Biochemical Engineering CEN 551 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Biochemical Engineering CEN 551


Biochemical Engineering CEN 551 Instructor: Dr. Christine Kelly Animal Cell Cultures (Chapter 12) and Glycosylation Sources Text - Chapter 12 Peshwa, M. V. Mammalian ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Biochemical Engineering CEN 551

Biochemical EngineeringCEN 551
  • Instructor Dr. Christine Kelly
  • Animal Cell Cultures (Chapter 12) and

  • Text - Chapter 12
  • Peshwa, M. V. Mammalian Cell Culture
  • Websites http//

Animal Cell Characteristics
  • 10-30 um larger than bacteria or yeast
  • Eukaryotic
  • Cell membrane no cell wall shear sensitivity
  • Surface is negatively charged grow on
    positively charged surfaces
  • Suspension cells or anchorage dependant cells.
  • 80-85 water, 10-20 protein, and 1-5
  • Lipid bilayer cell membrane that is sensitive to
  • Optimum growth at 37oC

Cell Lines
  • Primary culture cell recently excised from
    specific organs of animals.
  • Secondary culture cell line obtained from the
    primary culture. Can be adapted to grow in
    suspension and are non-anchorage dependant. Will
    only grow for about 30 generations.
  • Continuous, immortal, transformed cell lines
    cells that can be propagated indefinitely (cancer
    cell lines are all continuous).

  • Mammalian cell line ? animal cell line.
  • Insect, fish, crustacean cell lines are evolving
  • Baculovirus virus that infects insect cells.
    Nonpathongenic to humans, has a strong promoter.
  • Insect cell lines are naturally continuous.
  • Most cell lines derived from ovaries or embryonic
  • Hybridoma cells fusing lymphocytes (normal
    blood cells that make antibodies) with myeloma
    (cancer) cells.

Cell Components
  • Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane bound
    channels. Postranslational processing and
  • Mitochondria site of respiration where ATP is
  • Lysosomes organelles responsible for the
    digestion of food. Contain hydrolytic enzymes.
  • Golgi body complex glycosylation, protein

  • Glucose energy source up 55 mmol/L
  • Glutamine energy source 2-7 mmol/L
  • Aerobically metabolize to CO2 or anaerobically to
    lactic acid.
  • Lactate and ammonium toxic byproducts of
    mammalian cell growth.
  • Lactic acid and ammonium inhibitory at 30 and 5
    mmol/L, respectively.
  • Lactate reduces pH.

  • Oxygen utilized at approximately 0.05-5 pmol
    O2/cell hr. 10-30 DO is non-limiting. Higher
    DO concentrations can be toxic, leading to
    oxidative damage.
  • Amino acidscell line dependant, balance is
  • Growth factors
  • Cytokines
  • Trace elements

Serum The clear liquid that separates from the
blood when it is allowed to clot.
  • Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS also named as 'FCS') 
  • widely used in animal cell culture as an
    essential supplement.
  • serum and protein free media have only been
    established for selected protocols.
  • by-product of the beef-packing industry, FBS can
    only be obtained where sufficient numbers of
    fetuses become available during the slaughtering

  • During harvesting, and centrifugation of fetal
    blood, serum may become contaminated by bacteria
    and mycoplasma. Sterile filtration and strict
    sterile control of the end-product is therefore
    one of the key responsibilities of serum
    suppliers. Mad cow disease important factor in
    pressure to use serum free media.

