Title: Supervised Clustering --- Algorithms and Applications
1Supervised Clustering ---Algorithms and
- Christoph F. Eick
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Houston
- Organization of the Talk
- Supervised Clustering
- Representative-based Supervised Clustering
Algorithms - Applications Using Supervised Clustering for
- Dataset Editing
- Class Decomposition
- Distance Function Learning
- Region Discovery in Spatial Datasets
- Other Activities I am Involved With
2List of Persons that Contributed to the Work
Presented in Todays Talk
- Tae-Wan Ryu (former PhD student now faculty
member Cal State Fullerton) - Ricardo Vilalta (colleague at UH since 2002
Co-Director of the UHs Data Mining and Knowledge
Discovery Group) - Murali Achari (former Master student)
- Alain Rouhana (former Master student)
- Abraham Bagherjeiran (current PhD student)
- Chunshen Chen (current Master student)
- Nidal Zeidat (current PhD student)
- Sujing Wang (current PhD student)
- Kim Wee (current MS student)
- Zhenghong Zhao (former Master student)
3Traditional Clustering
- Partition a set of objects into groups of similar
objects. Each group is called a cluster. - Clustering is used to detect classes in a data
set (unsupervised learning). - Clustering is based on a fitness function that
relies on a distance measure and usually tries to
create tight clusters.
4Different Forms of Clustering
Ch. Eick
Objectives Supervised Clustering Minimize
cluster impurity while keeping the number of
clusters low (expressed by a fitness function
5Motivation Finding Subclasses using SC
Ford Trucks
GMC Trucks
Ford Vans
Ford SUV
6Related Work Supervised Clustering
- Sinkkonens SKN02 discriminative clustering and
Tishbys information bottleneck method TPB99,
ST99 can be viewed as probabilistic supervised
clustering algorithms. - There has been a lot of work in the area of
semi-supervised clustering that centers on
clustering with background information. Although
the focus of this work is traditional clustering,
there is still a lot of similarity between
techniques and algorithms they investigate and
the techniques and algorithms we investigate.
72. Representative-Based Supervised Clustering
- Aims at finding a set of objects among all
objects (called representatives) in the data set
that best represent the objects in the data set.
Each representative corresponds to a cluster. - The remaining objects in the data set are then
clustered around these representatives by
assigning objects to the cluster of the closest
representative. - Remark The popular k-medoid algorithm, also
called PAM, is a representative-based clustering
8Representative-Based Supervised Clustering
9Representative-Based Supervised Clustering
Objective of RSC Find a subset OR of O such that
the clustering X obtained by using the objects
in OR as representatives minimizes q(X).
10SC Algorithms Currently Investigated
- Supervised Partitioning Around Medoids (SPAM).
- Single Representative Insertion/Deletion Steepest
Decent Hill Climbing with Randomized Restart
(SRIDHCR). - Top Down Splitting Algorithm (TDS).
- Supervised Clustering using Evolutionary
Computing (SCEC) - Agglomerative Hierarchical Supervised Clustering
(AHSC) - Grid-Based Supervised Clustering (GRIDSC)
Remark For a more detailed discussion of SCEC
and SRIDHCR see EZZ04
11A Fitness Function for Supervised Clustering
- q(X) Impurity(X) ßPenalty(k)
k number of clusters used n number of examples
the dataset c number of classes in a dataset.
ß Weight for Penalty(k), 0lt ß 2.0
Penalty(k) increase sub-linearly. because the
effect of increasing the of clusters from k to
k1 has greater effect on the end result when k
is small than when it is large. Hence the formula
12Algorithm SRIDHCR (Greedy Hill Climbing)
- Highlights
- k is not an input parameter, SRIDHCR searches
for best k within the range that is induced by b. - Reports the best clustering found in r runs
13Supervised Clustering using Evolutionary
Computing SCEC
Initial generation
Next generation
Best solution
Final generation
14The complete flow chart of SCEC
The complete flow chart of SCEC
15Complex1 Dataset
16Supervised Clustering Result
17Supervised Clustering ---Algorithms and
- Organization of the Talk
- Supervised Clustering
- Representative-based Supervised Clustering
Algorithms - Applications Using Supervised Clustering for
- for Dataset Editing
- for Class Decomposition
- for Distance Function Learning
- for Region Discovery in Spatial Datasets
- Other Activities I am Involved With
18Nearest Neighbour Rule
Consider a two class problem where each sample
consists of two measurements (x,y).
k 1
For a given query point q, assign the class of
the nearest neighbour.
k 3
Compute the k nearest neighbours and assign the
class by majority vote.
