Chapter 4: Processes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 4: Processes


Based on originals provided by Sliberschatz and Galvin for the Addison-Weslet text 'Operating System Concepts' – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 4: Processes

Chapter 4 Processes
  • What is a process?
  • Informally A program in execution
  • Analogies A script Vs. a play. A recipe Vs.
  • Formally Any CPU activity
  • batch system jobs
  • time-shared system tasks
  • user programs
  • batch programs
  • interactive programs, etc.
  • Assumption of Finite Progress
  • Process execution must progress in a sequential
  • Execution CPU Burst, I/O Burst, CPU/Burst,
    CPU Burst with interrupts due to hardware (timer,
  • Textbook uses the terms job and process almost

Process Concept
  • A process includes
  • text
  • The program code
  • data section
  • Explicitly declared memory/variables
  • stack
  • Implicitly declared memory
  • activation record
  • subroutine parameters
  • local variables
  • program counter
  • Current instruction/point of execution

Process State
  • As a process executes, it changes state
  • new The process is being created.
  • running Instructions are being executed.
  • waiting The process is waiting for some event
    to occur.
  • ready The process is waiting to be assigned to
    a process.
  • terminated The process has finished execution.
  • Processes are generally I/O-bound or CPU-bound

Process Control Block (PCB)
  • Information associated with each process.
  • Process state
  • Program counter
  • CPU registers
  • CPU scheduling information
  • priority
  • pointers to scheduling queues
  • Memory-management information
  • base/limit registers
  • Accounting information
  • I/O status information
  • pointers to open file table

CPU Switch From Process to Process
Process Scheduling Queues
  • For a uniprocessor system, only one process can
    be active
  • As processes appear or change state, they are
    placed in queues
  • Job queue set of all processes in the system.
  • Ready queue set of all processes residing in
    main memory, ready and waiting to execute.
  • Device queues set of processes waiting for an
    I/O device.
  • The OS controls process migration between the
    various queues
  • Some migration events are require no decision
  • Some migration events require decision making

Representation of Process Scheduling
Long Term Scheduler
Short Term Scheduler
Ready Queue And Various I/O Device Queues
  • Each process PCB is in exactly one queue
  • Ready queue Ready to run
  • I/O Queue Awaiting I/O completion (interrupt)

Long-Term Schedulers
  • Long-term scheduler (or job scheduler) selects
    which processes should be brought into the ready
  • Long-term scheduler is invoked only on process
  • very infrequently called (seconds, minutes) ?
    (may be slow)
  • controls the degree of multiprogramming
  • Number of ready processes
  • controls the process mix
  • I/O-bound process spends more time doing I/O
    than computations, many short CPU bursts
  • CPU-bound process spends more time doing
    computations few very long CPU bursts
  • Long-term schedulers are not generally used in
    interactive time-sharing Operating Systems
  • Commonly used in multiprogrammed batch systems

Short-Term Schedulers
  • Short-term scheduler (or CPU scheduler) selects
    which process should be executed next and
    allocates CPU
  • Dispatches from ready queue based on priority
  • Process executes until it creates an event or an
    interrupt occurs.
  • Events I/O Request, fork a child, wait for an
  • Interrupt Timeslice expired, I/O Completion,
  • If the process creates the event, it is removed
    from the ready queue and placed on an I/O or
    event wait queue
  • Context Switch - a change of active process
  • save/load CPU Registers to/from PCB (overhead)
  • Short-term scheduler is invoked very frequently
  • (milliseconds) ? (must be fast)
  • Multi-programmed systems must provide short-term

Medium-Term Schedulers
  • Medium-Term schedulers - control the process mix
    and degree of multiprogramming for interactive
    time-shared systems
  • All jobs are accepted (little or no long-term
  • Resource restrictions may not permit all jobs to
    be in memory concurrently
  • Partially executed processes may be swapped out
    to disk and brought back into memory later.