Serum Component Range
  • (mg/ml)Albumin 35-55Immunoglobulins(IgG 75-85
    of all Ig) 8-18Fibrinogen 2-6Alpha-1
    antitrypsin 1-2.5Alpha-2 macroglobulin
    0.5-3.5Transferrin 1.5-3.5Alpha-2ß-lipoproteins
    (LDL) 4-7Alpha-lipoproteins (HDL)
    0.6-1.5Haptoglobin 5Alpha-1 acid glycoprotein
    0.5-1.25hemopexin 1Pre-albumin 0.3-0.4Total
    Protein 62-80
  • Ions
  • Bicarbonate 25-35 mM
  • Chloride 100-108mM
  • Sodium 134-143 mM
  • Potassium 3.5-4.5 mM
  • Calcium 2-2.5 mM pH 7.4

  • Cell wall residues of gram negative bacteria,
    commonly named 'endotoxins', are another thread
    in the serum manufacturing process. Sloppy
    collecting and processing methods of the raw
    serum, may result in a higher endotoxin burden of
    the respective serum lot. Endotoxins are very
    hard to remove from the serum, and are even
    capable to pass the different filtration steps.
    Endotoxins can influence cell growth, but may
    also be passed to the end-product, intended for
    human therapy.

  • While global demand for FBS has steadily
    increased over the past years, import of FBS into
    the US and the EU are strictly controlled.
    Whereas the EU allows South American serum for
    the academic research market, the USDA keeps the
    border closed for South American serum. FBS used
    in bioprocessing to manufacture therapeutic
    proteins for a global market has to be either
    Australian/New Zealand or US sourced material.
    Most protocols for FBS in bioprocessing require
    exposure to gamma irradiation.

  • Mamallian cells grow best at 37oC and 7.3 pH.
  • Bicarbonate based buffer to maintain a constant
    pH coupled with addition of base or acid when
  • 1-10 CO2 in gas phase is also used to control
  • CO2 also important in the synthesis of purines
    and pyrimdines.
  • CO2 primes energy metabolism.
  • Excess CO2 suppresses cell growth and can alter
    intracellular pH.
  • Osmolarity increases as pH is adjusted adjusted
    due to the addition of salts, too high osmolarity
    results in cell shrinkage and eventually lysis.

Typical Mammalian Batch Culture
  • Inoculations typically 105 cell/mL.
  • Maximum cell concentration 106 cell/mL.
  • Typically 3-5 doublings before stationary phase.
  • Typical doubling times 12-36 hr, so batch phase
    from 4 to 7 days.

Traditional Mammalian Cell Culture
  • Scale up problematic.

Roller bottles
Tissue culture flasks
Animal Cell Bioreactors
  • Gentle agitation due to shear sensitivity.
  • Homogeneous environment (T, pH, DO, CO2).
  • Large surface to volume for anchorage dependant
  • Removal of toxic byproducts
  • (lactic acid and ammonium.

Aeration and agitation in mammalian cell
culture(following material from
  • In microbial cultures, oxygen transfer rates can
    be improved with smaller bubble size, higher
    stirring speeds and higher gas hold-up.
  • Mammalian cells damaged (sheared) by turbulence
    and by the action of bursting bubbles.

  • Agitation systems used for microbial cells are
    often poorly suited to the use with animal cell
    cultures.The former are generally designed to
    shear bubbles and thus increase kLa. Their high
    shear characteristics however will also tend to
    damage fragile animal cells.
  • mammalian cell growth rates are considerably
    slower than those of most aerobic microorganisms
    and oxygen transfer requirements are therefore
    also proportionately lower.

  • As with microbial systems, the successful
    cultivation of animal cells requires that mass
    and heat transfer requirements be met. Agitation
    and aeration are thus critical considerations in
    the large scale cultivation of animal cells.
  • Unlike microbial cells, animal cells do not have
    cell walls and are protected from environmental
    forces by only their enriched cell membranes.
    Animal cells are therefore regarded as "shear
  • There are two major physical forces that can
    cause cell damage shear forces and bubble

Shear damage
  • Shear forces are created from fluctuating liquid
    velocities which arise during turbulent mixing
    and are visualized as turbulent eddies.
  • Shear forces increase with the level of
    turbulence and on the type of agitator used.
  • There are two "forms" of shear
  • Localized shear which occurs around objects
    moving in the culture media, eg. impellers and
  • Shear in the bulk liquid arising from turbulence
    with the reactor.