Problem requires good distance function
193a. Dataset Reduction Editing
- Training data may contain noise, overlapping
classes - Editing seeks to remove noisy points and produce
smooth decision boundaries often by retaining
points far from the decision boundaries - Main Goal of Editing enhance the accuracy of
classifier ( of unseen examples classified
correctly) - Secondary Goal of Editing enhance the speed of a
k-NN classifier
20Wilson Editing
- Wilson 1972
- Remove points that do not agree with the majority
of their k nearest neighbours
Earlier example
Overlapping classes
Original data
Original data
Wilson editing with k7
Wilson editing with k7
21RSC ? Dataset Editing
a. Dataset clustered using supervised clustering.
b. Dataset edited using cluster representatives.
22Experimental Evaluation
- We compared a traditional 1-NN, 1-NN using Wilson
Editing, Supervised Clustering Editing (SCE), and
C4.5 (that was run using its default parameter
setting). - A benchmark consisting of 8 UCI datasets was used
for this purpose. - Accuracies were computed using 10-fold cross
validation. - SRIDHCR was used for supervised clustering.
- SCE was tested using different compression rates
by associating different penalties with the
number of clusters found (by setting parameter b
to 0.1, 0.4 and 1.0). - Compression rates of SCE and Wilson Editing were
computed using 1-(k/n) with n being the size of
the original dataset and k being the size of the
edited dataset.
23Table 2 Prediction Accuracy for the four
ß NR Wilson 1-NN C4.5
Glass (214) Glass (214) Glass (214) Glass (214) Glass (214)
0.1 0.636 0.607 0.692 0.677
0.4 0.589 0.607 0.692 0.677
1.0 0.575 0.607 0.692 0.677
Heart-Stat Log (270) Heart-Stat Log (270) Heart-Stat Log (270) Heart-Stat Log (270) Heart-Stat Log (270)
0.1 0.796 0.804 0.767 0.782
0.4 0.833 0.804 0.767 0.782
1.0 0.838 0.804 0.767 0.782
Diabetes (768) Diabetes (768) Diabetes (768) Diabetes (768) Diabetes (768)
0.1 0.736 0.734 0.690 0.745
0.4 0.736 0.734 0.690 0.745
1.0 0.745 0.734 0.690 0.745
Vehicle (846) Vehicle (846) Vehicle (846) Vehicle (846) Vehicle (846)
0.1 0.667 0.716 0.700 0.723
0.4 0.667 0.716 0.700 0.723
1.0 0.665 0.716 0.700 0.723
Heart-H (294) Heart-H (294) Heart-H (294) Heart-H (294) Heart-H (294)
0.1 0.755 0.809 0.783 0.802
0.4 0.793 0.809 0.783 0.802
1.0 0.809 0.809 0.783 0.802
Waveform (5000) Waveform (5000) Waveform (5000) Waveform (5000) Waveform (5000)
0.1 0.834 0.796 0.768 0.781
0.4 0.841 0.796 0.768 0.781
1.0 0.837 0.796 0.768 0.781
Iris-Plants (150) Iris-Plants (150) Iris-Plants (150) Iris-Plants (150) Iris-Plants (150)
0.1 0.947 0.936 0.947 0.947
0.4 0.973 0.936 0.947 0.947
1.0 0.953 0.936 0.947 0.947
Segmentation (2100) Segmentation (2100) Segmentation (2100) Segmentation (2100) Segmentation (2100)
0.1 0.938 0.966 0.956 0.968
0.4 0.919 0.966 0.956 0.968
1.0 0.890 0.966 0.956 0.968
24Table 3 Dataset Compression Rates for SCE and
Wilson Editing.
