Lights, Camera, Action: Shakespeare on Film - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lights, Camera, Action: Shakespeare on Film


Elizabethan England Themes in Romeo and Juliet Zeffirelli s Romeo and Juliet ... How is the wedding night shown in the film? What plans have the Capulets arranged? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lights, Camera, Action: Shakespeare on Film

Lights, Camera, ActionShakespeare on Film
  • Unit of Study
  • Shakespeares Biography
  • Elizabethan England
  • Themes in Romeo and Juliet
  • Zeffirellis Romeo and Juliet
  • Luhrmanns Romeo and Juliet
  • Group Activities
  • Presentations
  • Journal Responses
  • Oral and Composition Rubrics
  • Useful Websites

Unit of Study
  • Purpose
  • To recognize the key components in Zeffirellis
    and Luhrmanns films that contribute to the
    overall understanding of Romeo and Juliet.
  • Objectives
  • View both Zeffirellis and Luhrmanns Romeo and
  • Identify the similarities and differences between
    the two films.
  • Discuss the highly debated scenes and how each
    director portrayed it.
  • Collaborate on the important use of film in the
  • Listen to Video and Sound Clips from both films
    to foster an understanding of how sound benefits
    the films.

Unit of Study Continued
  • Class Materials
  • Zeffirellis and Luhrmanns film versions
  • Film discussion questions
  • Group film activities
  • Class paper presentation
  • Journal responses
  • YouTube Video and Sound Clips
  • Online reference material
  • Standards
  • General Language Strand 2.5 Summarize in a
    coherent and organized way information and ideas
    learned from a focused discussion.
  • General Language Strand 3.14 Give formal and
    informal talks to various audiences and for
    various purposes using appropriate levels of
    formality and rhetorical devices
  • General Reading Strand 8.29 Identify and
    analyze patterns of imagery and symbolism
  • General Reading Strand 8.30 Identify and
    interpret themes and giving supporting evidence
    from the text
  • General Reading Strand 10.5 Compare and
    contrast the presentation of theme or topic
    across genres to explain on the selection of
    genres shapes the message
  • General Reading Strand 17.7 Identify and
    analyze how dramatic conventions support,
    interpret, and enhance dramatic text.

Unit of Study Continued
  • General Composition Strand 19.27 Write
    well-organized research papers that prove a
    thesis statement using logical organization,
    effective supporting evidence, and variety in
    sentence structure.
  • General Presentation Strand 25.5 Use
    group-generated criteria for evaluating different
    forms of writing and explain why these are
    important before applying them.
  • General Media Strand 26.5 Analyze visual or
    aural techniques used in a media message for a
    particular audience and evaluate their
  • General Media Strand 27.6 Create media
    presentations that effectively use graphics,
    images, and/or sound to present a distinctive
    point of view on a topic.
  • General Media Strand 27.7 Develop and apply
    criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the
    presentation, style, and content of films and
    other forms of electronic communication.

William ShakespearePlease click on the link
above to review Shakespeares biography
  • 1564- 1616
  • English poet and playwright
  • Considered the greatest writer in the English
    language and one of the first dramatists
  • Referred to as Englands national poet and the
    Bard of Avon (click on link to review information
    regarding Avon)
  • His surviving works include 38 plays, 154
    sonnets, 2 long narrative poems, and numerous
    other poems
  • His plays are world renowned, have been
    translated into all major surviving languages,
    and are performed on stage more than any other

Elizabethan EnglandPlease click on the
hyperlinks to review the aspects of Elizabethan
  • Queen Elizabeth
  • Elizabethan Times
  • The Church of England
  • Elizabethan Education
  • The Tudors

Themes in Romeo and Juliet
  • Tragic Flaw
  • Light v. Dark
  • Destiny
  • Suicide
  • Revenge
  • Parent/Child Conflict
  • Love at First Sight?
  • Romeo and Juliet (Play Version click on link
    for complete e-text)

