Epidemiology I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Epidemiology I


Epidemiology I Definition of Epidemiology Study of the distribution and determinants of diseases and injuries in human populations Concerned with frequencies and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Epidemiology I

Epidemiology I
What is epidemiology? What common measures are
used in the field of epidemiology? What are the
subject areas studied by epidemiologists? How
has epidemiology evolved over time? What is the
current focus of epidemiology? What are the
health challenges of modern medicine (and focus
of epidemiology)?
Definition of Epidemiology
  • Study of the distribution and determinants of
    diseases and injuries in human populations
  • Concerned with frequencies and types of injuries
    and illness in groups of people
  • Focus is not on the individual
  • Concerned with factors that influence the
    distribution of illness and injuries

  • Relatively new science emerged in 19th century
  • In strictest terms study of epidemics
  • Today
  • Concerned with epidemic disease and all other
    forms of illness and bodily injury
  • Cancer, heart disease
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction
  • Suicide
  • Automobile accidents
  • Concerned with HC delivery processes
  • Health services research or healthcare

Relationship Between Clinical Medicine and
  • Focus in medicine is the individual patient
  • Community replaces the individual patient in

Fundamental Assumptions in Epidemiology
  • Disease doesnt occur at random
  • Disease has causal and preventive factors
  • Disease is not randomly distributed throughout a
  • Epidemiology uses systematic approach to study
    the differences in disease distribution in
  • Allows for study of causal and preventive factors

Components of Epidemiology
  • Measure of disease frequency
  • Quantification of existence or occurrence of
  • Distribution of disease - three questions
  • Who is getting disease?
  • Where is disease occurring?
  • When is disease occurring?
  • Formulation of hypotheses concerning causal and
    preventive factors
  • Determinants of disease
  • Hypothesis are tested using epidemiologic studies

Progression of Epidemiologic Reasoning
  • 1. Suspicion that a factor may influence
    occurrence of disease
  • Observations in clinical practice
  • Are HC providers seeing unexpected illness
    patterns in their patients?
  • Examination of disease patterns
  • Do subpopulations have higher or lower rates?
  • Are disease rates increased in the presence of
    certain factors?
  • Observations in laboratory research
  • Theoretical speculation
  • What theories can be generated from existing
    knowledge of disease prevention and causation

Progression of Epidemiologic Reasoning (Cont.)
  • 2. Formulation of specific hypotheses
  • Based on suspicions concerning influence of a
    particular factor on disease occurrence
  • 3. Conduct study
  • Hypotheses are tested to determine if statistical
    associations between factors and disease
    occurrence exist
  • Study population is assembled from individuals
    with disease or outcome of interest and an
    appropriate comparison group
  • Data is collected and analyzed

Progression of Epidemiologic Reasoning (Cont.)
  • 4. Assess validity of association
  • Does the observed association really exist?
  • Is the association valid?
  • Are there alternative explanations for the
  • Chance
  • Bias
  • Confounding

Progression of Epidemiologic Reasoning (Cont.)
  • 5. Make a judgement of whether a cause-effect
    relation between factor (exposure) exists
  • What is the magnitude of the association?
  • Are the findings consistent with previous studies
    (or conflicting)?
  • Are the findings biologically credible?
  • Can underlying biological mechanisms that support
    the association be identified?

Historical Perspective
  • Hippocrates - 5th century
  • Association between external environment and
    personal characteristics and health

