Chapter 3: Nonverbal Communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3: Nonverbal Communication


Lecture by: Chris Ross – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 3: Nonverbal Communication

Chapter 3 Nonverbal Communication
  • Lecture by Chris Ross

What is Nonverbal Communication
  • Nonverbal Communication gt is everything that
    communicates a message but does not include
  • Facial expression
  • Gestures
  • Dress
  • Timing
  • Position
  • Tone of voice
  • Eye contact
  • Smell
  • Etc

What is Nonverbal Communication
  • Two Sides of Nonverbal Communication
  • Decoding gt draw meaning from something you
  • Encoding gt put your feelings into behavior
    through nonverbal communication

What is Nonverbal Communication
  • Two Modes of Nonverbal Communication
  • Static (Fixed)gt the elements of an interaction
    that do not change during its course. (Ex
    furniture in a room)
  • Dynamic (Changeable) gt movement and change
    during the course of the interaction (Ex bodily
    movement or position of someone playing poker)

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Symbolic
  • Guided by Rules
  • Cultural
  • Personal
  • Ambiguous
  • Less Controlled
  • Continuous

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Symbolic
  • Tend to be polysemic and can be difficult to
    decide what their intended meanings are.

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Guided by Rules
  • Social norms can dictate what nonverbal
    communication you can use in situations
  • Rules can help evaluate a situation
  • Rules tend to be learned through your
    interactions with others

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Cultural
  • Different cultures have various levels of what
    nonverbal communication is appropriate.
  • Ex Eye contact is not always acceptable in all

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Personal
  • You can assign your own personal meanings behind
    the nonverbal symbols used.

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Ambiguous
  • Many times people can be uncertain of what the
    nonverbal communication means. They look to
    other aspects of the communication event for

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Less Controlled
  • You cannot always control your physical reaction
    like you can your verbal reaction to an event.
    (Ex you might be able to hold in vocalizing
    dislike for someone, but your facial expression
    shows the dislike).
  • Leakage gt nonverbal communication that occurs
    without your full awareness and reveal how you
    really feel.

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Continuous
  • You always are communicating nonverbally with
    people whether you realize it or not.

Interactions with verbal communication
  • Nonverbal communication may repeat your verbal
    communication in the nonverbal format.
  • Nonverbal messages can be substituted for verbal
    messages when needed.
  • Nonverbal messages can emphasize a verbal message

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Nonverbal messages can moderate verbal messages
    (play down what is being said).
  • Nonverbal messages can contradict what is being
    verbally communicated.

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Regulators gt nonverbal actions that indicate to
    others how you want them to behave or what you
    want them to do.
  • When you want to be left alone, you may cross
    your arms over your chest, look down and frown.

Kendon Ferbers Five basic stages of a greeting
  1. Sighting Recognition
  2. Distant Salutation
  3. Lowering your head Averting your gaze
  4. Close Salutation
  5. Backing Off
  1. Occurs when you another person first see each
  2. Used to say hello w/ a wave
  3. Approach the other person, breaking eye contact
  4. Involves a type of physical contact
  5. Taking a step back or turning to the side for
    more open space

How Nonverbal Communication Works
  • Transmits Emotional Information
  • Attitude towards other person if you show
    anxiety in your face, maybe the person makes you
  • Attitude towards situation if you fidget or
    cannot make eye contact it could show
  • Attitude towards self you can come across as
    arrogant via their facial expression, vocal tone
    and posture for example.

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Proxemics
  • Kinesics
  • Vocalics
  • Chronemics
  • Haptics

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Proxemics gt the study of space and distance in

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Proxemics
  • Territoriality gt establishment and maintenance
    of space you claim for personal use. (Ex Table
    space in class)
  • Primary territory gt space that you own or have
    principal control over (Ex Your life).

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Proxemics
  • Public territory gt space open to everyone but
    available for your sole temporary occupation (Ex
    Seat on a public bus)
  • Personal space gt space legitimately claimed or
    occupied by a person for the time being

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Proxemics
  • Body buffer zone gt imaginary aura around people
    that they regard as part of themselves (Ex
    Youre in my bubble!)