b Avg. k Min-Max for SCE SCE Compression Rate () Wilson Compression Rate ()
Glass (214) Glass (214) Glass (214) Glass (214)
0.1 34 28-39 84.3 27
0.4 25 19-29 88.4 27
1.0 6 6 6 97.2 27
Heart-Stat Log (270) Heart-Stat Log (270) Heart-Stat Log (270) Heart-Stat Log (270)
0.1 15 12-18 94.4 22.4
0.4 2 2 2 99.3 22.4
1.0 2 2 2 99.3 22.4
Diabetes (768) Diabetes (768) Diabetes (768) Diabetes (768)
0.1 27 22-33 96.5 30.0
0.4 9 2-18 98.8 30.0
1.0 2 2 2 99.7 30.0
Vehicle (846) Vehicle (846) Vehicle (846) Vehicle (846)
0.1 57 51-65 97.3 30.5
0.4 38 26-61 95.5 30.5
1.0 14 9-22 98.3 30.5
Heart-H (294) Heart-H (294) Heart-H (294) Heart-H (294)
0.1 14 11-18 95.2 21.9
0.4 2 99.3 21.9
1.0 2 99.3 21.9
Waveform (5000) Waveform (5000) Waveform (5000) Waveform (5000)
0.1 104 79-117 97.9 23.4
0.4 28 20-39 99.4 23.4
1.0 4 3-6 99.9 23.4
Iris-Plants (150) Iris-Plants (150) Iris-Plants (150) Iris-Plants (150)
0.1 4 3-8 97.3 6.0
0.4 3 3 3 98.0 6.0
1.0 3 3 3 98.0 6.0
Segmentation (2100) Segmentation (2100) Segmentation (2100) Segmentation (2100)
0.1 57 48-65 97.3 2.8
0.4 30 24-37 98.6 2.8
1.0 14 99.3 2.8
25Summary SCE and Wilson Editing
- Wilson editing enhances the accuracy of a
traditional 1-NN classifier for six of the eight
datasets tested. It achieved compression rates of
approx. 25, but much lower compression rates for
easy datasets. - SCE achieved very high compression rates without
loss in accuracy for 6 of the 8 datasets tested. - SCE accomplished a significant improvement in
accuracy for 3 of the 8 datasets tested. - Surprisingly, many UCI datasets can be compressed
by just using a single representative per class
without a significant loss in accuracy. - SCE tends to pick representatives that are in the
center of a region that is dominated by a single
class it removes examples that are classified
correctly as well as examples that are classified
incorrectly from the dataset. This explains its
much higher compression rates. - Remark For a more detailed evaluation of SCE,
Wilson Editing, and other editing techniques see
EZV04 and ZWE05.
26Future Direction of this Research
Data Set
Data Set
Classifier C
Classifier C
Goal Find p, such that C is more accurate than
C or C and C have approximately the same
accuracy, but C can be learnt more quickly
and/or C classifies new examples more quickly.
27Supervised Clustering vs. Clustering the Examples
of Each Separately
- Approaches to discover subclasses of a given
class - Cluster the examples of each class separately
- Use supervised clustering
Figure 4. Supervised clustering editing vs.
clustering each class (x and o) separately.
Remark A traditional clustering algorithm, such
as k-medoids, would pick o as the cluster
representative, because it is blind on how the
examples of other classes distribute, whereas
supervised clustering would pick o as the
representative obviously, o is not a good
choice for editing, because it attracts points of
the class x, which leads to misclassifications.
28Applications of Supervised Clustering 3.b Class
Decomposition (see also VAE03)
Attribute 1
Attribute 1
Attribute 2
Attribute 2
Attribute 1
- Simple classifiers
- Encompass a small class of approximating
functions. - Limited flexibility in their decision boundaries
Attribute 2
29Naïve Bayes vs. Naïve Bayes with Class
30Example How to Find Similar Patients?
