Title: Chapter 2 Communicating in Groups and Teams
1Chapter 2Communicating in Groupsand Teams
2Why form groupsand teams?
- Better decisions
- Faster response
- Increased productivity
- Greater buy-in
- Less resistance to change
- Improved employee morale
- Reduced risks
3Four Phases of Team Development
4Characteristics of Successful Teams
- Small size, diverse makeup
- Agreement on purpose
- Agreement on procedures
- Ability to deal with conflict
- Use of good communication techniques
- Ability to collaborate rather than compete
- Shared leadership
5Methods for Reaching Group Decisions
- Majority
- Consensus
- Minority
- Averaging
- Authority rule with discussion
6Common Conflict Response Patterns
- Avoidance/withdrawal
- Accommodation/smoothing
- Compromise
- Competition/forcing
- Collaboration/problem-solving
7Six-Step Procedure for Dealing With Conflict
- Listen.
- Understand the other point of view.
- Show concern for the relationship.
- Look for common ground.
- Invent new problem-solving options.
- Reach a fair agreement.
8Strategies for Effective Conflict Resolution
- Clear the air.
- If youre on a team with someone who
seemsconsistently irritated with you, ask for a
private meeting. - Solicit feedback listen without interrupting and
with an open mind. - Request permission to respond with equal openness.
9Planning and Participatingin Meetings
- Before the meeting
- Consider alternatives. Is a meeting necessary?
- Invite the right people. Include . . .
- those who have information.
- those who can make decisions.
- those who must implement decisions.
- Distribute an agenda.
10Planning and Participatingin Meetings
- During the Meeting
- Start on time and introduce the agenda.
- Appoint a secretary and a recorder.
- Encourage balanced participation.
- Confront conflict frankly.
- Summarize points of consensus along the way.
11Planning and Participatingin Meetings
- Ending the Meeting and Following Up
- Review meeting decisions.
- Distribute minutes of meeting.
- Remind people of action items.
12Collaboration Technology Facilitates Meetings
- Audioconferencing (teleconferencing)
- Videoconferencing
- Desktop conferencing
- Media conferencing
- Internet relay chat
- Webcasting
13Collaboration Technology Facilitates Project
- Software programs help managers
- Identify project phases
- Clarify goals
- Establish deadlines
- Anticipate obstacles
14Collaboration Technology Facilitates Decision
- Digital dashboards help managers
- Gather more data in shorter time
- Crunch information in near real-time
- Analyze information easily and quickly
- Forecast business performance
- Explain shifts in performance
- Make informed decisions
15The real art of conversation is not only to say
the right thing in the right place, but to leave
unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting
moment. Dorothy Nevill