Title: Radiation Protection in Radiotherapy
1Radiation Protection inRadiotherapy
IAEA Training Material on Radiation Protection in
- Part 10
- Good Practice including Radiation Protection in
EBT - Lecture 3 (cont.) Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
2C. Commissioning
- Complex procedure depending very much on
equipment - Protocols exist and should be followed
- Useful literature
- J van Dyk et al. 1993 Commissioning and QA of
treatment planning computers. Int. J. Radiat.
Oncol. Biol. Phys. 26 261-273 - J van Dyk et al, 1999 Computerised radiation
treatment planning systems. In Modern Technology
of Radiation Oncology (Ed. J Van Dyk) Chapter 8.
Medical Physics Publishing, Wisconsin, ISBN
0-944838-38-3, pp. 231-286.
3Acceptance testing and commissioning
- Acceptance testing Check that the system
conforms with specifications. - Documentation of specifications either in the
tender, in guidelines or manufacturers notes
may test against standard data (e.g. Miller et
al. 1995, AAPM report 55) - Subset of commissioning procedure
- Takes typically two weeks
- Commissioning Getting the system ready for
clinical use - Takes typically several months for modern 3D
4Some equipment required
- Scanning beam data acquisition system
- Calibrated ionization chamber
- Slab phantom including inhomogeneities
- Radiographic film
- Anthropomorphic phantom
- Ruler, spirit level
- A. Non-dose related components
- B. Photon dose calculations
- C. Electron dose calculations
- (D. Brachytherapy - covered in part 11)
- E. Data transfer
- F. Special procedures
6A. Non-dose components
- Image input
- Geometry and scaling of
- Digitizer,
- Scans
- Output
- Text information
- Anatomical structure information
- CT numbers
- Structures (outlining tools, non-axial
reconstruction, capping,)
7Electron and photon beams
- Description (machine, modality, energy)
- Geometry (Gantry, collimator, table, arcs)
- Field definition (Collimator, trays, MLC,
applicators, ) - Beam modifiers (Wedges, dynamic wedges,
compensators, bolus,) - Normalization
8(No Transcript)
9B. Photon calculation tests
- Point doses
- Square, rectangular and irregular fields
- Inverse square law
- Attenuation factors (trays, wedges,)
- Output factors
- Machine settings
10Photon calculation tests (cont.)
- Dose distribution
- Homogenous
- Profiles (open and wedged)
- Contour correction
- Blocks, MLC, asymmetric jaws
- Multiple beams
- Arcs
- Off axis (open and wedged)
- Collimator/couch rotation
PTW waterphantom
11Photon calculation tests (cont.)
- Dose distribution
- Inhomogeneous
- Slab geometry
- Other geometries
- Anthropomorphic phantom
- In vivo dosimetry at least for the first patients
- Following the incident in Panama, the IAEA
recommends a largely extended in vivo dosimetry
program to be implemented
12C. Electron calculation
- Similar to photons, however, additional
- Bremsstrahlung tail
- Small field sizes require special consideration
- Inhomogeneity has more impact
- It is possible to use reference data for
comparison (Shui et al. 1992 Verification data
for electron beam dose algorithms Med. Phys. 19
13E. Data transfer
- Pixel values, CT numbers
- Missing lines
- Patient/scan information
- Orientation
- Distortion, magnification
All needs verification!!!
14F. Special procedures
- Junctions
- Electron abutting
- Stereotactic procedures
- Small field procedures (e.g. for eye treatment)
- Intraoperative radiotherapy
15Sources of uncertainty
- Patient localization
- Imaging (resolution, distortions,)
- Definition of anatomy (outlines,)
- Beam geometry
- Dose calculation
- Dose display and plan evaluation
- Plan implementation
16Typical accuracy required (examples)
- Square field CAX 1
- MLC penumbra 3
- Wedge outer beam 5
- Buildup-region 30
- 3D inhomogeneity CAX 5
From AAPM TG53
17Typical accuracy required (examples)
- Square field CAX 1
- MLC penumbra 3
- Wedge outer beam 5
- Buildup-region 30
- 3D inhomogeneity CAX 5
Note Uncertainties have two components Dose
(given in ) Location (given in mm)
18Time and staff requirements for commissioning (J
Van Dyk 1999)
- Photon beam 4-7 days
- Electron beam 3-5 days
- Brachytherapy 1 day per source type
- Monitor unit calculation 0.3 days per beam
19Some tricky issues
- Dose Volume Histograms - watch sampling, grid,
volume determination, normalization (1 volume
represents still gt 10E7 cells!) - Biological parameters - Tumour Control
Probability (TCP) and Normal Tissue Complication
Probability (NTCP) depend on the model used and
the parameters which are available.