Localized shear
  • Localized shear occurs around objects moving in
    the culture media, eg. impellers and bubbles.
  • As radial flow impellers move, their blades leave
    a trail of eddies in their wake.
  • Under normal operating conditions, the Kolmogorov
    size of these eddies are typically small enough
    to break apart bubbles and to damage animal
  • For this reason axial flow impellers are used in
    the culture of animal cells.

  • Localized shear can also arise around moving
    bubbles either around the bubble or in the wake
    of the bubble.
  • Shear arising as a result of bubbles moving
    through the bulk liquid is not considered a major
    cause of cell damage.

Flow lines move fastest near the bubble.
Rising Bubble
  • Shear can also form around solid surfaces around
    which the medium is moving. For example, high
    shear forces can be formed around the surface of
    a poorly finished impeller.

Shear in the bulk liquid
  • In baffled reactors, as the stirrer speed
    increases, turbulent eddies will be formed in the
    bulk liquid As the level turbulence increases,
    the eddy size will decrease and the level shear
    will increase.
  • The formation of shear stresses in the bulk
    liquid due to turbulence were once believed to be
    a major cause of cell damage in animal cell
  • It is now however widely recognized that shear
    forces in the bulk liquid are NOT the major cause
    of cell damage in sparged reactors.

  • Under normal stirring conditions, the average
    size of the turbulent eddies (which are expressed
    in terms of the Kolmogorov eddy size) is
    considerably larger than the average cell
  • The cells are able to "ride" between the eddies
    and thus are not affected by shear forces.
  • The Kolmogorov eddy size decreases as the
    stirring speed increases.
  • Shear damage is maximal when the Kolmogorov eddy
    size reduces to size of the cells. The randomly
    moving liquid lines then produce violent pressure
    oscillations then act to pull the cell apart as
    they enter and leave the turbulent eddies.

Effect of eddy size
  • The sensitivity of animal cells to liquid shear
    forces varies with the cell line and age.
  • Cells have been found to be more fragile during
    stationary and lag phases. Their robustness
    increases during exponential growth.

Bubble damage
  • Bubble damage is often the major cause of cell
    damage animal cell culture, particularly in
    sparged reactors.
  • Bubble damage occurs in two forms
  • damage due to the bursting of bubbles at the
    surface of the fluid.
  • damage due to shearing of cells trapped in the

Bubble burst damage
  • As bubbles burst at the surface of the culture
    fluid, cells trapped on the bubble interface or
    in the bubble wake tend to also suffer damage and
    can be literally torn apart.
  • The level of damage is dependent on the physical
    properties of the culture fluid and on the bubble
    size and velocity.
  • Large bubbles cause more cell damage than small
    bubbles. Bubble damage is also reduced by
    reducing the bubble velocities near the liquid
    surface. Therefore, the design of the
    disengagement zone is important.

  • Bubble damage can also occur in agitated
    non-sparged bioreactors as a result of the
    entrainment of air through the culture fluid
    surface. In experiments on surface aerated
    cultures, it has been found that cell damage
    begins when cell entrainment is initiated at
    stirring speeds between 150 - 200 rpm.
  • Experiments using completely filled reactors in
    which air-entrainment was prevented, have
    demonstrated that stirring speeds up to 800-900
    rpm can be used before cell damage is
    significant. At 800-900 rpm, the Kolmogorov eddy
    size is comparable to the cell size.
  • Bubble damage rather than liquid shear forces are
    the major cause of cell damage in sparged animal
    cell bioreactors

Foam damage
  • Foam damage occurs when the bubbles move in
    different directions pulling entrapped cells in
    different directions
  • The cells which are attached to the bubbles in
    the foam are thus stretched and eventually pulled
    apart by the moving bubbles.