Whoever wishes to investigate medicine properly
should proceed thus in the first place consider
the seasons of the year, and what effects each of
them produces. Then the winds, the hot and the
cold, especially such are as common to all
countries, and then such as are peculiar to each
locality. In the same manner, when one comes
into a city to which he is a stranger, he should
consider its situation, how it lies as to the
winds and the rising of the sun for it influence
is not the same whether it lies to the north or
the south, to the rising or to the setting sun.
One should consider most attentively the waters
which the inhabitants use, whether they be marshy
and soft, or hard and running form elevated and
rocky situations, and then if saltish and unfit
for cooking and the ground, whether it be naked
and deficient in water, or wooded and well
watered, and whether it lies in a hallow,
confined situation, or is elevated and cold and
the mode in which the inhabitants live, and what
are their pursuits, whether they are fond of
drinking and eating to excess, and given to
indolence, or are fond of exercise and labor.
(Hippocrates, On airs, waters and places
Medical Classics 319, 1938).
Historical Perspective
  • John Graunt 1662 (Hennekins and Buring 1987)
  • The Nature and Political Observations Made Upon
    the Bills of Mortality
  • Systematic statistical approach
  • Analyzed births and deaths in London
  • Excess of males born, higher mortality for males
  • Infant mortality is very high
  • Seasonal variation for mortality
  • Importance of routinely collected information for
    study of human illness
  • William Farr - 1839
  • Examined mortality and occupation and marital
  • Identified important issues in epidemiological
  • Use of comparison population, influence of
    multiple factors on disease

Historical Perspective
  • John Snow (1854) Father of modern epidemiology
  • Established modern epidemiologic methods
  • Cholera epidemic in London
  • Plotted geographical location of all cases
    deaths from cholera

From The Visual Display of Quantitative Data,
Edward R. Tufte
John Snow (cont)
  • Went door to door, collecting information on
    daily habits
  • Suspected water supply as source of epidemic
  • Broad street pump closed, epidemic stopped
  • Mode of investigation shoe leather
  • Practical application of epidemiology use
    epidemiological investigation to impact a health

How the Epidemiologist Works
  • Studies origin and distribution of a health
  • Collection of data
  • Constructs a logical chain of inferences to
    explain the various factors in a society or
    segment of society that cause a health problem to
  • Likened to a detective investigating the scene of
    a crime looking for clues
  • Starts with examination of sick person(s)
  • Extends investigation to the setting where
    illness is occurring
  • Looks for common denominator that links all the
    affected so that the cause of the problem can be
    eliminated or controlled

Epidemiologic Analyses Areas of Study
  • Causal agents related to disease
  • Biological agents bacteria, viruses, insects
  • Nutritional agents diet (fats, carbohydrates,
    food nutrients)
  • Chemical agents gases, toxic agents
  • Physical agents climate, vegetation, chemical
    pollutants (air, water, food)
  • Social agents occupation, stress, social class,
    lifestyle, location of residence

Epidemiologist studies
  • Host characteristics
  • Biological factors
  • Age, sex, degree of immunity, other physical
    attributes that promote resistance or
  • Behavioral factors
  • Habits, culture, lifestyle
  • Social environment
  • Living conditions such as poverty, crowding
  • Norms, values and attitudes
  • Socially prescribed standards of living
  • Use of food and water, food handling practices
  • Household and personal hygiene

Eras of Epidemiology
  1. Sanitary era early 19th century
  2. Infectious disease era between late 19th
    century and early 20th century
  3. Chronic disease era 2nd half of 20th century
  4. Eco-epidemiology era 21st century

  • Episode of disorder, illness, or injury affecting
    an individual
  • Case of measles
  • Cancer case
  • TB case
  • Food poisoning event
  • Various sources provide case information
  • Interviews or surveys
  • Medical providers
  • Institutions or agencies

  • Measure of new cases of disease (or other events
    of interest) that develop in a population during
    a specified period of time
  • E.g. Annual incidence, five-year incidence
  • Measure of the probability that unaffected
    persons will develop the disease
  • Used when examining an outbreak of a health

  • Number of existing cases of disease or other
  • Proportion of individuals in a population with
    disease or condition at a specific point of time
  • Diabetes prevalence, smoking prevalence
  • Provides estimate of the probability or risk that
    one will be affected at a point in time
  • Provides an idea of how severe a problem may be
    measures overall extent
  • Useful for planning health services (facilities,