20Commissioning summary
- Probably the most complex task for RT physicists
- takes considerable time and training - Partial commissioning needed for system upgrades
and modification - Documentation and hardcopy data must be included
- Training is essential and courses are available
- Independent check highly recommended
21Quick Question
- What commissioning needs to be done for a hand
calculation method of treatment times for a
superficial X Ray treatment unit?
22Superficial beam
- Percentage depth dose (may be look up table)
- Normalization point (typically the surface)
- Scatter (typically back scatter) factor
- Applicator and/or cone factor
- Timer accuracy
- On/off effect
- Other effects which may affect dose (e.g.
electron contamination)
23Quality Assurance of a treatment planning system
- QA is typically a subset of commissioning tests
- Protocols
- As for commissioning and
- M Millar et al. 1997 ACPSEM position paper.
Australas. Phys. Eng. Sci. Med. 20 Supplement - B Fraas et al. 1998 AAPM Task Group 53 QA for
clinical RT planning. Med. Phys. 25 1773-1829
24Aspects of QA (compare also part 12 of the course)
- Training - qualified staff
- Checks against a benchmark - reproducibility
- Treatment verification
- QA administration
- Communication
- Documentation
- Awareness of procedures required
25Quality Assurance
26Quality Assurance
Hand calculation of treatment time
Check prescription
27Frequency of tests for planning (and suggested
acceptance criteria)
- Commissioning and significant upgrades
- See above
- Annual
- MU calculation (2)
- Reference plan set (2 or 2mm)
- Scaling/geometry input/output devices (1mm)
- Monthly
- Check sum
- Some reference test sets
28Frequency of tests (cont.)
- Weekly
- Input/output devices
- Each time system is turned on
- Check sum (no change)
- Each plan
- CT transfer - orientation?
- Monitor units - independent check
- Verify input parameters (field size, energy, etc.)
29Treatment planning QA summary
- Training most essential
- Staying alert is part of QA
- Documentation and reporting necessary
- Treatment verification in vivo can play an
important role
30Quick Question
- How much time should be spent on treatment
planning QC?
31Staff and time requirements (source J. Van Dyk
et al. 1999)
- Reproducibility tests/QC 1 week per year
- In vivo dosimetry about 1 hour per patient - aim
for about 10 of patients - Manual check of plans and monitor units 20
minutes per plan
32QA in treatment planning
The planning system
Plan of a patient
QA of the system
QA of the plan
33QC of treatment plans
- Treatment plan Documentation of
- treatment set-up,
- machine parameters,
- calculation details,
- dose distribution,
- patient information,
- record and verify data
- Consists typically of
- Treatment sheet
- Isodose plan
- Record and Verify entry
- Reference films (simulator, DRR)
34QC of treatment plans
- Check plan for each patient prior to commencement
of treatment - Plan must be
- Complete from prescription to set-up information
and dose delivery advise - Understandable by colleagues
- Document treatment for future use
35Who should do it?
- Treatment sheet checking should involve senior
staff - It is an advantage if different professions can
be involved in the process - Reports must go to clinicians and the relevant QA
36Example for physics treatment sheet checking
- Check prescription (energy/dose/fractionation is
everything signed ?) - Check prescription and calculation page for
consistency Isocentric (SAD) or fixed distance
(SSD) set-up ? Are all necessary factors used?