3c. Using Clustering in Distance Function Learning
- The following relation is given (with 10000
tuples) - Patient(ssn, weight, height, cancer-sev,
eye-color, age,) - Attribute Domains
- ssn 9 digits
- weight between 30 and 650 mweight158
sweight24.20 - height between 0.30 and 2.20 in meters
mheight1.52 sheight19.2 - cancer-sev 4serious 3quite_serious 2medium
1minor - eye-color brown, blue, green, grey
- age between 3 and 100 mage45 sage13.2
- Task Define Patient Similarity
31CAL-FULL/UH Database Clustering Similarity
Assessment Environments
Training Data
A set of clusters
Library of clustering algorithms
Learning Tool
Object View
Similarity measure
Clustering Tool
Library of similarity measures
Similarity Measure Tool
Data Extraction Tool
User Interface
Todays topic
Type and weight information
Default choices and domain information
For more details see RE05
32Similarity Assessment Framework and Objectives
- Objective Learn a good distance function q for
classification tasks. - Our approach Apply a clustering algorithm with
the distance function q to be evaluated that
returns a number of clusters k. The more pure the
obtained clusters are the better is the quality
of q. - Our goal is to learn the weights of an object
distance function q such that all the clusters
are pure (or as pure is possible) for more
details see ERBV05 and BECV05 papers.
33Idea Coevolving Clusters and Distance Functions
Weight Updating Scheme / Search Strategy
Clustering X
Distance Function Q
Bad distance function Q1
Good distance function Q2
q(X) Clustering Evaluation
Goodness of the Distance Function Q
34Idea Inside/Outside Weight Updating
oexamples belonging to majority class x
non-majority-class examples
Cluster1 distances with respect to Att1
xo oo ox
Action Increase weight of Att1
Cluster1 distances with respect to Att2
Idea Move examples of the majority class closer
to each other
o o xx o o
Action Decrease weight for Att2
35Sample Run of IOWU for Diabetes Dataset
Graph produced by Abraham Bagherjeiran
36Research Framework Distance Function Learning
Distance Function Evaluation
Weight-Updating Scheme / Search Strategy
Inside/Outside Weight Updating
Supervised Clustering
Work By Karypis
Randomized Hill Climbing
Adaptive Clustering
Other Research
37 3.d Discovery of Interesting Regions for
Spatial Data Mining
- Task 2D/3D datasets are given discover
interesting regions in the dataset that maximize
a given fitness function examples of region
discovery include - Discover regions that have significant deviations
from the prior probability of a class e.g.
regions in the state of Wyoming were people are
very poor or not poor at all - Discover regions that have significant variation
in the income (fitness is defined based on the
variance with respect to income in a region) - Discover regions for congressional redistricting
- Discover congested regions for traffic control
- Remark We use (supervised) clustering to
discover such regions regions are implicitly
defined by the set of points that belong to a
38Wyoming Map
39Household Income in 1999 Wyoming Park County
40Clusters ? Regions
Example 2 clusters in red and blue are given
regions are defined by using a Voronoi diagram
based on a NN classifier with k7 region are in
grey and white.
41An Evaluation Scheme for Discovering Regions that
Deviate from the Prior Probability of a Class C
Let prior(C) C/n p(c,C) percentage of
examples in c that belong to class C Reward(c) is
computed based on p(c.C), prior(C) , and based on
the following parameters
g1,g2,R,R- (g1?1?g2 R,R-?0) relying on the
following interpolation
function (e.g. g10.8,g21.2,R 1, R-1)
qC(X) Sc?X (t(p(c,C),prior(C),g1,g2,R,R-)
c)b/n) with bgt1 (typically, 1.0001ltblt2) the
idea is that increases in cluster-size rewarded
nonlinearly, favoring clusters with more points
as long as ct() increases.
