Title: Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules
1Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules
2Protect Your Eyes
- Appropriate eye protection must be worn at all
times! - Inform your teacher if you wear contact lenses.
3Wear appropriate protective clothing
- Your clothing should cover your legs to the knees
shorts are not appropriate for the laboratory - Lab aprons can be used to protect good clothing
- Loose clothing should not be worn because it may
dip into chemicals or fall into a flame and catch
4Wear shoes that cover your feet.
- Sandals and open-toed shoes do not protect your
feet from broken glass that is frequently found
in the lab - Also, leather shoes protect your feet from
chemical spills canvas shoes do not.
5Do not apply cosmetics, eat, or drink in the lab.
- These activities are ways by which you can
accidentally ingest harmful chemicals
6(No Transcript)
7Do not taste any chemical!
8Pour from large containers to smaller ones.
9Always ADD ACID to water
10Hold your hand over the label while pouring.
11Work with volatile chemicals under a fume hood.
12Check glassware for stars or cracks.
13Heat test tubes at an angle.
14Handle hot glassware with gloves or beaker tongs.
15- First light the match
- Turn on the gas!
16Do not smell any chemicals directly!
- Smell chemicals only if your teacher specifically
tells you to do so, then use your hand to fan the
vapor to your nose.
17Do not pipet solutions by mouth!
- Use a rubber suction bulb or other device to fill
a pipet.
18Wash your hands with soap and water before
- This rule applies even if you have been wearing
19Know the hazards of the materials being used.
- Read and reread labels carefully to make sure
that you are using the right chemical.
- Know how to interpret data from a MSDS.
20Tie Back Loose Hair
- Dangling hair can fall into the Bunsen burner and
catch fire or can fall into a chemical solution - P.S. Burning hair REALLY STINKS!
21Know the safety equipment
- Eye wash fountain
- Safety shower
- Fire extinguisher
- Emergency exits
22Know how to use the safety equipment
- Eye wash Fountain
- Safety Shower
- Fire extinguisher
- Emergency Exit
23Know how to respond to an emergency
24Carry out only the experiments assigned by your
I wonder what hes planning to do with that thing.
25Never remove chemicals from the laboratory
- This guy put chemicals in his locker!
26Never work alone in the lab
- In case of a problem, you may need another person
to prevent injury or even save your life!
27Remember that the lab is a place for serious work!
- Careless behavior may endanger yourself and
others and will not be tolerated!
28Demonstrate safe behavior
- Obey all safety instructions given by your
teacher or found in you experimental procedure. - Clean up spills immediately IF you know how. If
you are uncertain how to clean up a spill or if a
large spill occurs, notify your teacher
29Demonstrate safe behavior
30Demonstrate safe behavior
- Before leaving the lab
- Return equipment and chemicals to their proper
places - (Ms. Brownes pet peeve!)
31Demonstrate safe behavior
- Before leaving the lab
- Return equipment and chemicals to their proper
places - (Ms. Brownes pet peeve!)
- Be sure to replace the lids to all containers
- (Ms. Brownes really big pet peeve!)
32Demonstrate safe behavior
- Before leaving the lab
- Return equipment and chemicals to their proper
places -
- Be sure to replace the lids to all containers
- Clean up your work area
33Know how to dispose of waste
- Dispose of all waste materials according to your
instructional procedure or your teachers
instructions - ? ? ? ?
34Report any accidents or unsafe conditions
35First Aid
- Injury Burns
- What To Do Immediately flush with cold
water until burning sensation is lessened.
36First Aid
- Injury Cuts, bruises
- What To Do Do not touch an open wound
without safety gloves. Pressing
directly on minor cuts will stop bleeding in
a few minutes. Apply cold compress to
bruises to reduce swelling.
37First Aid
- Injury Fainting
- To Do Provide fresh air and have the person
recline so that their head is lower than the
rest of their body.
38First Aid
- Injury Eyes
- What To Do Flush eyes immediately with plenty
of water for several minutes. If a
foreign object is lodged in the eye, do
not allow the eye to be rubbed.
39First Aid
- Injury Poisoning
- What To Do Find out what substance was
responsible for the poisoning and alert the
teacher immediately.
40First Aid
- Injury Spills on the skin
- What To Do Flush with large quantities
of water. For acid spills, apply baking
soda solution. For base spills, apply
vinegar or boric acid.
41First Aid
- Injury Electrical shock
- What To Do Shut off the current at the
source. Remove wire with rubber gloves.
Alert the teacher immediately.
44Bunsen burner
45Glass rod
46Funnels, Buechner funnel
48Graduated cylinders
50Washing bottel
51Plastic - funnel
52Separating funnel
54a.Beaker, b.Buret, c.Volumetric Pipet,
d.Graduated cylinders, e.Volumetric flask
55Test tube
56Test tube holder
57Test tube rack
58Volumetric flask
61Water bath
63Melting point apparatus
64Hot plate
65Stiral motor (Magnetic stiral)