Methods of minimizing cell damage
  • One method or minimizing cell damage is to
    immobilize the cells eg. in gels, onto
    microcarrier beads or in hollow fiber systems.
  • However, not all cells or cell culture processes
    are amenable to immobilization and appropriate
    techniques for growing suspension cells have had
    to be developed.

  • Cell damage in animal cell cultures can occur
    primarily due to
  • liquid or hydrodynamic shear damage and
  • bubble damage
  • The extent of damage caused by these factors is
    dependent upon the
  • characteristics of the cell line
  • the nutritional state of the cells
  • the medium composition
  • reactor design and the
  • reactor operating conditions.

Cell lines
  • Shear forces in the bulk liquid are generally not
    a problem if the cells are healthy and the
    appropriate cell line is used.
  • Cell lines are typically selected for their
    ability to produce a product at desired
    efficiency and productivity. However, for the
    large scale cultivation purposes, cell lines must
    also be selected for their ability to grow in the
    higher shear environment of a bioreactor.

  • When switching from serum-based to serum-free
    media, the cells must also be properly adapted to
    new medium. Failure to do so will lead to the
    cells being unhealthy and more sensitive to
  • Medium composition is another important
    consideration, particularly with serum free
    media. The higher cell numbers required for
    production scale operations may require a higher
    input of specific medium components such as amino
    acids and sterols.

  • Studies in the 1970's and 1980's on hybridoma
    cell lines found that the media then in use were
    deficient in amino acids. When certain amino acid
    were depleted, then the cells' shear sensitivity
  • Therefore, an important method of reducing shear
    damage is to ensure that the nutritional
    requirements of the cells are met.

Pluronic F68
  • Pluronic F68 (a mixture of polyoxyethylene and
    polyoxypropylene) is a non-ionic surfactant that
    is used to protect animal cells from damage
    caused by shear and the effects of sparging.
  • Pluronic F68, like all surfactants, acts at the
    surface of objects immersed in the liquid medium.

  • Stabilizing foams giving cells time to detach
    from the bubbles before they burst.
  • Making the bubbles "slippery" so that the cells
    are less likely to be attracted to the bubbles
    and thus less likely to be drawn up to the
    surface by the rising bubbles.
  • Albumin and other serum proteins are believed to
    protect cells in a similar manner to Pluronic
    F68. Pluronic F68 is thus an necessary component
    of serum free culture media.

Impeller design
  • The shear sensitivity of animal cells makes
    radial flow impellers unsuitable for use in
    animal cell cultures and shear cannot be used as
    a mechanism for breaking up bubbles.
  • The impeller design and its mode of operation are
    critical in the large scale cultivation of animal
  • As we have seen, axial flow impellers produce
    higher flow per unit power input characteristics
    as compared to radial flow impellers.

  • Another advantage of using axial flow impellers
    is that they are more efficient at lifting cells
    from the base of the reactor.
  • Axial flow impellers stirring at relatively low
    stirrer speeds are therefore widely used in the
    culture of animal cells. These impellers are
    operated with the primary objectives of
    optimizing liquid-liquid mass transfer rates and
    heat transfer rates but not increase the surface
    area for oxygen transfer.
  • Although axial flow impellers are not designed to
    provide high shear conditions required for
    breaking bubbles, the do prevent the bubbles from
    rising directly to the surface. In this way,
    increase the bubble residence time and thus
    increase the oxygen transfer efficiency.

Draft tubes
  • Airlift reactors have been used to to
    successfully cultivate mammalian and insect cells
    in reactors with liquid volumes of up to 1000 L.
    This is despite the potential problems associated
    with bubble damage.The company Celltech, for
    example uses airlift production as the
    predominant technique for large scale cultivation
    of hybridoma cells.The low shear environment
    provided by airlift reactors, combined with the
    use of appropriate media and shear protectorants
    can compensate for the increased likelihood of
    bubble damage.