42Reward-based Fitness Function (2)
43Example of Reward-based Fitness Function
- Parameters ?10.5, ?21.5, R1, R-1, ß 1.1
- Prior(Poor)0.2 n1000
- p(c1,Poor)20/50 0.4 ----R
- p(c2,Poor)40/200 0.2 ----N
- p(c3,Poor)10/200 0.05 ----R
- p(c4,Poor)30/350 0.0857---R
- p(c5,Poor)100/200 0.5 ----R
c3,c4 0.1 c2
0.3 c1,c5 -
- qPoor(X) 1/7 x (50)1.1/1000 0 1/2
x(200)1.1/1000 0.143 x - (350)1.1/1000
2/7 x (200)1.1/1000 - 0.01056 0
0.16986 0.08991 0.09706 - 0.36739
0.4-0.3 0.7
0.1-0.05 0.1
44Example Discovery of Interesting Regions in
Wyoming Census 2000 Datasets
Ch. Eick
45Supervised Clustering ---Algorithms and
- Organization of the Talk
- Supervised Clustering
- Representative-based Supervised Clustering
Algorithms - Applications Using Supervised Clustering for
- for Dataset Editing
- for Class Decomposition
- for Distance Function Learning
- for Region Discovery in Spatial Datasets
- Other Activities I am Involved With
46An Environment for Adaptive (Supervised)
Clusteringfor Summary Generation Applications
Clustering Algorithm
Adaptation System
Evaluation System
Past Experience
Domain Expert
Fitness Functions (predefined)
Idea Development of a Generic Clustering/Feedback
/Adaptation Architecture whose objective is to
facilitate the search for clusterings that
maximize an internally and/or an externally given
reward function (for some initial ideas see
47Clustering Algorithm Inputs
Data Set Examples Data Set Feature
Representation Distance Function Clustering
Algorithm Parameters Fitness Function
Parameters Background Knowledge
48 Research Topics 2005/2006
Remark Topics that were covered in this talk
are in blue
- Inductive Learning/Data Mining
- Decision trees, nearest neighbor classifiers
- Using clustering to enhance classification
algorithms - Making sense of data
- Supervised Clustering
- Learning subclasses
- Supervised clustering algorithms that learn
clusters with arbitrary shape - Using supervised clustering for region discovery
and spatial data mining - Adaptive clustering
- Tools for Similarity Assessment and Distance
Function Learning - Data Set Compression and Creating Meta Knowledge
for Local Learning Techniques - Comparative studies
- Creating maps and other data set signatures for
datasets based on editing, SC, density estimation
techniques, and proximity graphs - Traditional Clustering
- Data Mining and Information Retrieval for
Structured Data - Other Evolutionary Computing, File Prediction,
Ontologies, Heuristic Search, Reinforcement
Learning, Data Models.
49Links to 7 Papers
VAE03 R. Vilalta, M. Achari, C. Eick, Class
Decomposition via Clustering A New Framework for
Low-Variance Classifiers, in Proc. IEEE
International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM),
Melbourne, Florida, November 2003.
http//www.cs.uh.edu/ceick/kdd/VAE03.pdf EZZ04
C. Eick, N. Zeidat, Z. Zhao, Supervised
Clustering --- Algorithms and Benefits, short
version appeared in Proc. International
Conference on Tools with AI (ICTAI), Boca Raton,
Florida, November 2004. http//www.cs.uh.edu/ceic
k/kdd/EZZ04.pdf EZV04 C. Eick, N. Zeidat, R.
Vilalta, Using Representative-Based Clustering
for Nearest Neighbor Dataset Editing, in Proc.
IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
(ICDM), Brighton, England, November
2004. http//www.cs.uh.edu/ceick/kdd/EZV04.pdf R
E05 T. Ryu and C. Eick, A Clustering Methodology
and Tool, in Information Sciences 171(1-3) 29-59
(2005). http//www.cs.uh.edu/ceick/kdd/RE05.doc
ERBV04 C. Eick, A. Rouhana, A. Bagherjeiran, R.
Vilalta, Using Clustering to Learn Distance
Functions for Supervised Similarity Assessment,
in Proc. MLDM'05, Leipzig, Germany, July
2005. http//www.cs.uh.edu/ceick/kdd/ERBV05.pdf
ZWE05 N. Zeidat, S. Wang, C. Eick,, Editing
Techniques a Comparative Study, submitted for
publication. http//www.cs.uh.edu/ceick/kdd/ZWE05
.pdf BECV05 A. Bagherjeiran, C. Eick, C.-S.
Chen, R. Vilalta, Adaptive Clustering Obtaining
Better Clusters Using Feedback and Past
Experience, submitted for publication. http//www.
Reading material for the final exam