Title: Sustainable Health and Green Care
1Sustainable Health and Green Care
- Donal ODonoghue
- National Clinical Director for Kidney Care
Working for Better Kidney Care
Green Nephrology Summit London Wednesday 26th
September 2012
2Some service areas are already leading the way.
For example, Green Nephrology includes a network
which brings together clinicians, patients, renal
technicians and industry partners.
- Environmentally sustainable health and social
care scoping review Naylor and Appleby, March
3Quality is the only organising principle of the
Patient Centred
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5Vascular Disease One Event Leads to Another
(REACH Registry)
- MI Risk
- 2 x greater risk
- Stroke risk
- Up 50
- Original Event Stroke
- MI Risk
- 2-3 x greater risk
- Stroke Risk
- 9 x greater risk
Diabetes (type 2) Because of the increased risk
associated with diabetes, it should be considered
a cardiovascular risk equivalent to a
non-diabetic patient with previous MI
- Original Event MI
- MI Risk
- 5-7 x greater risk
- Stroke Risk
- 3-4 x greater risk
- Original Condition PAD
- MI Risk
- 4 x greater risk
- Stroke Risk
- 2-3 x greater risk
6Disuse-Disability Spiral
Painter (1996)
710 of our wealth is spent on health
9Value in Health Care(Porter M NEJM 3632477,
2010, Lee NEJM3632481, 2010)
- Value should always be defined around the
consumer and the creation of the value for
patients should determine the rewards for all
other actors in the system.
10Value in Health Care(Porter M NEJM 3632477,
2010, Lee NEJM3632481, 2010)
- Measurement of value is challengingthe
critical first step is measurement. Provider
organisations need to capture data on outcomes
that matter to patients and carers.
11Results of Public Opinion Survey
Source Ipsos MORI
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14Trends in Late Referral by Year
Late referral defined as 3 months before RRT
Data from Canadian, UK and ANZDATA Renal
15Demand for renal replacement therapy continues
to increase
but incident rates appear to be reaching a
plateau or falling
Prevalent patients by treatment
RRT incident rates
16The mean eGFR at initiation of RRT is rising
The mean eGFR at initiation of RRT in 2009 in
the UK was 8.6 The mean eGFR at initiation of
RRT in 2008 in the US was 11.1
Percent distribution at initiation by eGFR
18Shared Decision Making
is a fundamental part of care planning and
promotes the best choice in what otherwise can be
a complex and overwhelming situation.
- The care team communicates to the patient
personalised information about the options,
outcomes, probabilities and scientific
uncertainties of the various treatments.
The patient communicates his or her values and
relative importance he or she places on the
potential benefits and harms.
19Patient Decision Aids
21Aerobic Exercise Training Haemodialysis bed
cycle ergometer training
225 of transport emissions in the UK are estimated
to be accounted for by healthcare facilities
Environmentally sustainable health and social
care scoping review Naylor and Appleby, March
235 of transport emissions in the UK are estimated
to be accounted for by healthcare
facilities Ingredients in a steak and kidney pie
served in one hospital had travelled a total of
Environmentally sustainable health and social
care scoping review Naylor and Appleby, March
24Motivate and inspire
- Influence key levers and mechanisms to support
uptake - Legislation, Inspection, Incentives
- Performance management of new Commissioning
Consortia through the Outcomes Framework - National clinical audit
- Education/ accreditation/ CPD e.g. via Royal
Colleges and professional bodies - Workforce development
- Promoting evidence into practice guidelines
- Developing the evidence base
- Patient stories
25- Often change need not be cajoled or coerced.
Instead it can be unleashed.
Kelman, S. (2005) Unleashing Change. A study of
organizational renewal in government, Brookings
Institution Press Washington, D.C
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