Vertigo - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vertigo from a neurologist s point of view Tung-Hua Chiang M.D. Department of Neurology Cheng-Ching General Hospital Dizziness and other sensations of imbalance ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Vertigo

Vertigo from a neurologists point of view
  • Tung-Hua Chiang M.D.
  • Department of Neurology
  • Cheng-Ching General Hospital

  • Dizziness and other sensations of imbalance are,
    along with headache, back pain, the most frequent
    complaints among medical outpatients (Kroenke and
  • For the most part they are benign, but always
    there is the possibility that they signal the
    presence of an important neurologic disorder.

  • Diagnosis of the underlying disease demands that
    the complaint of dizziness be analyzed correctly
    - the nature of the disturbance of function being
    determined first, and then its anatomic

Vertigo should be correctly defined
  • Dizziness a feeling of rotation or whirling
    as well as nonrotatory swaying, weakness,
    faintness, light-headedness, or unsteadiness.
  • Vertigo subjective and objective illusions of

Mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of a
balanced posture
  • Continuous afferent impulses from the eyes,
    labyrinths, muscles, and joints
  • The adaptive movements necessary to maintain
    equilibrium are carried out - at a reflex level.

Afferent impulses (1)
  • Visual impulses from the retinas and possibly
    proprioceptive impulses from the ocular muscles.

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Afferent impulses (2)
  • Impulses from the labyrinths, the three
    semicircular canals sense angular acceleration of
    the head, and the saccular and utricular maculae
    sense linear acceleration and gravity
  • Vestibulo-ocular reflex - stabilizes the eyes
  • Vestibulo-spinal reflex - stabilizes the position
    of the head and body

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Afferent impulses (3)
  • Impulses from the proprioceptors of the joints
    and muscles, which are essential to all reflex,
    postural, and volitional movements.

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  • All connected with cerebellum and certain
    ganglionic centers and pathways in the brainstem,
    particularly the vestibular nuclei, and, via the
    medial longitudinal fasciculi, with the red and
    ocular motor nuclei.
  • Any disease that disrupts these neural mechanisms
    may give rise to vertigo

  • Cerebral cortical lesion
  • vertigo may constitute the aura of an epileptic
  • electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex
    (posterolateral aspects of the temporal lobe,
    inferior parietal lobule, adjacent to the sylvian
    fissure) may evoke intense vertigo

  • Vertiginous epilepsy vs Vestibulogenic seizures
  • Vestibulogenic seizures an excessive vestibular
    discharge serves as the stimulus for a seizure -
    a rare form of reflex epilepsy

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  • Ocular motor disorders
  • abrupt onset of ophthalmoplegia with diplopia - a
    source of spatial disorientation and brief
    sensations of vertigo (maximal when looks in
    the direction of action of the paralyzed muscle
    receipt of two conflicting visual images)

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  • Cerebellum
  • depend on which part of this structure is
  • large, destructive processes in the cerebellar
    hemispheres and vermis may cause no vertigo
  • lesions involving the territory of the medial
    branch of the PICA may cause intense vertigo,
    indistinguishable from that due to labyrinthine

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  • Infarction extended to the midline and involved
    the flocculonodular lobe falling toward the
    side of the lesion nystagmus was present on gaze
    to each side but was more prominent on gaze to
    the side of the infarct

  • Labyrinthine disease
  • unidirectional nystagmus to the side opposite the
    impaired labyrinth and swaying or falling toward
    the involved side, direction of the nystagmus is
    opposite to that of the falling and past pointing

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  • Cervical vertigo
  • Biemond and DeJong
  • originating in the upper cervical roots and the
    muscles and ligaments that they innervate
  • Spasm of the cervical muscles, trauma to the
    neck, and irritation of the upper cervical
    sensory roots are said to produce asymmetrical
    spinovestibular stimulation and thus to evoke
    nystagmus and prolonged vertigo, and

  • Downbeat nystagmus, vertigo and postural
    instability have been observed with paramedian
    lesions at the craniocervical junction.
  • Upbeat nystagmus with oscillopsia and vertigo has
    been traced to two separate brainstem lesions
    one in the perihypoglossal nuclei and the other
    in the pontomesencephalic tegmentum (Brandt)

  • Cervical vertigo has also been attributed to VBI
  • Occasionally, vertigo lasting a few minutes
    occurs as a prelude to a basilar migraine
    headache (Grad and Baloh).

