Title: Getting Value From Value-Added
1Getting Value From Value-Added
- Committee on Value-Added Methodology for
Instructional Improvement, Program Evaluation,
and - Educational Accountability
- National Research Council and
- National Academy of Education
- Presentation at the annual meeting of the
- Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness
- Washington DC
- March 5, 2010
2Committee Members
- Henry Braun, Boston College (Chair)
- Jane Hannaway, Urban Institute
- Kevin Lang, Boston University
- Scott Marion, National Center for the Improvement
of Educational Assessment - Lorrie Shepard, University of Colorado
- Judith Singer, Harvard University
- Mark Wilson, University of California, Berkeley
3Todays Presentation
- Henry Braun
- Introduction
- Uses of VAM
- Measurement Issues
- Analytic Issues
- Consequences of Using VAM
- Judith Singer
- Key System Components
- Considerations for Policy Makers
- Using VAM to Evaluate Teachers
4Structure of the Workshop
- Identified 4 themes
- Goals and uses of VAM
- Measurement issues with VAM
- Analytic issues with VAM
- Consequences (policy considerations) of using VAM
- Commissioned 4 papers (and 2 discussants) for
each theme - Commissioned writers represented different
disciplines - Economics
- Educational statistics
- Health/medicine
- Measurement/International assessment
- Program evaluation
5Assignments for Workshop Presenters
- Asked presenters to discuss what they judged to
be - Critical issues with VAM
- Areas of consensus and disagreement in their
fields - The types of research needed to resolve the areas
of disagreement - Implications of these issues for uses of VAM in
6Workshop Presenters
- Dale Ballou, Vanderbilt University
- Derek Briggs, University of Colorado at Boulder
- John Q. Easton, CCSR (now at IES)
- Adam Gamoran, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Robert Gordon, Center for American Progress
- Ashish Jha, Harvard School of Public Health
- Michael Kane, National Conference of Bar
Examiners (now at ETS) - Michael J. Kolen, University of Iowa
- Helen F. Ladd, Duke University
- Robert L. Linn, University of Colorado, Boulder
- J.R. Lockwood, RAND Corporation
- Daniel F. McCaffrey, RAND Corporation
- Sean Reardon, Stanford University
- Mark D. Reckase, Michigan State University
- Brian Stecher, RAND Corporation
- J. Douglas Willms, University of New Brunswick
7Structure of the Report
- Workshop held Nov. 13-14, 2008
- Report is workshop summary not a consensus
report. - Structure of the report
- Introduction to VAM
- Uses and Consequences of VAM
- Measurement Issues
- Analytic Issues
- Considerations for Policy Makers
8Introduction Goals for VAM
- To estimate the contributions of schools and/or
teachers to student learning as represented by
test score trajectories - Intention is to make causal inferences by
correcting for non-random pairings of students
with teachers and schools - Differences between economists and statisticians
in approaches, models, and assumptions
9Measurement Issues
- Tests are incomplete measures of student
achievement. Value-added estimates are based on
test scores that reflect a narrower set of
educational goals (cognitive and other) than most
parents and educators have for students. - Measurement error. Test scores are not perfectly
10Measurement Issues (cont.)
- Interval scale. To provide a consistent ranking
of schools, teachers, or programs value-added,
one important assumption underlying value-added
analyses employing regression models is that the
tests used in the analyses are reported on an
equal interval scale.
11Measurement Issues (cont.)
- Vertical linking of tests. Some value-added
models require vertically linked test score
scales that is, the scores on tests from
different grades are linked to a common scale so
that students scores from different grades can
be compared directly. - Models of learning. Some researchers argue that
value-added models would be more useful if there
were better content standards that laid out
developmental pathways of learning and
highlighted critical transitions tests could
then be aligned to such developmental standards.
12Analytic Issues
- Bias. In order to tackle the problem of nonrandom
assignment of students to teachers and teachers
to schools, value-added modeling adjusts for
preexisting differences among students, using
prior test scores and (sometimes) other observed
student and school characteristics. - Precision and stability. Research on the
precision of value-added estimates consistently
finds large sampling errors.
