Choices in Karma yOga - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Choices in Karma yOga


Choices in Karma yOga Karma yOga is prescribed by Sri Krshna in Gita as a must for all. Let us practice it What is karma yOga ? Svadharma gnAna vairAgya sAdhya bhakti ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Choices in Karma yOga

Choices in Karma yOga
  • Karma yOga is prescribed by Sri Krshna in Gita as
    a must for all. Let us practice it
  • What is karma yOga ?
  • Svadharma gnAna vairAgya sAdhya bhakti Eka
    gOcara narAyaNa param brahma gItA sAstrE
    samIrita (yAmuna)
  • The essence of Gita is Practice of ones
    prescribed karma yOga with detachment, realising
    the atmans essential nature leads us to bhakti
    NarAyaNa the supreme is attained only through
    that bhakti.
  • The ladder is 1. Realise that Atma is different
    from the body and eternal, it is subservient and
    dependent on paramAtma . 2. With this, practice
    once prescribed varna asrama dharma with a.
    kartrtva buddhi tyAga b. mamatA tyAga and c.
    phala tyAga. 3. We reach Atma sakshAtkAra
    (complete realisation and vision of the atman) 4.
    Then practice bhakti yOga (without giving up
    karma yOga) 5. When all our prArabdha karmas are
    destroyed (may take many births) we attain

The indispensable karma yOga
  • Krshna is the counsel for karma yOga who preached
    that it is must to all even to a gnAna yOgi and
    bhakti yOgi . Why ?
  • Purpose of karma yOga
  • 1. For a gnAna of bhakti yOgi, he has to sustain
    his body first to practice anything he has to
    eat and sleep for which he has to earn, cook and
    do many more and all these are part of karma
  • 2. While we are progressing in the path of
    bhakti, we also need to remove our anAdi kAla
    pApa (which are obstacles). This auxiliary job is
    done by karma yOga. Without this we cannot
    succeed in bhakti yOga.
  • (compared with gnAna yOga, karma yOga merits in
    the following aspects 1. It is simpler 2. We are
    used to it from birth 3. Probability of failure
    is lesser 4. In succeeding births, one can
    continue from where we left in the previous

Quotes from gItA
  • karmaNaiva hi samsiddhim AstithA janakAdaya
  • Niyatam kuru karma tvam karma jyAyO hi akarmaNa
  • karmaNyEva adhikAra tE mA phalEshu kadAcana mA
    karma phala hEtu bhU mA tE sanga astu akarmaNi
  • Imam vivasvatE yOgam proktavAn aham avyayam
    vivasvAn manavE prAha manu ikshvAkavE abravIt.
  • So we conclude that karma yOga (and detachment)
    is indispensable to all.

Who should practice - ALL
  • To facilitate everyone to attain mOksham Sri
    Krshna categorised them into four varNas based on
    their quality and occupation cAtur varNyam mayA
  • Then He prescribed specific daily duties for each
    of them. Whatever be the level of ones
    awakening, these are mandatory. It is a myth to
    conclude that it is needless for gnAnis to
    perform karma. This includes pitr karmas.
  • Analogy A goods carrier vehicles primary
    purpose is to carry goods.(bhakti is the vehicle
    to moksha) When snow obstructs a snow mover
    showel is attached to remove (karma yOga removes
    the prArabdha karma which obstructs progress)

Routine and special
  • Routine sadhyAvandana, panca mahA yagna, pitr
    karma etc. Krshna lists some special performances
    from which we can choose and practice any (4th
    chapter verse 25 30)
  • daivamEvAparE yagnam yOgina paryupAsatE
    brahmAgnou aparE yagnam yagnEnaiva upajuhvati.
  • 1. Some karma yogis focus on deva pooja as their
  • 2. Some are interested in offering sacrificial
    materials to Brahmam (in the form of fire)
    through the tools of yajna.
  • Is about deva pooja with 3 faculties body
    speech and mind. Yagna yaja deva pUjAyAm .
    Agnou tishthati viprANAm hrdi tishthati yOginAm
    pratimAsu aprabuddhAnAm sarvatra samadarsinAm.
    Deity worship is the simplest method.

Methods in Karma Yoga..contd
  • srOtrAdIn IndriyANyanyE samyamAgnishu juhvati
  • sabdAdIn vishayAnanye indriyAgnishu juhvati (26)
  • 3. Some oblate their sensual organs like ears and
    eyes to the fire of sensual control.
  • 4. Some oblate the objects of pleasure like sound
    and taste to the Fire of five senses.
  • Sensual control acts as a Fire in destroying the
    ill effects of senses. (asamsayam mahAbAhO,
    garudAs plight)
  • Distance the objects of pleasure (condemned by
    the sastras) from the senses. This reduces the
    risk. Redirect the senses towards the divine form
    of Bhagavan.
  • sarvANIndriyakarmANi prANakarmANi cAparE
  • Atmasamyama yOgAgnou juhvati jnAnadIpitE (27)
  • The earlier sloka was about control of 10
    senses. Now it is the control of the 11th- Manas
  • 5. Some offer all the activities of sensual
    organs and prAna vayu, in the pyre of CONTROL OF
    MANAS which is the means to Yoga, lit by the lamp
    of WISDOM.
  • Meditating on the supremacy of the atman compared
    with body, detaches our mind from material
    pleasures and refixes on the atman. Manas
    discards material pleasures, exhaling and
    inhaling as mundane. indriyEbhya parA hi arthA
    arthEbhyasca param mana. The lamp atma gnAna
    ignites the fire indriya jayam which destroys
    material pleasure.

Methods in Karma Yoga..contd
  • Dedicated karma yOgis.
  • dravyayajnA tapOyajnA yOgayajnA tathAparE
  • svAdhyAya jnAnayajnAsca yataya samshitavratA
  • 6. Perform Devarchana, Yaga, Homa and Dana with
    wealth earned in the right way.
  • 7. Some perform penance by subjecting pain their
    body (kAyaklEsam, fasting )
  • 8. Some perform yajna in the form of pilgrimage
    to Holy Shrines and rivers.
  • 9. Some perform the yajna chanting Vedas
  • 10. Some enjoy their esoteric meanings.
  • These are simple practices possible to all and
    in vogue too. Earning for Devarchana is also a
    Yajna- if it does not violate sAstra.

Methods in Karma Yoga..contd
  • Practice of prAnAyAma
  • apAnE juhvati prANam prANE apAnam tathAparE
  • prANApAnagatI ruddhvA praNAyAmaparAyaNA (29)
  • aparE niyatAhArA prANAn prANEshu juhvati (30)
  • 11. Some who are inclined to pranayama, control
    food habits, synchronise apana vayu with prana
    vayu- Puraka (deep inhaling)
  • 12. Some, synchronise Prana vayu with apana-
    Rechaka (exhaling)
  • 13. Some control the pranavayu from going upwards
    and apana downwards, and synchronise all their
    pranas in them- Kumbhaka. (holding the breath)
  • Inhaling air through your nostrils is Puraka,
    holding it inside is kumbhaka and releasing it
    out is rechaka. All the three must be in equal
  • Puraka- Offers Pranavayu as sacrificial material
    to Fire in the form of apana. By nature, prana
    vayu moves upwards. This is controlled and sent
    downwards from its seat, Hrdaya. It becomes one
    with apana in Guda.
  • Rechaka- The reverse happens.
  • Kumbhaka- Control both, and offer all 5 pranas to
    them. The lesser the frequency of respiration,
    better the health.
  • Out of these 13 choices, one can choose any one
    or more and follow regularly for purity of mind
    and removal of papams. The awakening that all
    these are done as service to bhagavan is vital.
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