Famous Quotes
  • Romeo But soft! What light through younder
    window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the
    sun! (Act Two, Scene II, line 2)
  • Juliet O Romeo, O Romeo! Wherefore art thou
    Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse they name
  • Or, if thou wilt not, be swore my love, And
    Ill no longer be a Capulet. (Act Two, Scene II,
    line 33)
  • Juliet Whats in a name? That which we
    call a rose
  • By any other name would smell as sweet
    (Act Two, Scene II, line 43)
  • Romeo O, I am fortunes fool! (Act Three,
    Scene I, line 95)

Discussion Questions for Zeffirellis Romeo and
Juliet Act One(We will use these Discussion
Questions as we watch the films please take
notes based upon the questions)
  • How does Zeffirelli set the tone and mood of the
  • How are the Capulets shown in the film?
  • How are the Montagues shown in the film?
  • What starts the brawl in the marketplace?
  • How do we know that Zeffirelli has chosen to view
    the entire play seriously?
  • Why is Romeo depressed?
  • What is the relationship of Juliet and the Nurse?
  • What surprising choice does Zeffirelli make about
    Lady Capulet?
  • Why is the love song significant?
  • How does Juliet react to Romeos words?

Group Activity Act One(We will complete these
group activities while we watch the films
please take notes based on your ideas and
  • Write a minute review of Act 1 of the film and
    address the following aspects
  • The cuts to the text
  • The acting style
  • The setting (lighting, sounds, music, etc)
  • Reaction to seeing the actors play the characters
    we have read about as a class (Focus in on how
    the characters sound, look, and act, is it what
    you expected?)

Discussion Questions Act Two
  • How is the balcony scene shown in the film?
  • What does Juliet tell Romeo when he ask for her
    vow of love?
  • What proof of his love does Juliet ask from
  • How does Romeo react?
  • What does Romeo do when he leaves Juliet?
  • Why is Mercutio wondering where Romeo is?
  • What happens when the Nurse goes to see Romeo?
  • What warning does Friar Lawrence gives Romeo?
  • What happens when Juliet goes to Friar Lawrences
  • How is the wedding shown in the film?

Group Activity Act Two
  • Count off by 2s (all 1s get together and all of
    the 2s get get together)
  • Re-enact the scene as show in the film.
  • Discuss the parts you liked and disliked
    regarding the films portrayal of Act Two.

Discussion Questions Act Three
  • What triggers Mercutios fight with Tybalt?
  • Why does Tybalt want to fight Romeo?
  • How does Mercutio die?
  • What does Romeo do?
  • How does Tybalt die?
  • What does Juliet think when the Nurse tells her
    that Romeo killed Tybalt?
  • What does Friar Lawrence tell Romeo?
  • How is the wedding night shown in the film?
  • What plans have the Capulets arranged?
  • Why does Lady Capulet think Juliet is crying?

Group Activity Act Three
  • Brainstorm for a few minutes about the parts of
    Act Three that were clearer because of the movie
  • Regroup into a Seminar Circle to discuss the
    brainstorm ideas (identify the similarities and

Discussion Questions Act Four
  • Who does Juliet meet at Friar Lawrences
  • What plan does Friar Lawrence devise?
  • How do we know that Friar Lawrence is nervous
    about the plan?
  • What does Juliet do when she gets home?
  • How is Juliets drinking of the potion displayed
    in the film?
  • Is it how you portrayed it in your mind?
  • How is the letter sent to Romeo?
  • How is Juliet found?
  • How is Juliets funeral shown in the film?
  • Is it a believable funeral?

Group Activities Act Four
  • Free Write Activity Write a five minute journal
    response acting as either Juliet or Romeo during
    Act Four (what are you feeling, how would you
    have reacted?)
  • Group Share Volunteers will be asked to share
    their Free Write Responses with the class

Discussion Questions Act Five
  • What news does Balthasar bring Romeo?
  • What is Romeos reaction?
  • How does Romeo get into Capulets tomb?
  • What does Romeo do when he sees Juliet?
  • Who else does Romeo see in the tomb?
  • How does Romeo die?
  • What happens when Friar Lawrence goes into the
  • What does Friar Lawrence tell Juliet?
  • What does Juliet do when she sees Romeos body?
  • How does the film end?

