Title: Design and Implementation of a Generic Resource-Sharing Virtual-Time Dispatcher
1Design and Implementation ofa Generic
Resource-SharingVirtual-Time Dispatcher
- Tal Ben-Nun
- Scl. Eng CS
- Hebrew University
Yoav Etsion CS Dept Barcelona SC Ctr
Dror Feitelson Scl. Eng CS Hebrew University
Supported by the Israel Science Foundation, grant
no. 28/09
2Design and Implementation ofa Generic
Resource-SharingVirtual-Time Dispatcher
- Goal is to control share of resources, not to
optimize performance important in virtualization
3Design and Implementation ofa Generic
Resource-SharingVirtual-Time Dispatcher
- Goal is to control share of resources, not to
optimize performance important in virtualization
Same module used for diverse resources
4Design and Implementation ofa Generic
Resource-SharingVirtual-Time Dispatcher
- Goal is to control share of resources, not to
optimize performance important in virtualization
Same module used for diverse resources
Mechanism used dispatch the most deserving
client at each instant
5Design and Implementation ofa Generic
Resource-SharingVirtual-Time Dispatcher
- Goal is to control share of resources, not to
optimize performance important in virtualization
Same module used for diverse resources
Mechanism used dispatch the most deserving
client at each instant
Selection of deserving client using virtual time
6Design and Implementation ofa Generic
Resource-SharingVirtual-Time Dispatcher
- Goal is to control share of resources, not to
optimize performance important in virtualization
Same module used for diverse resources
Mechanism used dispatch the most deserving
client at each instant
Selection of deserving client using virtual time
Implemented and measured in Linux
- Context VMM for server consolidation
- Multiple legacy servers share physical platform
- Improved utilization and easier maintenance
- Flexibility in allocating resources to virtual
machines - Virtual machines typically run a single
application (appliances)
- Assumed goal enforce predefined allocation of
resources to different virtual machines - (fair share scheduling)
- Based on importance / SLA
- Can change with time or due to external events
- Problem what is 30 of the resources when
there are many different resources, and diverse
9Global Scheduling
- Fair share usually applied to a single resource
- But what if this resource is not a bottleneck?
- Global scheduling idea
- Identify the system bottleneck resource
- Apply fair share scheduling on this resource
- This induces appropriate allocations on other
resources - This paper how to apply fair-share scheduling on
any resource in the system
10Previous Work I Virtual Time
- Accounting is inversely proportional to
allocation - Schedule the client that is farthest behind
11Previous Work II Traffic Shaping
- Leaky bucket
- Variable requests
- Constant rate transmission
- Bucket represent buffer
- Token bucket
- Variable requests
- Constant allocations
- Bucket represents stored capacity
12Putting them Together RSVT
- Resource sharing all clients make progress
continuously - Generalization of processor sharing
- Each job has its ideal resource sharing progress
- This is considered to be the allocation ai
- Grows at constant rate
- Each job has its actual consumption ci
- Grows only when job runs
- Scheduling priority is the difference
- pi ai ci
- Three clients
- Allocations roughly 50, 30, 20
- Consumption always occur in resource time
Consumed resource time
Wallclock time
- The set of active jobs is A
- The relative allocation of job i is ri
- During an interval T job k has run
- Update allocations
- Update consumptions
15The Active Set
- Active jobs (the set A) are those that can use
the resource now - Allocations are relative to the active set
- The active set may change
- New job arrives
- Job terminates
- Job stops using resource temporarily
- Job resumes use of resource
16Grace Period
- Intermittent activity process data / send packet
- should retain allocations even when inactive
- Thus ai continues to grow during grace period
after it becomes inactive - Grace period reflects notion of continuity
- Sub-second time scale
- Resumption after very long inactive periods
should be treated as new arrivals - Due to grace period, job that becomes inactive
accrues extra allocation - Forget this extra allocation after rebirth period
- (set ai ci)
- Two order of magnitude larger than grace period
- Kernel module with generic functionality
- Create / destroy module
- Create / destroy client
- Make request / set active / set inactive
- Make allocations
- Dispatch
- Check-in (note resource usage)
- Glue code for specific subsystems
- Currently networking and CPU
- Plan to add disk I/O
19Networking Glue Code
- Use the Linux QoS framework create RSVT queueing
queueing discipline
20Networking Glue Code
- Non-RSVT traffic has priority (e.g. NFS traffic)
and is counted as dead time
send immediately
select and send
21CPU Scheduling Glue Code
- Use Linux modular scheduling core
- Add an RSVT scheduling policy
- RSVT module essentially replaces the policy
runqueue - Initial implementation only for uniprocessors
- CFS and possibly other policies also exist and
have higher priority - When they run, this is considered dead time
22Timer Interrupts
- Linux employs timer interrupts (250 Hz)
- Allocations are done at these times
- Translate time into microseconds
- Subtract known dead time (unavailable to us)
- Divide among active clients according to relative
allocations - Bound divergence of allocation from consumption
- Also handling of grace period (mark as inactive)
- Also handling of rebirth (set ai ci)
- At dispatch, need to find client with highest
priority - But priorities change at different rates
- Solution allow only a limited discrete set of
relative priorities - Each priority has a separate queue
- Maintain all clients in each queue in priority
order - Only need to check the first in each queue to
find the maximum
24Experiment Basic Allocations
rate bandwidth
1 30.89?0.05
2 61.41?0.02
25Experiment Basic Allocations
rate bandwidth
1 15.69?0.11
2 30.81?0.03
3 46.10?0.03
26Experiment Active Set
27Experiment Grace Period
28Experiment Rebirth
29Experiment Throttling
- Two competing MPlayers
- The one with higher allocation does not need all
of it - Allocation tracks consumption
- Demonstrated generic virtual-time based resource
sharing dispatcher - Need to complete implementation
- Support for I/O scheduling
- More details, e.g. SMP support
- Building block of global scheduling vision