13Analytic Issues (cont.)
- Data quality. Missing or faulty data can have a
negative impact on the precision and stability of
value-added estimates and can also contribute to
bias. - Complexity versus transparency. More complex
value-added models tend to have better technical
14Possible Consequences of Using VAM
- Incentives and consequences. If value-added
indicators are part of an accountability system,
they are likely to change educators behavior and
to lead to unintended consequences, as well as to
intended ones. - Attribution. In situations in which there is team
teaching or a coordinated emphasis within a
school (e.g., writing across the curriculum), is
it appropriate to attribute students learning to
a single teacher?
15Key System Components
- To maximize the utility of the models, the
system needs -
- A longitudinal database that tracks individual
students over time and links them to their
teachers (for teacher accountability) or to their
schools (school accountability) - Confidence that missing data are missing for
legitimate reasons (student mobility) and not
because of data collection problems - Expert staff to run the value-added analyses
16Key System Components (cont.)
- Vertically coherent set of standards, curriculum,
and pedagogical strategies that are linked to the
standards, and a sequence of tests well aligned
to that set of standards - Reporting system that effectively presents
results and provides support so users are likely
to make appropriate inferences
17Key System Components (cont.)
- Ongoing training for teachers and administrators
so they can understand and use results - Mechanism to monitor the systems effects on
teachers and students so the program can be
adapted if unintended consequences arise
18Using VAM to Evaluate Teachers
- Workshop participants were concerned about using
VAM as the sole indicator for high-stakes
decisions about teachers - Low numbers of students per teacher
- Issues with stability of year-to-year estimates
- Uncertainty about the extent to which causal
inferences can be supported, particularly when
students have multiple teachers
19Using VAM to Evaluate Teachers (cont.)
- VAM might be useful for lower stakes purposes
- For instance, as the first step in identifying
teachers who need improvement or who have
pedagogical strategies that could be emulated - VAM estimates might be useful as one of several
indicators considered in combination with other
indicators for either higher or lower stakes uses - Consistent VAM estimates of teachers value-added
over time could provide more conclusive
evaluative evidence
20Considerations for Policy Makers
- Compared to what?
- Risks and rewards of VAM compared to other
methods of evaluation/accountability - Is there a best VAM?
- Data requirements for VAM
- Types of standards and tests
- ID, tracking, and warehouse systems
- Stakes, stakes, stakes
21A Note About Stakes
- Participants noted that any considerations of VAM
uses are contingent upon the intended stakes
attached to the decisions - Low stakes to some, might feel high to others
22Key Research Areas
- What are the effects of measurement error on
accurately estimating teacher, school, or program
effects? - What is the contribution of measurement error to
the volatility in estimates, (e.g., a teachers
value-added estimates) over time?
23Key Research Areas (cont.)
- Since there are questions about the assumption
that test score scales are equal-interval, to
what extent are inferences from value-added
modeling sensitive to monotonic transformations
(transformations that preserve the original
order) of test scores? - How might value-added analyses be given a
thorough evaluation before being operationally
24Key Research Areas (cont.)
- How might the econometric and statistical models
incorporate features from the others approach
that are missing from their own model? - How do violations of model assumptions affect the
accuracy of value-added estimates? - For example, how does not meeting assumptions
about the assignment of students to classrooms
affect accuracy? - How do the models perform in simulation studies?
25Key Research Areas (cont.)
- How could the precision of value-added estimates
be improved? -
- What are the implications of Rothsteins results
about causality/bias for both the economic and
statistical approaches? - How might value-added estimates of effectiveness
be validated? - How do policy makers, educators, and the public
use value-added information? What is the
appropriate balance between the complex methods
necessary for accurate measures and the need for
measures to be transparent?
26- Workshop papers available at
- http//www7.nationalacademies.org/bota/VAM_Worksho
p_Agenda.html - Report available at
- http//www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id12820
- Further information
- Stuart Elliott (selliott_at_nas.edu)
- Judy Koenig (jkoenig_at_nas.edu)