Group Activity Act Five
  • Pretend to be either Juliet or Romeo in Act Five
  • Brainstorm how you would react if you had been in
    their places
  • Group Sharing Share your character choice and
    how you felt putting yourself in the characters

Discussion Questions for Luhrmanns Romeo and
Juliet Act One
  • How does Luhrmann set the tone and mood of the
  • How is the opening fight shown in the film?
  • What choices does Luhrmann make for the
    background of the film?
  • How is Gloria, Juliet, Mercutio, and Romeo shown
    in the film
  • How is the Capulets feast shown in the film?
  • What choice does Luhrmann make about Gloria?
  • When does Romeo first see Juliet?
  • What costume does Dave and Romeo have?
  • Where do Romeo and Juliet have their first kiss?
  • Why can the music in this film be considered a

Group Activity Act One
  • Write a minute review of Act 1 of the film and
    address the following aspects
  • How it differs from Zeffirillis version
  • The acting style
  • The setting (lighting, sounds, music, etc)
  • Reaction to seeing the actors play the characters
    we have read about as a class (Focus in on how
    the characters sound, look, and act, is it what
    you expected?)

Discussion Questions Act Two
  • How is the balcony scene shown in the film?
  • What is Juliets plan?
  • What token does Juliet give Romeo?
  • How is Father Lawrence shown in the film?
  • How does the balcony scene differ from
    Zeffirillis film version? Which do you like
  • What does the Nurse tell Romeo?
  • What does the Nurse tell Juliet?
  • How is the wedding portrayed in the film?
  • Do you think this portrayal is better or worse
    than Zeffirillis?
  • What does Father Lawrence tell Romeo and Juliet?

Group Activity Act Two
  • Count off by 2s (all 1s get together and all of
    the 2s get get together)
  • Re-enact the scene as show in the film.
  • Discuss the parts you liked and disliked
    regarding the films portrayal of Act Two.

Discussion Questions Act Three
  • What does Mercutio tell Benvolio on the beach?
  • How does Tybalt insult Mercutio?
  • What is Romeos reaction to Mercutios death?
  • What is Juliet doing during this scene?
  • What happens when Tybalts death is discovered?
  • What does the Chief do?
  • What surprising items decorate Juliets room?
  • How is the wedding night shown? (Similarities and
    differences with Zeffirellis version)
  • What is Fulgencio doing downstairs while Romeo
    and Juliet are upstairs?
  • How does Juliet react to her fathers marriage

Group Activity Act Three
  • Brainstorm for a few minutes about the parts of
    Act Three that were clearer because of the movie
  • Regroup into a Seminar Circle to discuss the
    brainstorm ideas (identify the similarities and

Discussion Questions Act Four
  • Who does Juliet meet at Father Lawrences?
  • What is Father Lawrences plan?
  • How is Father Lawrences dwelling portrayed in
    the film?
  • What happens to Father Lawrences letter to
  • How is Juliets drinking of the potion portrayed
    in the film?
  • Does it differ from Zeffirellis version?
  • What happens the morning after?
  • How is Juliets funeral shown?
  • Does it differ from Zeffirellis version?
  • Which funeral scene do you like the best and why?

Group Activity Act Four
  • Free Write Activity Write a five minute journal
    response acting as either Juliet or Romeo during
    Act Four (what are you feeling, how would have
  • Group Share Volunteers will be asked to share
    their Free Write Responses with the class

Discussion Questions Act Five
  • Why does Romeo not receive Father Lawrences
  • What happens when Father Lawrence finds out the
    letter was not delivered?
  • Why does the Chief of Police launch a search?
  • What happens when Romeo gets to the tomb?
  • Where is Dave Paris?
  • What happens when Romeo enters the tomb?
  • What happens when Romeo sees Juliet?
  • What surprising choice does Luhrmann make during
    this scene?
  • What does Juliet do?
  • How does the film end?

Group Activity Act Five
  • Free Write Activity Consider the two film
    endings, which ending was most believable, which
    ending did you like the best, and why?
  • Group Sharing Volunteers will share their free
    write responses with the class.

