Title: U.S. Department of Energy Advanced Water Power
1U.S. Department of EnergyAdvanced Water Power
Ocean Research Resources Advisory Panel 14
August 2009
2DOE Water Power Activities (Restarted in FY 2008)
FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 (request)
0 10 40 30
- Appropriations address both conventional hydro
(CH) and marine and hydrokinetic technologies
(MHK) - Technology Definitions
- Marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) energy from
- Waves
- Water currents (tides, rivers, ocean currents,
man-made channels) - Ocean thermal energy (OTEC)
- Conventional hydropower (CH) energy from any
source that uses a dam, diversionary structure,
or impoundment for electric power purposes. - purposes.
3DOE Water Power Mission
- Identify and undertake RDDD activities necessary
to - Assess the potential extractable energy from
water resources - Facilitate the development and deployment of
renewable, environmentally-sound, and
cost-effective energy from domestic rivers,
estuaries and coastal waters - EERE focuses on applied research, development,
and deployment - Most fundamental RD undertaken by DOE Office of
Science - Policy role limited to advice and recommendations
- At least 50 GW estimated extractable resource in
US - Greatest resource from waves and rivers
- Existing assessments preliminary and conservative
- Refined resource assessments necessary to
decrease uncertainty and prioritize development - Reduced transmission costs due to proximity to
load - Wave and tidal, ocean, and river currents are
highly predictable and can be easily forecasted - Offshore sites are low profile low visibility
- Data gaps
- Need for interim, defensible assessments
- Timeline for development?
2007 Water and Historical Wind COE (/kWh)
Resource Raw (GW) Extractable (GW)
Wave 240 30
Tidal Current 13 2
Ocean Current Unknown 6
River 1426 13
Total 1679 51
Source EPRI 2009, NYU 1986
- Technologies in very early stage of development,
few full-scale demonstrations - Lack of cost and performance data
- Lack of standards for development, testing, and
evaluation - Prototype deployment is costly and time-consuming
- High capital costs and technology risk
- Unique survivability/reliability challenges
- OM is difficult and costly in rough marine
environments must be minimized - Minimizing OM in rough marine environments
requires extremely robust designs - Lack of information on device/resource
interaction - Few technology-specific models and tools
- Lack of detailed resource quantification and
characterization - Existing data is preliminary and uncertain
extractable power still to be derived from total
power figures - Uncertain environmental, navigational, and
competing use impacts, complex regulatory
framework - Siting and regulatory delays may stop industry
before it starts
6Program PrioritiesMarine and Hydrokinetics
- System Deployment and Testing
- Facilitate the deployment and testing of full
scale MHK prototypes and components - Support the development of integrated test
centers - Generate data on performance, reliability and
impacts - Cost Reduction and System Performance/Reliability
- Support design and development of scale systems
and components in order to reduce technology
costs and improve performance and reliability - Develop design and testing protocol, support
developers who follow it - Develop numerical and physical tools to assist
industry in device and system design and
operation. - Understand Environmental Effects
- Collect/disseminate data on environmental impacts
to reduce deployment costs and environmental
effect - Resource Modeling
- Determine the available, extractable, and
cost-effective water resources in the US - Develop Evaluation and Performance Standards
- Characterize, evaluate and compare the wide
variety of MHK technologies continue IEC/IEA
standards development
7Policy Needs
- Substantial deployment incentives
- Technology development stage similar to wind in
mid 1980s - Nascent technology needs both RD support and
market-pull policies - E.g. deployment fund to establish
technology-specific rate warranties - Definition of maximum amount of electricity per
individual technology (i.e. 5MW_at_30) - Definition of support per kWh delivered
(0.5/kWh) - Guaranteed PPAs Loan guarantees
- Streamlined Licensing Process
- Overlapping jurisdiction between Federal and
state agencies - Regulators employ license processes designed for
oil gas or conventional hydropower - Can take 5 years to secure license for small
projects - License process must consider scalability of
technologies and leave room for adaptive
8MHK Key Activities
- MHK Technology Development
- Principal activities include
- Competitive awards to industry to design,
develop, and test energy conversion devices and
projects (ongoing projects awarded in 08,
additional projects solicited in 09) - Solicitations to national labs for computational
tools to improve system design and array
configuration - Development of international device performance
and identification standards. - MHK Technology and Project Database
- National Marine Renewable Energy Centers
- MHK Market Acceleration/Analysis
- Principal activities include
- Ongoing projects to assess wave and tidal
resources, solicited projects to assess
in-stream, ocean current, OTEC - Cost assessments of all MHK technologies and OTEC
- Report to Congress identifying potential
environmental effects of MHK technologies - Industry solicitation to support project-specific
environmental studies - Marine and Hydrokinetic Industry Roadmap
- Development of project siting guidelines and
9Water power questions?
Alejandro Moreno Technology Lead, Water Power
Wind and Hydropower Technologies U.S. Department
of Energy 202-586-8171 alejandro.moreno_at_ee.doe.gov
Megan McCluer Program Manager Wind and
Hydropower Technologies U.S. Department of Energy
202-586-7736 megan.mccluer_at_ee.doe.gov