Lutheran Church - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lutheran Church


To Become a Pastor They must go through ... in a Lutheran congregation and thus signify your desire to ... insult but adopted as a badge of honor by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lutheran Church

Lutheran Church
Martin Luther
  • David Peterson
  • Ray Starin

Topics of Discussion
  • Martin Luthers Protestant Reformation.
  • Worship Practices
  • Procedure of Service
  • When Worship is Practiced

Martin Luthers Protestant Reformation
  • Martin Luther lived from 1483-1546
  • Luther developed his own personal theology, which
    erupted into outright blasphemy when he protested
    the use of indulgences in his 95 Theses.
  • Pope Leo declared 41 articles of Luther's
    teachings as heretical teachings, and Luther's
    books were publicly burned in Rome. Luther became
    more passionate in his effort to reform the
    Catholic church.

  • Luther's first writing was The Sermon on Good
    Works, in which he argued that good works do not
    benefit the soul only faith could do that.
  •  In 1521, the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V,
    demanded that Luther appear before the diet of
    the Holy Roman Empire at Worms. Luther was asked
    to recant. Luther refused and he was placed under
    an imperial ban as an outlaw. He managed to
    escape, however to Germany.

  • Luther was excommunicated from the church in
  • What had started as a attempt to reform the
    church had turned into a project of building a
    new church independent of the Catholic church.
    Thus started the Protestant church.

  • Lutheran was a name applied to Luther and his
    followers as an insult but adopted as a badge of
    honor by them instead.
  • Lutherans still celebrate the Reformation on
    October 31 and still hold to the basic principles
    of theology and practice espoused by Luther.
  • Another of Luther's principles was that
    Scriptures and worship need to be in the language
    of the people.

Luthers Idea of Freiheit
  • the concept of Freiheit, "freedom," or "liberty."
    This is not our concept of freedom, but in the
    eventual turn of time it will give rise to the
    notion of "individual freedom," and later
    "political freedom," and later "economic
    freedom." Most of the European Enlightenment
    revolves around freedom and the project of
    "liberating" people liberating them from false
    beliefs, from false religion, from arbitrary
    authority, etc.--that is, what we will be calling
    "liberation discourse." Westerners still
    participate in this Enlightenment project today.
    This idea of "liberating" people, so common to
    the international politics of our own period,
    comes out of Luther's idea of "freedom." (Coutesy

Lutheran Beliefs
  • We are saved by the grace of God alone - not by
    anything we do
  • Our salvation is through faith alone - we only
    need to believe that our sins are forgiven for
    Christ's sake, who died to redeem us
  • The Bible is the only norm of doctrine and life -
    the only true standard by which teachings and
    doctrines are to be judged.

Lutheran Beliefs
  • Luther's Small Catechism, which contains
    teachings on the Ten Commandments, the Apostles'
    Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Holy Baptism,
    Confession and Absolution, Holy Communion and
    Morning and Evening Prayers, is still used to
    introduce people to the Lutheran faith, as is the
    Augsburg Confession.

To Become a Pastor
  • They must go through seminarian school and are
    allowed to marry.
  • Men and Women can both become pastors.
  • They conduct worship through teachings of the
    bible, and through a sermon.

Worship Practices
  • Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, and Confirmation,
    Holy Communion are practiced.
  • Lutherans accept two Sacraments as God-given
    means for people to receive grace from
    God. Baptism and Holy Communion are visible acts
    of God's love.
  • In Baptism, and it can be seen more clearly in
    infant Baptism, God freely offers his grace and
    lovingly establishes a new community.  It is in
    Baptism that people become members of Christ's
    Body on earth, the Church.  
  • In Holy Communion - often called the Lord's
    Supper or the Eucharist, those who come to the
    table receive in bread and wine the body and
    blood of their Lord.  This gift is itself the
    real presence of God's forgiveness and mercy,
    nourishing believers in union with their Lord and
    with each other.

How to become a Lutheran
  • To become a Lutheran, only Baptism in the name of
    the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are needed.
  • If you are Baptized in a Christian faith it will
    then only be necessary to attend a membership
    class in a Lutheran congregation and thus signify
    your desire to become a part of its community. 
    Active members of other Lutheran congregations
    usually need only to transfer their membership.

Procedure of Service
  • Prelude
  • Done with organ or piano music
  • Altar boy lights the candles as part of his
    confirmation requirements.
  • Pastor walks up center aisle and does prayer
    facing the altar.
  • Welcome
  • Where the Pastor greets the congregation, and
    gives blessing on the days date, representing the
    biblical calendar.

  • Brief order of confession and forgiveness, where
    everyone stands.
  • Done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy
  • After Pastor ask for blessing of the
    congregation, there is a minute of silence for
    self-examination and reflection.
  • Prayer of the Day is then done.
  • First and second lesson is then done with Psalm
    (sung) in between the lessons.

  • After Second lesson, a passage from the Holy
    Gospel is read.
  • This is followed by the sermon in which the
    Pastor delivers from behind the pulpit.
  • After the sermon the Creed is read
  • Apostles Creed is usually read, except for around
    Easter the Nicene Creed is read.
  • Then the Holy Communion is done.
  • Offering and songs are sung afterwards.
  • Offertory prayer is done.

Benediction and Dismissal
  • For ending service, they do a Great Thanksgiving
  • Following is the Lords Prayer.
  • The Pastor then gives his blessing and holds
    Communion Prayer.
  • Followed by the Benediction and a dismissal.

Immanuel Lutheran Church (ECLA)
  • ECLA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.)
  • Location
  • 104 Snelling Avenue S
  • Saint Paul, MN 55105
  • Website

  • Started by Norwegian immigrants to Minnesota,
    they start a Lutheran congregation.
  • Started in 1871 (135th anniversary this year of
    worship and fellowship.)
  • 1917- The chapel is built at its current site of
    Goodrich and Snelling.
  • 1,012 members currently
  • Confirmation is done in 9th grade
  • Average age is 65-70

  • The Church has never had a mortgage until now
    with the addition of a gathering area between the
    two buildings.

View from Snelling Ave.
View from Goodrich Ave.
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