Group Film Activities(Write a Journal Entry
based on the activities below)
Zeffirellis Version (1968) Activity Make notes about directorial choices (set/setting, music/soundtrack, costumes/clothes) Decide whether audience is encouraged to side with the Montagues or the Capulets? (both or neither) What is your response to the opening fight scene. How does the director establish the ideal of rival gangs? Luhrmanns Version (1996) Activity Make notes about directorial choices (set/setting, music/soundtrack, costumes/clothes) Decide whether audience is encouraged to side with the Montagues or the Capulets? (both or neither) What is your response to the opening fight scene. How does the director establish the ideal of rival gangs?
Zeffirelli Character Box Activity Choose a character to follow in the film Build up a complete picture of the character (think 5 sense and find something relevant for each sense) Include sight touch scent hearing taste Luhrmann Character Box Activity Choose a character to follow in the film Build up a complete picture of the character (think 5 sense and find something relevant for each sense) Include sight touch scent hearing taste
YouTube Video Sound Clips Click on the link
below to access the following Romeo and Juliet
Clips (http//
1CF258160FED5)(Write a Journal Entry based on
your actions and responses to the clips)
Zeffirelli Trailer What aspects of this Trailer version do you like and why? How has the Trailer portrayed the film? What components would you have changed or added? Balcony Scene What parts of this scene do you feel Zeffirelli does better than Luhrmann? How are the aspects of this scene different than Luhrmanns version? LuhrmannTrailer What aspects of this Trailer version do you like and why? How has the Trailer portrayed the film? What components would you have changed or added? Kissing Scene What parts of this scene do you feel Luhrmann does better than Zeffirelli? How are the aspects of this scene different than Zeffirellis version?
What is Youth? What does this scene add to the film? What are the differences when comparing Luhrmanns version in regards to this scene? Everything I Do How do you think this chosen song adds to the overview of the film? What song would you choose to represent this version? Final Scene What does this scene add to the movie? What are the differences when comparing Zeffirellis version in regards to this scene? Love U Forever How do you think this chosen song adds to the overview of the film? What song would you choose to represent this version?
Class Presentation ChoicesThis is a combined
Writing and Oral Assignment, you will be graded
on your written submission and your presentation
based upon the topic selected Note If there is
an additional topic you would like to research,
submit a proposal in writing
  • Choice One
  • Write a compare and contrast paper based on the
    similarities and differences between Zeffirellis
    and Luhrmanns film versions of Romeo and Juliet.
  • Identify film aspects including setting,
    character focus, actor choice, costume choice,
    and music (how do these key items inhibit and/or
    elevate the film)
  • Choice Two
  • Choose one of the important themes in Romeo and
    Juliet and identify how those scenes are
    portrayed in Zeffirellis and Luhrmanns film
  • Be sure to address at least three aspects of each
    film that support the theme discussed.

Journal ResponsesMake sure to bring your
journals with you to each class, as you will be
able to use them for reference when participating
in the Socratic Circle discussions
  • Each class period, you will be responsible for
    completing a one page pre-class and post-class
    written journal response, identifying items that
    you have questions about, you would like to
    discuss in more depth, characters that you relate
    to, characters that you despise, or ideas that
    you may for group work
  • This is your chance to talk freely, please put
    all of your thoughts down on the page (Do not
    worry about grammatical and syntax, you will only
    be graded on content of your responses)
  • You will be required to hand your journals in at
    the end of the unit for my review

Rubrics for Oral Presentation and Composition
  • Oral Rubric.doc
  • Click on the above link to access the Oral
    Presentation Rubric that will be used for grading
  • Composition Rubric.doc
  • Click on the above link to access the Composition
    Rubric that will be used for grading purposes.

Socratic Circle Journal TalkSocratic Circle
Participation Reference GuideNote Click on the
link above to learn more about participating in
Socratic Circle
  • Based upon your journal responses and group
    activities, we will conduct a Socratic Circle to
    discuss some of the key questions identified
    throughout the unit
  • This is a great time to discuss potential paper
    topic questions and ideas
  • The Socratic Circle is also an important place to
    determine the pros and cons of each film version.

Useful WebsitesThese websites could be
beneficial in your research and to learn more
about Shakespeare and his time, Romeo and Juliet,
and his other plays
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//
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