Meniere disease
  • Recurrent attacks of vertigo associated with
    fluctuating tinnitus and deafness.
  • Meniere disease affects the sexes about equally
    and has its onset most frequently in the fifth
    decade of life, although it may begin earlier or
  • Usually sporadic, but rare hereditary forms, both
    AD AR

  • The main pathologic change increase in the
    volume of endolymph and distention of the
    endolymphatic system (endolymphatic hydrops)
  • Paroxysmal attacks of vertigo ruptures of the
    membranous labyrinth and a dumping of
    potassium-containing endolymph into the
    perilymph, which has a paralyzing effect on
    vestibular nerve fibers and leads to degeneration
    of the delicate cochlear hair cells

  • A small proportion of patients with Meniere
    disease experience sudden, violent falling
    attacks "otolithic catastrophe of Tumarkin,"
    deformation of the otolithic membrane of the
    utricle and saccule. Consciousness is not lost
  • An initial attack must be distinguished from
    other types of drop attacks, occurrence of more
    typical vertiginous attacks with deafness and
    tinnitus, clarify the diagnosis.

  • The hearing loss in Meniere disease usually
    precedes the first attack of vertigo
  • There is frequently a decrement in hearing with
    each attack hearing may improve after a few
    hours, but later the loss becomes irreversible
  • Early low tones Later high tones

  • The attacks of vertigo usually cease when the
    hearing loss is complete.
  • Sensorineural type of deafness

  • During an acute attack of Meniere disease, rest
    in bed is the most effective treatment
  • Destruction of the labyrinth should be considered
    only in patients with strictly unilateral disease
    and complete or nearly complete loss of hearing.

  • Bilateral disease or significant retention of
    hearing, the vestibular portion of the eighth
    nerve can be sectioned or decompressed (by
    separating the nerve from an aberrant vessel).
  • Endolymphatic-subarachnoid shunt is the operation
    favored by some surgeons

Vestibular Neuronitis (Neuropathy)
  • Originally by Dix and Hallpike
  • Disturbance of vestibular function, paroxysmal
    and usually single attack of vertigo and absence
    of tinnitus and deafness.

  • Mainly in young to middle-aged adults, equal sex.
  • Antecedent URI
  • Examination discloses vestibular paresis on one
  • Nystagmus (quick component) and sense of body
    motion are to the opposite side, whereas falling
    and past pointing are to the side of the lesion.
  • Auditory function is normal.

  • A benign disorder.
  • The severe vertigo subside in several days, but
    lesser degrees of these symptoms, made worse by
    rapid movements of the head, may persist for
    several weeks.
  • In some patients there has been a recurrence
    months or years later.

  • Primarily affected the superior part of the
    vestibular nerve trunk, which was observed to
    show degenerative changes
  • The cause is uncertain, may be a viral infection,
    many neurologists prefer the term vestibular

Other Paroxysmal Vertigo
  • A single abrupt attack of severe vertigo, nausea,
    and vomiting without tinnitus or hearing loss,
    with permanent ablation of labyrinthine function
    on one side -gt suggested occlusion of the
    labyrinthine division of the internal auditory
    artery Labyrinthine hemorrhage has been
    demonstrated by MRI in some of these patients.

  • In childhood good health, sudden onset of
    brief vertigo, pallor, sweating, and immobility,
    and occasionally vomiting and nystagmus.
  • Recurrent but tend to cease spontaneously after a
    period of several months or years
  • Impairment or loss of vestibular function,
    bilateral or unilateral, frequently persisting
    after the attacks have ceased. Cochlear function
    is unimpaired.
  • Unknown pathologic basis

  • Young adults in which a nonsyphilitic
    interstitial keratitis is associated with
    vertigo, tinnitus, nystagmus, and rapidly
    progressive deafness.
  • The prognosis for vision is good, but the
    deafness and loss of vestibular function are
    usually permanent.
  • Unknown cause and pathogenesis
  • Half of the patients later develop aortic
    insufficiency or a systemic vasculitis that
    resembles polyarteritis nodosa.

  • There are many other causes of aural vertigo,
    such as purulent labyrinthitis complicating
    meningitis, serous labyrinthitis due to infection
    of the middle ear, "toxic labyrinthitis" due to
    intoxication with alcohol, quinine, or
    salicylates, motion sickness, and hemorrhage into
    the inner ear.

  • Head trauma, cerebral concussion or whiplash
    injury, vertigo due to loosening or dislodgement
    of the otoconia in the otoliths.

  • Thanks!
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