during this time
    to provide educational assistance.
  • 5.1 million in colleges
  • 2.5 million in other schools
  • 591,000 on the job
  • 56,000 in on farm training

G.I. Bill of Rights
  • Current Montgomery GI Bill--Active Duty (MGIB)
  • To help the members of the Armed Forces adjust to
    civilian life after separation from service
  • To give those who cannot afford a higher
    education the chance to get one
  • To restore lost educational opportunities and
    vocational readjustment to service members who
    lost these opportunities as the result of their
    active military duty
  • To promote and assist the All-Volunteer Force
    program of the Armed Forces
  • To aid in the retention of personnel in the Armed
  • To enhance our Nation's competitiveness through
    the development of a more highly educated and
    productive work force
  • The following briefly summarizes major MGIB
  • Served on active duty after June 30, 1985.
  • Must fulfill one's basic service obligation.
  • Must have completed high school.
  • Received an honorable discharge.
  • Maximum entitlement is 36 months.
  • Additional "kicker" as determined by DOD.
  • Generally must use benefits within 10 years
    following discharge.

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Civil Rights after the War
  • African American veterans faced segregation and
    prejudice at home.
  • Helped lead a major effort to gain equal rights
  • Truman appointed Committee on Civil Rights to
    investigate discrimination and suggest solutions.
  • Congress failed to act on the committees report.
  • In 1948 Truman issued an executive order to
  • End segregation in the armed forces, and
  • Ban discrimination in the hiring of federal

Executive Order 9981
  • Executive Order No. 9981 issued by President
    Truman provided for "equality of treatment and
    opportunity in the armed forces without regard to
    race, color, religion, or national origin."
  • This was the first time that a president used an
    executive order to implement civil rights
    principles and was a major victory for civil
    rights advocates in the quest for full
  • Despite these orders, full integration of African
    Americans in the armed services was carried out
    slowly. It was not until the end of the Korean
    conflict that full integration of the armed
    forces had been achieved.

Taft-Hartley Act - 1947
  • When it was passed by Congress over Trumans
    veto, Truman denounced it as a "slave-labor
  • The act declared the closed shop illegal.
  • Permitted the union shop only after a vote of a
    majority of the employees.
  • Forbade jurisdictional strikes and secondary
  • Forbade unions from contributing to political
    campaigns and required union leaders to affirm
    they were not supporters of the Communist Party.
  • Gave the United States Attorney General the power
    to obtain an 80 day injunction when a threatened
    or actual strike that he/she believed "imperiled
    the national health or safety".

Election of 1948
  • President Truman faced many challenges for
  • Southern Democrats opposed his support for civil
    rights laws.
  • Republicans controlled Congress and felt their
    candidate, New York governor Thomas Dewey, could
    beat Truman.
  • Truman took his case for reelection to the
    American people.
  • Traveled thousands of miles and gave hundreds of
  • Defended his views and attacked Congress
  • In 1948 election, Truman won a surprise victory.
  • Urged Congress to support his plan for a package
    of domestic programs called the Fair Deal
  • Congress approved some parts, including higher
    minimum wage and expanded Social Security
  • Congress rejected other parts, including civil
    rights legislation.

Election of 1948 and Thomas E. Dewey
  • Election of 1948-World Issues, shortages,
  • Democrat Candidate- Truman - Issues- Repeal
    Taft-Hartly, Act Recognize Israel Strong Civil
    Rights legislation needed (an issue that split
    the party) Anti-lynching Fair employment and
    end segregation in military.
  • The upheaval at the July convention led to
    Democratic splinter-party presidential
    candidates J. Strom Thurmond ran on the State's
    Rights ticket, known more familiarly as the
    "Dixiecrats," and Henry Wallace ran on the
    Progressive Ticket- (Convinced that liberals and
    Communists could work together. Repeal the
    draft strong civil rights cooperate with
    Russia ban the bomb.)
  • Republican Candidate- Dewey - Issues- Time for a
    change Approved some New Deal policies and
    wanted bi-partisan foreign policy

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The Election By election
day, the polls showed that Truman had managed to
cut Dewey's lead, but all media sources still
believed Dewey would win by a landslide. As
the reports filtered in that night, Truman was
ahead in the popular votes, but the newscasters
still believed Truman didn't have a chance.
By four the next morning, Truman's success seemed
undeniable. At 1014 a.m., Dewey conceded the
election to Truman. The final results
Popular States Electoral Harry S.
Truman 24,105,812 28 303 Thomas E.
Dewey 21,970,065 16 189 Strom
Thurmond 1,169,021 4 39 Henry A.
Wallace 1,157,172 0 0
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Fair Deal
  • New civil rights legislation
  • Federal housing programs
  • Unemployment insurance benefits
  • New tax cuts for the poor
  • Federal funding for education
  • A federal health care and health insurance
  • In the end, Truman's attempt to introduce his
    Fair Deal was largely a failure. Few of his
    initiatives became law. Congress refused to
    create a national health care program, did little
    to reform education (with the exception of the G.
    I. Bill), extended unemployment benefits only
    slightly, and put off new civil rights

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Postwar America
  • Describe What happened to the American economy
    at the end of the war?
  • Recall What was another name for the
    Servicemans Readjustment Act and what was its
  • Predict How do you think women who had been
    employed in good paying jobs during the war might
    have felt about the governments request that
    they give up their jobs?

Postwar America- answers
  • Describe it remained strong inflation rose.
  • Recall G.I. Bill of Rights to ease the
    transition for returning veterans.
  • Predict Glad they could return home, happy that
    men were returning distressed by the loss of
    independence, resentful of the governments

Postwar America
  • Recall How did President Truman end the 1946
    mine and railroad strikes?
  • Summarize How did Truman advance the civil
    rights movement?
  • Develop Why do you think the president decided
    to issue an executive order to end segregation in
    the armed forces?

Postwar America- answers
  • Recall Placed mines under government control
    threatened to draft railroad workers into the
  • Summarize Ended segregation in the military
    banned discrimination in the hiring of federal
  • Develop May not have had enough congressional
    support to have law passed order was quicker
    than trying to have a law passed.

Postwar America
  • Summarize What was the Fair Deal?
  • Evaluate Why do you think Truman used the term
    Fair Deal for his domestic policy?

Postwar America- answers
  • Summarize Higher minimum wage national health
    plan expanded Social Security, etc
  • Evaluate Wanted to associate himself with
    reforms of Theodore Roosevelts Square Deal and
    FDRs New Deal.
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