Title: Domino's Pizza
1Mergers and Acquisitions
A transaction where two firms agree to integrate
their operations on a relatively coequal basis
because they have resources and capabilities that
together may create a stronger competitive
A transaction where one firm buys another firm
with the intent of more effectively using a core
competence by making the acquired firm a
subsidiary within its portfolio of businesses
An acquisition where the target firm did not
solicit the bid of the acquiring firm
2Problems in Achieving Success
Reasons for Acquisitions
3Reasons for Acquisitions
Example British Petroleums acquisition of U.S.
Example Belgian-Dutch Fortis acquisition of
American Bankers Insurance Group
Example Watson Pharmaceuticals acquisition of
4Reasons for Acquisitions
Example Kraft Foods acquisition of Boca Burger
Example CNETs acquisition of mySimon
Example General Electrics acquisition of NBC
5Problems with Acquisitions
Example Intels acquisition of DECs
semiconductor division
Example Marks and Spencers acquisition of
Brooks Brothers
Example AgriBioTechs acquisition of dozens of
small seed firms
6Problems with Acquisitions
Example Quaker Oats and Snapple
Example GE--prior to selling businesses and
Example Ford and Jaguar
7Attributes of Effective Acquisitions
8Attributes of Effective Acquisitions
9Restructuring and Outcomes
Short-Term Outcomes
Long-Term Outcomes
Loss of Human Capital
Reduced Labor Costs
Reduced Debt Costs
Lower Performance