Title: Phonetics Mia Armour Grand Canyon University September 24, 2006
1PhoneticsMia ArmourGrand Canyon
UniversitySeptember 24, 2006
Running head Phonetics
3What is Phonetics?
- Phonetics is the study of the sounds of language.
4Why is Phonetics Important?
- Education profession has moved between phonics
based and whole language programs. - To teach phonics one must understand phonetics.
5How do teachers use phonetics?
- Teachers understand that English orthography and
spoken phonetics are very different. - Spoken phonetics can be translated with various
English orthography.
6Organs Used In Speech Production
- Lips
- Tongue
- Teeth
- Nasal Cavity
- Vocal cords
7Organs Used In Speech Production cont
- Importance of the mouth
- Aveolar Ridge
- Palate
- Velum
8Features of Linguistic Sounds
- Phonemes- psychologically real unit of linguistic
sound - Not sounds such as
9Features of Linguistic Sounds
- Consonants- sounds are produced by obstructing
the flow of air as it passes from the lungs
through the nasal tract.
10Features of Linguistic Sounds
- Vowels- produce sound through a combination of
tongue position, lip rounding and muscle tension.
11Ways to Represent Linguistic Sounds
- Phonetic transcription-process of representing
sounds of language using phonetic orthography - /i/ meet
- /e/ mate
- /u/ coop
- /o/ cope
- /a/ cop
12Ways to Represent Linguistic Sounds
- Schwa- unstressed syllables
- Diphthong- two sounds
13Characteristics of Consonants
- Articulartory features- how and where each
phoneme is produced in the vocal tract - Place of articulation
- Bilabial, labiodental, interdental, alveolar,
palatal, velar, glottal
14Characteristics of Consonants
- Manner of Articulation
- Obstruents
- Stop, Fricative, Affricate
- Nasal
- Liquid
- Glide
- Voicing
- Voiced
- Voiceless
15Characteristics of Vowels
- Tongue Height
- High
- Low
- Mid
- Frontness
- Front
- Back
- Central
16Characteristics of Vowels
Tenseness -Tense -Lax Roundedness -Rounded -
Unrounded Diphthongs
- ELL (English Language Learners)
- Differientiated Instruction
- Enrichment
- Modifications
- Accommodations
- Grand Canyon University. (2005). Reading 535
Lecture Three. Phoenix, AZ. Grand - Canyon University.
- Justice, Paul W. (2004). Relevant Linguistics An
Introduction to the Structure and Use of English
for Teachers. Stanford, CA CSLI Publications.