Reducing bubble size
  • Bubble damage is recognized as the major cause of
    cell damage in sparged animal cell bioreactors.
  • When large bubbles burst, the release more energy
    than small bubbles. Large bubbles are therefore
    more destructive than small bubbles.
  • Likewise the degree of damage will increase with
    the rate of energy release from the bubble burst
    process. Thus the level of damage tends to
    increase with the air flow rate.

  • Animal cell bioreactors are not designed to use
    the agitator as a tool for decreasing the bubble
    size diameter.
  • The sparger therefore plays a critical role in
    reducing the bubble diameter.
  • Specially designed spargers which generate very
    small bubbles have been designed for use in
    animal cell bioreactors.

Bubble free oxygenation
  • Three main techniques by which enhanced oxygen
    transfer rates can be achieved without the need
    for sparging
  • headspace oxygenation
  • external oxygenation
  • direct oxygenation using gas permeable silicone
    tubing or hydrophobic membranes.

Headspace oxygenation
  • The simplest method of bubble free oxygenation is
    the transfer of oxygen from the headspace.
  • This method is widely used in small scale systems
    such as T-flasks and spinner flasks. In large
    scale systems, the use of pure oxygen instead of
    air have also tested.
  • In headspace aeration, oxygen rich gas is passed
    into the headspace of reactor. The oxygen
    diffuses into the liquid.
  • The headspace may be pressurized to increase the
    partial pressure of oxygen in the gas phase

External oxygenation
  • A more commonly used and effective method of
    bubble free oxygenation is to use a separate
    oxygenation chamber
  • The medium is oxygenated in a separate unit which
    can either be a stirred tank reactor or a static
    mixer. The oxygenated medium is pumped into the
    bioreactor while the oxygen depleted medium is
    pumped back into the oxygenation unit

  • A cell separation system such as a hollow fiber
    filter, is used to separate the cells from the
    medium before medium passed into the oxygenation
  • The same principle can be used with immobilized
    cell cultures such as fluidized bed and fiber bed
  • New Brunswick's Celligen Bioreactor which uses
    the fiber-bed principle for the culture of animal

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Direct bubble free oxygenation
  • Various techniques are used to achieve direct
    bubble free oxygenation of animal cell
    bioreactors including the use of gas permeable
  • silicone tubing, membranes, sieves
  • Oxygen rich gas is passes through tubing or a
    membrane bound capsule. The oxygen diffuses
    through the pores into the liquid medium At the
    same time, carbon dioxide diffuses out of the
    medium into the gas phase.

  • Hyrdophobic membranes are used to physically
    separate the gas from the culture medium. The
    membranes are much thinner than silicone tubing
    and thus offer higher oxygen diffusion rates.
    They are also pleated to increase the surface
    area for oxygen transfer. The membranes are also
    hydrophobic which minimizes the blockage of the
    membrane pores by cells.

Anchorage Dependant Cells
  • Require a large surface area for growth. Primary
    cells will only grow as a monolayer.
  • Secondary cells can grow in multilayers.
  • Microcarriers.
  • Hollow fiber reactors
  • Immobilization in gel beads
  • Microencapsulation

  • DEAE-Sephadex beads (non porous), up to 70,000
    cm2/L surface area.
  • Can be modified with surface ligands (collagen)
    to increase attachment.
  • Homogenous environment.
  • Bead to bead abrasion a problem
  • Porous beads introduce heterogeneity due to
    diffusional limitations.

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Hollow-fiber Reactors
  • Cells grow on external (shell side) surface of
    the fibers.
  • Nutrients flow through the tubes and diffuse to
    the cells.
  • Microenvironmental conditions vary because there
    is no mixing.
  • Have been used for monoclonal antibodies.

Immobilization or Encapsulation
  • To reduce shear on cells.
  • Can achieve high cell densities
  • Diffusional limitations, microenvironmental
    conditions heterogeneous.

Products of Animal Cell Cultures
  • Monoclonal Antibodies
  • Important animal cell product.
  • Produced by hybridoma cells.
  • Used in diagnostics, therapeutics, and
    separations (affinity chromatography).