Epidemic, Endemic and Pandemic
  • Epidemic
  • Any significant increase in the number of persons
    affected by a disease
  • The first occurrence of a new disease
  • Endemic
  • A disease that is established within a population
    that remain at a fairly stable prevalence
  • Pandemic
  • Widespread, universal disease penetration over a
    wide geographic area

More Terms
  • Morbidity illnesses, symptoms, impairments
  • Mortality - deaths
  • Acute disease diseases that strike and
    disappear quickly, within a month or so (chicken
    pox, colds)
  • Chronic disease long term or lifelong diseases,

More Terms
  • Birth cohort
  • Persons born in a given year
  • Life expectancy (LE)
  • Average number of years of life remaining to a
    person at a particular age
  • Based on mortality rates and personal
    characteristics (e.g. gender, race)
  • Years of potential life lost (YPLL)
  • Measure of premature mortality
  • Death before age 75

Epidemiologic Measures
  • Used to compare two quantities
  • 11.1 ratio of female to male births
  • Used to show quantity of disease in a population
  • cases
  • population

  • A specific type of ratio in which the numerator
    is included in the denominator, usually presented
    as a percentage

Calculation of proportion
Males undergoing bypass surgery at Hospital
A Total patients undergoing bypass surgery at
Hospital A

352 males undergoing bypass surgery 539 total
patients undergoing bypass surgery

  • Special form of proportion that includes a
    specification of time
  • Most commonly used in epidemiology because it
    most clearly expresses probability or risk of
    disease or other events in a defined population
    over a specified period of time
  • 3 major types
  • Crude rates
  • Specific rates (age-specific, infant mortality)
  • Adjusted rates

Crude rates
  • Unadjusted, simple ratios
  • cases in defined period of time
  • x K
  • population in defined period of time
  • (k denotes units 100s, 1,000, etc.)
  • Crude mortality rate
  • Total deaths in 2000
  • x 1,000 U.S. death rate
  • Estimated U.S. pop in 2000

Calculation of rates
Number of events in a specified time
period Population at risk of these events in a
specified time period
X k
k is used to denote the units of population such
as per 1,000 or per 100,000

9,981 deaths in Detroit in 2000 951,270 total
population in Detroit 2000
10.49 per 1,000 1049 per 100,000
Specific Rates
  • Capture effects of specific variables or social
  • Age-specific, gender-specific, gender and
  • Example infant mortality deaths within the
    1st year of life
  • Total of deaths in 2010 among
  • persons age less than 1 year
  • x 1,000 2010 infant
  • Number of live births during 2010
    mortality rate

Adjusted or Standardized Rates
  • Allow for comparison of populations with
    different characteristics
  • Statistically constructed summary rates allow for
    appropriate comparisons by taking into account
    differences in populations (age, gender, etc.)
  • Example of use Population in Arizona is much
    older than population in Alaska, so it would be
    inappropriate to compare mortality rates.
    Standardization allows for meaningful comparisons.

Calculating prevalence
Number of existing cases of disease P

at a given point in time
Total population at risk
2176 DNW pts with asthma encounter
.07 31005
DNW pts 7 asthmatics per 100 pts 7
Types of Prevalence
  • Point prevalence number of cases that exist at
    a given point in time
  • Lifetime prevalence proportion of the
    population that has a history of a given disorder
    at some point in time
  • Period prevalence number of cases that exist in
    a population during a specified period of time

Cumulative Incidence
  • The proportion of individuals who become diseased
    during a specified time period.
  • Time period can be a calendar year, 6 months, 3
    years, 5 years, etc.

