Non-Western Memoirs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Non-Western Memoirs


Non-Western Memoirs Using memoirs from Africa, Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and Latin and South America to make connections What is style? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Non-Western Memoirs

Non-Western Memoirs
  • Using memoirs from Africa, Asia, South Asia, the
    Middle East, and Latin and South America to make

What is style?
  • What is a writers style?
  • On a scrap sheet of paper, take about a minute to
    brainstorm words or phrases that come to mind
    when someone asks you to examine a works (or a
    specific authors) writing style.

Style is
  • not what is written, but the way an author puts
    together words, phrases, and ideas.
  • the literary element that describes the ways
    that the author uses words the authors word
    choice, sentence structure, figurative language,
    and sentence arrangement all work together to
    establish mood, images, and meaning in a text

Style includes
  • Diction Does the writer use a great deal of
    jargon? Does the piece rely on slang or more
    formal vocabulary?
  • Sentence Structure Does the writer rely on
    short, terse sentences? Does the writer string
    together multiple clauses and phrases? Does the
    writer use parallel structure within the text?
  • Point of View Does the writer tell the story
    from a first person point of view? Is the
    writers third person point of view biased?
  • Narration Style What figurative language
    devices does the writer use? Metaphors? Similes?
  • Tone Do the writers words convey sincerity or
    is the writer being sarcastic?
  • Sentence Arrangement How does the writer chose
    to organize the elements of the story? Are
    sentences arranged chronologically or is the
    story written as a stream-of-consciousness piece?

Applying style
  • Keep our descriptive words and definition for
    style in mind as you read the following piece.
    As you read, take note of words, phrases, or
    passages that clue you in to the works style.
  • As you read, ask yourself How is this written?

What is a memoir?
  • A memoir is a non-fiction text that
  • Focuses on a specific period in the writers life
  • Uses a narrative structure
  • Describes events and explains/shows the
    significance, usually of high emotional content
  • Reflects on a significant relationship between
    the author and a person, place, or object
  • Centers on a problem and resolution
  • Remains in first person
  • How is a memoir different from an autobiography?

Why use memoirs in the classroom?
  • learning about someone elses life invites us
    our own self-perspectives but also broadens our
    knowledge and understanding of lives that are
    outside of our narrow experience (Bomer 12).
  • Reading memoirs encourages self-reflection
  • Reading memoirs exposes students to various
    beliefs, experiences, and events outside of their
    daily lives
  • Reading memoirs teaches students about other
  • Its how we connect to each other, how we find
    out that other people feel the way we do. It is
    also how we learn about lives that are vastly
    different from our own so that our minds and
    hearts can stretch to understand how life is for
    others (Bomer 2).
  • Reading memoirs encourages students to make
  • Writers know that the smaller the moment, the
    tinier the detail, the more it resonates with
    readers and the more it surprises (Bomer 3).
  • Reading memoirs encourages students to think
    about how writers engage their readers
  • it is the most democratic of all kinds of
    writing (Bomer 12).
  • Because memoirs can be written by anyone, they
    demonstrate to students that anyone can be a

Bomer, Katherine. Writing a Life Teaching Memoir
to Sharpen Insight, Shape Meaning--and Triumph
Over Tests.
Advantages of using texts written by non-western
  • Broadens students cultural horizons
  • Aids in the articulation of shared and differing
  • Exposes students to a variety of writing styles
  • Exposes students to a variety of themes
  • Builds critical thinking skills
  • Builds empathy
  • In an world growing smaller through technological
    advances, non-western literature helps our
    students become better global citizens

How might non-western memoirs be used in the
  • Take a moment to brainstorm how non-western
    memoirs might be used in our classrooms.
  • Lets create a list together.

  • Bomer, Katherine. Writing a Life Teaching Memoir
    to Sharpen Insight, Shape Meaning--and Triumph
    Over Tests. Portsmouth, NH Heinmann, 2005.
  • Dong, Yu Ren. Taking a Culture-Response Approach
    to Teaching Multicultural Texts. English
    Journal. Jan. 2005. 55-60. National Council for
    Teachers of English. 29 July 2008
  • Gardner, Traci. Style Defining and Exploring an
    Authors Stylistic Choices. Read Write Think.
    2002-2008. International Reading Association. 29
    July 2008 lthttp//
  • Supporting Linguistically and Culturally Diverse
    Learnersin English Education. Conference on
    English Education. 2005. National Council for
    Teachers of English. 29 July 2008
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