Check both,dose/fraction and number of fractions. - Check normalisation value (Plan or data sheets).
- Check outline, separation and prescription depth.
- Turn to treatment plan Does it look ok ? Outline
? Bolus ? Isocentre placement and normalisation
point ? Any concerns regarding the use of
algorithms near surfaces or inhomogeneities?
Would you expect problems in planes not shown ?
Prescription ? - Check and compare with treatment sheet
calculation page treatment unit and type, field
names, weighting, wedges, blocks, field size
(FS), focus surface distance (FSD), Tissue Air
Ratio (TAR) (if isocentric treatment) - is this
consistent with entries in treatment log page? - Electrons only
- Photons only
- Check shadow tray factor, wedge factor. Are any
other attenuation factors required (e.g. couch,
headrest, table tray...) ? - Check inverse square law factor (in electron
treatments is the virtual FSD appropriate?) - Calculate monitor units. Is time entry ok ?
- Check if critical organ (e.g. spinal cord, lens,
scrotum) dose or hot spot dose is required. If
so, is it calculated correctly ? - Suggest in vivo dosimetry measurements if
appropriate. Sign calculation sheet (if
everything is ok). - Compare results on calculation page with entries
in treatment log. - Check diagram and/or set up description is there
anything else worth to consider ? - Sign top of treatment sheet (specify what parts
where checked if not all fields were checked). - Contact planning staff if required. Sign off
physics log book.
37Example for physics treatment sheet checking
- Check prescription (energy/dose/fractionation is
everything signed ?) - Check prescription and calculation page for
consistency Isocentric (SAD) or fixed distance
(SSD) set-up ? Are all necessary factors used?
Check both,dose/fraction and number of fractions. - Check normalisation value (Plan or data sheets).
- Check outline, separation and prescription depth.
- Turn to treatment plan Does it look ok ? Outline
? Bolus ? Isocentre placement and normalisation
point ? Any concerns regarding the use of
algorithms near surfaces or inhomogeneities?
Would you expect problems in planes not shown ?
Prescription ?
38Example for physics treatment sheet checking
procedure (cont.)
- Check and compare with treatment sheet
calculation page treatment unit and type, field
names, weighting, wedges, blocks, field size
(FS), focus surface distance (FSD), Tissue Air
Ratio (TAR) (if isocentric treatment) - is this
consistent with entries in treatment log page? - Electrons only
- Photons only
- Check shadow tray factor, wedge factor. Are any
other attenuation factors required (e.g. couch,
headrest, table tray...) ? - Check inverse square law factor (in electron
treatments is the virtual FSD appropriate?) - Calculate monitor units. Is time entry ok ?
- Check if critical organ (e.g. spinal cord, lens,
scrotum) dose or hot spot dose is required. If
so, is it calculated correctly ?
39Example for physics treatment sheet checking
procedure (cont.)
- Suggest in vivo dosimetry measurements if
appropriate. Sign calculation sheet (if
everything is ok). - Compare results on calculation page with entries
in treatment log. - Check diagram and/or set up description is there
anything else worth to consider ? - Sign top of treatment sheet (specify what parts
where checked if not all fields were checked). - Contact planning staff if required. Sign off
physics log book.
40Treatment plan QA summary
- Essential part of departmental QA
- Part of patient records
- Multidisciplinary approach
41Quick Question
- What advantages has a multidisciplinary approach
to QC of treatment plans?
42Did we achieve the objectives?
- Understand the general principles of radiotherapy
treatment planning - Appreciate different dose calculation algorithms
- Be able to apply the concepts of optimization of
medical exposure throughout the treatment
planning process - Appreciate the need for quality assurance in
radiotherapy treatment planning
43Overall Summary
- Treatment planning is the most important step
towards radiotherapy for individual patients - as
such it is essential for patient protection as
outlined in BSS - Treatment planning is growing more complex and
time consuming - Understanding of the process is essential
- QA of all aspects is essential
44Any questions?
- Please label and discuss the following processes
in external beam radiotherapy treatment.
Diagnostic tools
Treatment planning
Treatment unit