Formula for cumulative incidence
Number of new cases of disease during a
given time period CI
Total population at risk
70 new cases of breast cancer in a
5 year period CI 3,000
women 0.023 23 cases per 1,000 women
during 5 years
Incidence Rate
  • Also known as incidence density
  • Measure of incidence that is able to handle
    varying observation periods
  • Denominator is sum of person-time at risk

Formula for incidence rate or incidence density
Number of new cases of disease during a
given time period ID
Total person-time at risk
70 new cases of breast
cancer ID 13,000
women-years of observation 0.0054 5.4
cases / 1,000 women years
Relationship Between Incidence and Prevalence
  • Prevalence varies directly with both incidence
    and duration.
  • If incidence is low, but duration is long
    (chronic), prevalence will be large in relation
    to incidence.
  • If prevalence is low because of short duration
    (due to recovery, migration or death), prevalence
    will be small in relation to incidence.

Special Types of Incidence Rates
  • Morbidity rate - number of nonfatal cases in the
    population at risk during a specified period of
  • Mortality rate - number of deaths in a population
    at risk during a specified period of time
  • Cause-specific mortality - death from a specific
  • Case fatality rate - number of deaths from a
    disease divided by all case of the disease
  • Attack rate - cumulative incidence expressing the
    risk of disease among a population observed for a
    specified period of time

Special types of incidence and prevalence measures
Rate Type Numerator Denominator
Morbidity rate Incidence New cases of nonfatal disease Total population at risk
Mortality rate Incidence Number of deaths from a disease or all causes Total population
Case-fatality rate Incidence Number of deaths from a disease Number of cases of that disease
Attack rate Incidence Number of cases of a disease Total population at risk, for a limited period of observation
Disease rate at autopsy Prevalence Number of cases of a disease Number of persons autopsied
Birth defect rate Prevalence Number of babies with a given abnormality Number of live births
Measures of Association
  • Calculations used to measure disease frequency
    relative to other factors
  • Indications of how more or less likely one is to
    develop disease as compared to another

Two by Two Tables
Used to summarize frequencies of disease and
exposure and used for calculation of association.
a b
c d
a c
b d
a b c d
Two by Two Tables Contents of Cells
  • a number of individuals who are exposed and
    have the disease
  • b number who are exposed and do not have the
  • c number who are not exposed and have the
  • d number who are both non-exposed and

  • a b the total number of individuals exposed
  • c d the total number of unexposed
  • a c the total number with the disease
  • b d the total number without the disease
  • a b c d sum of all four cells and the
    total sample size for the study

Relative Risk
  • Measure of association between incidence of
    disease and factor being investigated
  • Ratio of incidence rate for persons exposed to
    incidence rate for those not exposed
  • Incidence rate among exposed
  • RR
  • Incidence rate among unexposed
  • Estimate of magnitude of association between
    exposure and disease

Formula for relative risk
Incidence rate among exposed RR
Incidence rate among unexposed
  • a / (a b)
  • RR
  • c / (c d)
  • Risk ratio
  • If RR calculated from cumulative incidence
  • Rate ratio
  • If RR calculated from incidence rate (person
    units of time)

  • Breast No Breast
  • Cancer Cancer
  • Alcohol 70 2,930
  • No alcohol 50 2,950
  • RR using Cumulative Incidence (CI)
  • a/(a b) 70 / 3,000
  • c/(c d) 50 / 3,000


Interpretation of Relative Risk
  • 1 No association between exposure and disease
  • Incidence rates are identical between groups
  • gt 1 Positive association
  • lt 1 Negative association or protective effect
  • Example .5 half as likely to experience

Odds Ratio
  • Breast No Breast
  • Cancer Cancer
  • Alcohol 70 100
  • No alcohol 50 140
  • a x d (70) (140)
  • b x c (50) (100)
  • Used for case control studies because persons
    are selected based on disease status so you cant
    calculate risk of getting disease


Difference Measures
  • Attributable risk
  • of cases among the exposed that could be
    eliminated if the exposure were removed
  • Incidence in exposed - Incidence in unexposed
  • Population attributable risk percent
  • Proportion of disease in the study population
    that could be eliminated if exposure were removed
  • Incidence in total population - Incidence in
  • incidence in total population

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