Title: What
1Whats fueling genome evolution? (Understanding
shared genomic resources inprokaryotes)
- PI Janet Siefert, Rice University CO-PIs
Yuiry Fofanov, University of Houston George Fox,
University of Houston Peter Gogarten, U. Conn
Dr. Maia Larios-Sanz, Rice University Dr. Jason
Raymond, Lawrence Livermore Dr. Carlos Solis,
Rice University Dr. Valeria Souza, UNAM Mike
Travisano, University of Houston.
2Whats fueling genome evolution?(Understanding
shared genomic resources in prokaryotes)
Functional Integration
Shared Genome Resource
We propose to investigate horizontal gene flow in
bacteria by integrating genomic analysis,
microbial ecology, and experimental selection
systems. Established and novel approaches
performed by a diversely talented team of
investigators will integrate results in a
check-and-balance system. Using three
phylogenetically distinct lineages of bacteria,
we will investigate and quantify the shared
genome resource available for transfer and the
functional integration of that shared resource.
The proposed research and interdisciplinary
training will initiate a comprehensive framework
in which to view prokaryotic genome evolution.
Genome analysis
Framework of HGT Estimates
Experimental selection
Microbial Ecology
3Three organisms
Bacillus gram positive, low GC, ubiquitous
soil/water Cyanobacteria oxygen producers E.
coli gram negative, protobacter, mammalian gut
1. Introduction to the overall project (Janet -
10 minutes) 2. Welcome Jason, quick bio (Jason -
5 minutes) 3. Introduction of Cuatro Cienegas
(Valeria, Janet - 20 minutes, see attached
powerpoint and http//www.laventa.it/photogallery/
4c-pozze/index.htm) 4. Return to project scheme
and flesh out individual contributions, old and
new methodology ideas, discuss integration
schemes, writing assignments.(1 hour) 5. Grant
issues advisory committe, deadlines, efforts.
(20 minutes)
5Genome AnalysisS-Plots YuiryNested
timing-Direction of HGTUnit of Selection
Experimental SystemsE.coliCyanoBacillusPseudom
onas reporter strains
EcologyBacillus Homologous recombinationE.coli
Virus complement
6Grant Items
- Advirsory Board
- Ed DeLong
- Ford Doolittle
- Grauer
- Jonathan Eisen
- David Lynch
- Jill Banfield
- Dave Ward
- Forrest Rohwer (Virus)
- Deadlines
- Writing Assignments