Title: Essential Question: Levers
1Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 1- part 1Levers Introduction to
- How can a lever make work easier?
- How could you lift your teacher in the air?
- Could you do it with one hand?
- Can you lift the load using only one finger?
- Does it always take the same amount of force to
lift the load? - Where should you press to lift the load with the
least force?
4(No Transcript)
5Word Bank
- Lever
- Lever Arm
- Fulcrum
- Load
- Effort
- Newton
6(No Transcript)
- A lever can make a load easier to lift, it can
move loads, and it reduces the effort. - In a lever system the farther from the fulcrum
the effort is applied, the greater the advantage
to the lever user. - Student questions?
8Simple Machines
- Identify 5 or more simple machines that we use
every day. - For each simple machine listed above, tell why
people use the tool? - Archimedes, the Greek mathematician and
scientists idea of moving the earth, is similar
to how you could lift your teacher. Explain.
9Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 1- part 2Levers Lever Experiment A
- What happens to the effort needed to lift a load
as the position where the effort is applied
10Class Data
- Position of Effort (scale 0.5 N)
- Effort (cm)
- 2.5 cm 9.4 N 9.9 N
- 5.0 cm 4.5 N 5.0 N
- 10.0 cm
- 15.0 cm
- 20.0 cm
- 25.0 cm
11Word Bank
- Two-coordinate graph
- Advantage
- The farther the effort is from the fulcrum, the
easier it is to lift the load. - Student questions?
13Class-1 Levers
- What is a mechanical advantage?
- What advantage rule can we state about a class-1
lever? - What is the cost of making the work easier?
- Get a tool from the teacher and draw a diagram of
it. Identify and label on your drawing the
location of the load, effort, and fulcrum.
Notice the distance of the load to the fulcrum.
14Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 1- part 3Levers Lever Experiment B
- What happens to the effort needed to lift a load
as the position of the load changes?
- The effort needed to lift the load decreases as
the load gets closer to the fulcrum the effort
increases as the load gets farther from the
fulcrum. - Student questions?
16Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 2- part 1More Leverage Lever
- How many ways can you arrange the fulcrum, load,
and effort in a lever system?
17Word Bank
- Class-1 lever
- Class-2 lever
- Class-3 lever
- Levers can be set up in three basic ways. They
are called class 1, class 2, and class 3. - Student questions?
19The Wheel and Axle
- When you use a wrench to tighten a bolt, are you
looking for a gain in effort or distance? - When you use a windlass to raise a bucket from a
well, what is the gain? - How do you think the key to a music box works, in
terms of a wheel and axle? - How do you think the front wheel and the rear
wheel of a bicycle are different? Which one is
the wheel and axle? Explain how a bicycle works.
20Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 2- part 2More Leverage Lever
- What conventions can be used so we can
communicate in the same language and have an
efficient way to record the lever systems we
21Word Bank
- A diagram uses a system of symbols and
conventions to communicate information about
lever designs. - Student questions?
23 Class-2 Levers
- What is the mechanical advantage of the class-2
lever? - What advantage rule can we state about a class-2
lever? - What is the load in a bellows?
- How is the bellows like a nutcracker and garlic
24Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 2- part 3More Leverage Real-World
- What classes of levers can we find in the real
- Many common tools use levers scissors, pliers,
bottle openers, hammers, wheelbarrows, and
brooms, to name a few. - Effort is reduced as the load moves closer to the
fulcrum. - Student questions?
26Class-3 Levers
- What is the mechanical advantage of a class-3
lever? - What advantage rule can we state about a class-3
lever? - Explain why the catapult is a class-2 lever when
it is being loaded and a class-3 lever when it is
hurling a rock.
27Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 2- part 4More Leverage Lever
- What other levers do we find around us?
28The Inclined Plane
- What is the advantage of an inclined plane?
- What is the disadvantage?
- What simple machine is used to make a wheelchair
ramp? - How can a plank be used as an inclined plane?
- Are there inclined planes in our school?
- Which trail would be the easiest to hike to get
to the top of the hill? - What is the disadvantage if you take the easiest
29Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 3- part 1Pulleys 1-Pulley Systems
- How much effort is needed to lift a load in a
one-pulley system? - Is it always the same?
30Word Bank
- Pulley
- Fixed pulley
- Movable pulley
- Mechanical advantage
- Directional advantage
- A single pulley can be set up as a fixed pulley
or a movable pulley to lift a load. - Single fixed pulleys change the direction of
effort. Single movable pulleys reduce the effort
needed to lift the load. - Student questions?
- What is a compound pulley?
- What is a block and tackle?
33Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 3- part 2Pulleys 2-Pulley Systems
- How many ways can two pulleys be assembled?
- Can two pulleys give more advantage than one
34Word Bank
- Two pulleys can provide greater mechanical
advantage than one when lifting loads. - Simple machines provide mechanical or other
advantage. - Student questions?
36Dear Boss
- Does the poem explain how pulleys really work?
- What kind of pulley system did the bricklayer
use? - Relate to poem-do you know?
- What country? Bloody? Sod? Hod?
- Why is this poem humorous????
37Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 3- part 3Pulleys Pulley Game
- How many pulley systems can you set up?
38The Wedge
- How do they keep the airplane from moving?
- How is a wedge related to an inclined plane?
- What are some of the wedges you have seen in use?
- How does the slope of a wedges planes affect the
sharpness of a blade?
39Explain how these items use the wedge!
- Nail
- Pin
- Needle
- Chisel
- Ax blade
- Saw blade
- Knife blade
- Scissors blade
- Bow of a ship
- Nose of an airplane
- Woodpeckers bill
40Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 4- part 1Pulleys at Works The
Effort in Pulley Systems
- How can we predict the effort needed to lift the
load in a pulley system?
- The greater the number of ropes supporting the
load, the less the effort needed to lift the
load. - The effort needed to lift a load can be predicted
from the weight of the load and the number of
ropes supporting the load. - Student questions?
42The Work of Pulleys
- Where do you find pulleys in the real world?
- How does a chain hoist work?
- What modern-day machine has replaced pulleys?
43Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 4- part 2Pulleys at Works
Measuring Distance
- What is the relationship between the mechanical
advantage and the distance the load and the
effort move in a pulley system?
- The benefits gained by using simple machines are
always balanced by cost. When the benefits
outweigh the costs, the machine is a useful tool. - In a lever system, a reduction in effort is
balanced by the distance over which the effort
must act. - Student questions?
45The Screw
- How is a screw a variation of an inclined plane?
- What tool is used to turn the screw into the
wood? - What kind of simple machine is the screwdriver?
46Essential Question Levers Pulleys
Investigation 4- part 3Pulleys at Works
Choosing your own Investigation
- What other lever and pulley systems can you
47Thank you, Mr. Clumpet
- Are there any levers? What types of levers are
they? - Are there any pulleys? What types of pulleys are
they? - Are there any wheel and axles?
- Are there any inclined planes? What types or
variations of inclined planes are they?