Process Creation
  • A process may create new processes via system
  • fork()
  • The creating process is called the parent
  • The created process is called the child
  • Parent process creates children processes, which,
    in turn create other processes, forming a tree of
  • Parents may share resources with their children
  • Option 1 Parent and children share all
  • Option 2 Children share subset of parents
  • Option 3 Parent and child share no resources.
  • Execution
  • Option 1 Parent and children execute
  • Option 2 Parent waits until children terminate

Process Creation (Cont.)
  • UNIX example
  • fork system call creates new process
  • Created child process is a duplicate of parent
  • Same memory image, nearly identical PCB
  • The OS must provide some mechanism to allow
  • exec family of system call used after a fork to
    overload the process memory space with new
  • setuid() allows a change of owner
  • Consider the login process

pid_t pid pid fork() if (pidlt0)
fprintf(stderr,Fork Error\n exit(1) if (pid
0) / child block - execve(), etc. / else
/ parent block / - wait(), etc. / /
Common Block /
Process Termination
  • Process executes last statement and asks the
    operating system to delete it (exit)
  • Output data from child to parent (via wait)
  • Process resources are deallocated by operating
  • Memory, open files, I/O buffers, etc.
  • Process can be terminated by interrupts or other
  • Bus error, Seg Fault, etc.
  • Processes can be terminated by signals
  • Parent may terminate child with signals
  • Child has exceeded allocated resources
  • Task assigned to child is no longer required
  • Parent sends a termination signal to all childer
    on exit
  • Operating system does not allow child to continue
    if its parent terminates
  • Cascading termination

Cooperating Processes
  • Independent process cannot affect or be affected
    by the execution of another process.
  • Cooperating process can affect or be affected by
    the execution of another process
  • Advantages of process cooperation
  • Information sharing
  • files, memory, partial results, etc.
  • Computation speed-up
  • Parallel implementations
  • Modularity
  • Os system programs, daemons, etc.
  • Convenience
  • User-level multi-tasking CNTL-Z, bg, , fg, jobs

Producer-Consumer Problem
  • Paradigm for cooperating processes, producer
    process produces information that is consumed by
    a consumer process.
  • General model for processes that run concurrently
    and must share a synchronized buffer.
  • unbounded-buffer places no practical limit on the
    size of the buffer.
  • bounded-buffer assumes that there is a fixed
    buffer size.
  • The buffer is provided by the OS through IPC or
    shared memory

Producer REPEAT wait until buffer not full()
Produce item (takes time) UNTIL FALSE
Consumer REPEAT wait until buffer not
empty() Consume item (takes time) UNTIL FALSE
  • A process is an exact duplicate of its parent
    with its own (replicated) memory space, stack
    space, and PCB.
  • It is useful to allow the creation of
    tightly-coupled children that dont require
    unique copies of the code/data memory or OS
  • A thread (or lightweight process) is a basic unit
    of CPU utilization it consists of
  • program counter
  • register set
  • stack space
  • A thread shares with its peer threads its
  • code section
  • data section
  • operating-system resources
  • collectively know as a task.
  • A traditional or heavyweight process is equal to
    a task with one thread

Why use Threads?
  • In a multiple threaded task, while one server
    thread is blocked and waiting, a second thread in
    the same task can run.
  • Threads provide a mechanism that allow sequential
    processes to make blocking system calls while
    also achieving parallelism.
  • Cooperation of multiple threads in same job
    confers higher throughput and improved
  • Applications that require sharing a common buffer
    (i.e., producer-consumer) benefit from thread
  • Possible immediate advantage to running code on
    multi-processor system
  • Thread context switch is fast
  • Only PC and GPRs must be restored
  • No memory management necessary (no cache purge
  • BEWARE There is no security between threads
  • Debugging can be difficult

Threads Support
  • Kernel-supported threads (Mach and OS/2) the OS
    is aware of threads, each thread has a PCB and
    is scheduled by the OS
  • Advantage
  • Multiple System Calls in operation concurently
  • Disadvantage
  • Context switch is slower requires OS
  • Fairness issues for CPU time
  • User-level threads supported above the kernel,
    via a set of library calls at the user level
    (Project Andrew from CMU).
  • Advantage
  • Fast context switch - no OS overhead
  • Disadvantage
  • Kernel sees only one process, one system call
    halts all threads.
  • Some operating systems offer a hybrid approach
    (Solaris 2).

Threads Support in Solaris 2
  • Hybrid approach implements both user-level and
    kernel-supported threads (Solaris 2). Solaris 2
    is a version of UNIX with support for threads at
    the kernel and user levels, symmetric
    multiprocessing, and real-time scheduling.
  • Light Weight Process (LWP) intermediate level
    between user-level threads and kernel-level
  • Resource needs of thread types
  • LWP PCB with register data, accounting and
    memory information, switching between LWPs is
    relatively slow.
  • User-level thread only need stack and program
    counter no kernel involvement means fast
    switching. Kernel only sees the LWPs that
    support user-level threads.
  • Kernel thread small data structure and a stack
    thread switching does not require changing memory
    access information relatively fast.

Threads in Solaris 2
Interprocess Communication (IPC)
  • IPC is covered in CEG434/634
  • Skip section 4.6
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