  • Immunobiological Regulatiors
  • Interferon anticancer glycoprotien
  • Produced by animal cells and recombinant
  • Others include lymphokines (immune response
    regulators), interleukines (anticancer), tissue
    plasminogen activator (anti blood clotting)
  • Virus Vaccines
  • Live or weakened virus grown in cells, then
    harvested and killed.
  • Subunit display protein produced in bioreactor.

  • Hormones
  • Large, glycosylated molecules, produced using
    cells from the hormones synthesizing organ.
  • Enzymes
  • Secretion, glycoslyation, posttranslational
    modifications important.
  • Insecticides
  • Insect viruses
  • Whole cells and tissue culture
  • Artificial skin and cartilage. Working on more
    complex tissues.

  • Form groups of two make up ten, creative,
    innovative, true/false or multiple choice
    questions about animal cell culture. Be prepared
    to present the questions to the class.

  • The addition of sugar residues to the protein
  • Most extensive posttranslational modification.
  • Carried out in the ER and Golgi apparatus prior
    to secretion or surface display.
  • All mammalian cell surface proteins of
  • Most secreted proteins are glycoproteins (notable
    exceptions include insulin, growth hormone).

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Three Types of Glycosylation
  • N-Linked
  • O-Linked
  • Membrane anchor

  • Bonded to the R group of an asparagine residue.
  • Consensus peptide sequence is
  • Asn X Ser or Thr
  • Consensus sequence is not always glycosylated.
  • Three types of N-linked complex, high mannose,

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Chitobiose Core Structure
  • All N-linked glycans have the same core
  • Chitobiose core structure 2 GlcNAc, 3 Mannose,
    sometimes a Fucose.

  • Common core glycan produced on a lipid carrier in
    the cytoplasm and then in the ER.
  • The core is attached to the asparagine residue on
    the peptide as it enters the ER.
  • The three terminal glucose units of the common
    core are then removed.
  • The common core is transported to the Golgi

  • Three manose residues are removed from the common
    core in the Golgi apparatus
  • A GlcNAc is added on one arm of the core
  • Further varying modifications are performed
  • Removal of mannose residues
  • Addition of GlcNAc
  • Bisecting GlcNAc
  • Creation of further branches
  • Core fucosylation

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  • Linked to serine or threonine residues on a
  • Simpler process.
  • Involves only 1-6 sugar residues.
  • Occurs in the Golgi Apparatus.
  • Amino acid reions with high concentrations of
    serine, threonine, and proline tend to be

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Final Stage of Glycosylation
  • Takes place in the trans-Golgi
  • Addition of galactose and sialic acid at the end,
    and fucose residue on the core.

Glycophosphatidylinositol Residues
  • Anchor glycosylation directly bound directly to
    the cell membrane.

Influence of Host Cell Line
  • Bacteria unable to glycosylate.
  • Yeast often hyperglycosylate (lots of mannose).
  • Yeast different type of O-linked than mammals.
  • Plants smaller glycan structures than mammals,
    lacking sialic acid.
  • Mouse and Pig NeuGc instead of NeuAc as the
    terminal sialic acid.

Influence of Cell Culture Conditions
  • Adaptation from serum to serum free-medium.
  • Glucose concentration.
  • Lipid supplement.
  • Oxygen concentration.
  • pH.
  • Ammonium.

Effects of Glycosylation
  • Pharmacokinetics and clearance (especially the
    degree of sialylation).
  • Immunogenicity.
  • Solubility and protease resistance.

Regulatory Issues
  • FDA non demands comprehensive carbohydrate
    analysis before licensing glycoproteins.
  • Glycan heterogeneity unavoidab but must be
    within prescribed bounds.

Analysis of Glycosylation
  • Gas chromatography
  • Liquid chromatography
  • Capillary electrophoresis
  • Mass spectrometry
  • Exoglycoidase arrays
  • Sialic acid analysis
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