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Proxemics and Halls Four Types of Personal Space
  • Intimate distance 18 inches
  • Personal distance 18-48 inches
  • Social distance 48-144 inches
  • Public distance 12-25 feet

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Kinesics gt refers to the movement that takes
    place during the course of an interaction.
  • Posture
  • Gesture
  • Illustrators
  • Eye Contact

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Kinesics
  • Posture gt position of your body during an
  • Conveys three attitudes about self, others and

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Kinesics
  • Gesture gt defined as a movement of the body or
    any of its parts in a way that conveys an idea or
    intention or displays a feeling or an assessment
    of the situation.
  • Can be split broadly into two sorts those that
    are not expressed in words (emblems) and those
    that signal something in words (illustrations).

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Kinesics
  • Illustrators gt directly related to speech as it
    is being spoken and are used to visualize or
    emphasize its content. (Ex Discussing how to
    use a baseball bat and showing the person how to

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Kinesics
  • Eye Contact gt refers to the extend to which you
    look directly into the eyes of another person.
  • Gaze gt a rewarding look by one person who is
    looking at another.

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Vocalics gt (sometimes called paralanguage)
    refers to vocal characteristics that provide
    information about how verbal communication should
    be interpreted and how you are feeling.
  • Ex The tone you use to express anger

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Vocalics
  • Can use ton or pitch to emphasize parts of
    sentence to denote importance.
  • Use of rate to stress importance
  • Silence can be used to convey messages as well

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Vocalics
  • Backchannel Communication gt vocalizations by a
    listener that give feedback to the speaker to
    show interest, attention or a willingness to
  • Turn taking gt when yuou hand over speaking to
    another person.

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Chronemics gt encompasses use and evaluation or
    time in your interactions, including the location
    of events in time.
  • Emotions can impact chronemics. Boring lectures
    seem to take forever, but a meaningful
    conversation with a good friend can fly by.

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Haptics gt study of the specific nonverbal
    behaviors involving touch

Elements of Nonverbal communication
  • Haptics/Heslins Functions of Touch
  • Functional/Professional touch is permitted by
    context (Ex Medical exam)
  • Social/Polite Touch is formal (Ex Handshake)
  • Friendship/Warmth Touch is an expression of
  • Love/Intimacy Touch is special, only allowed
    with those you are close.

Interacting System of Nonverbal Communication
  1. Nonverbal communication is related to the words
    used with it. It can impact what is sad and
  2. Nonverbal communication has a relationship with
    other nonverbal messages.
  3. Nonverbal messages can be interpreted on its
  4. Nonverbal interpretation is affected by the
    relationship to the other person.

Improving Use of Nonverbal Communication
  • Speaker/Encoder
  • Listener/decoder
  • Affirming
  • Blending
  • Consistency
  • Directness
  • Emotional Clarity
  • Attending
  • Bonding
  • Coordinating
  • Detecting/Decoding
  • Encouraging

Chapter Assignments
  • Discussions
  • How does nonverbal communication regulate
  • How can you improve your use of nonverbal

Chapter Assignments
  • Buddy/Group Work
  • Ask your friends how good they believe themselves
    to be at determining when other people are not
    telling the truth
  • In a group play two truths and a lie. Each
    person will write down two things that are true
    and one lie. Another person will read the
    statements about someone. Watch them and ask
    follow up questions. Can you figure out through
    their nonverbals if they are lying to you?

Chapter Assignments
  • Written Work
  • How do television shows use the placement of
    furniture to add something to the story?
  • If a member of another culture is breaking a rule
    of nonverbal communication in your culture,
    should you tell them? Why or why not?
  • Look at television or news stories involving
    police putting someone in a car. What percentage
    of the police touch the persons head? In what
    other circumstances, if any, do people open the
    car door for someone else and then touch the
    persons head who is getting in? What do you
    think they are trying to convey?
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