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Charlotte s Web t346 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Grammar Irregular Verbs Daily Proofreading: our teacher sayed the answers aloud. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Charlotte

Charlottes Web
Lesson 26 Day 4
Question of the Day
  • What can animals do that people cannot do?
  • People can do many things that animals
  • cannot do, such as talk, cook, or paint a
  • There are also things animals can do that
    people cannot do, such as fly, live under the
    water, or survive in the frozen north. Think
    about what a spider can do that people are unable
    to do.
  • One of my favorite animals is
  • One thing it can do that I cannot do is
  • Add sentences to provide details about what your
    favorite animal can do that you cannot do

Think !
Todays Read Aloud
  • Julio Sings Like a Frog
  • For enjoyment
  • To find out about the character Julio
  • To find out how a boy sings like a frog.

Our purpose for reading this story ..
Julio Sings Like a Frog
Julio was talking with his father. Its a nice
summer day, said his dad. Do you want to walk
down to the pond? I dont know, said Julio.
Its a little hot to walk that far. Just then,
a blue dragonfly zipped through the air. I wish
we could fly there like that dragonfly.
Julio Sings Like a Frog
Well, we could try, said Dad. He spread his
arms and took a running jump. Nice try, said
Julio, laughing. But maybe we should walk
instead. When they reached the pond, Julio
heard frogs croaking. I think I can make that
sound. Julio puffed out his cheeks and let out
the air. Hmm I dont really sound like a
Julio Sings Like a Frog
Well, when frogs croak, they are really singing
to each other, said Dad. I can sing, said
Julio. I love singing with my friends.
Thats right, you do. And, remember, people
can fly, too. They just need airplanes. That
is true, said Julio, but I still wish I could fly
like a dragonfly and sing like a frog. His
father sat down next to the pond. Julio joined
him, and they both enjoyed the view.
  • Julio Sings Like a Frog
  • What animal in the story can fly? Why do you
    think Julio wants to fly like a dragonfly?
  • What other animal does Julio want to imitate?
    How does Julio try to croak like a frog?
  • What does the story tell you about animals and
    their abilities?

Suffix -sion
Root Word Suffix New Word
Sound admit -sion
admission shun decide -sion
decision zhun
Pronounce the root words, admit and decide.
Now lets add the suffix sion and pronounce the
new words, admission and decision. Notice
the s sound made when saying admission. Now
notice the z sound when pronouncing decision.
Remember the ending sion can be pronounced
two ways, shun and zhun.
Suffix -sion
Write discussion in your notebook and write /sh
n/ after the word.


T74 Review
Suffix -sion
Write the word revision in your notebook and
write /zh n/ after the word.


T74 Review
Suffix -sion
Reread the word discussion, how do we
pronounce the final sound in this word?
/sh n/
Reread the word revision, how do we
pronounce the final sound in this word?
/zh n/
T74 Practice/Apply
Suffix -sion
Part B discussion decide
precision diversion fish
expansion pressure
mitten ribbon

Some of the words above end in sion.
Which words end with the /sh n/ sound?
discussion, expansion
Some of the words above end in sion.
Which words end with the /zh n/ sound?
precison, diversion
T74 Practice/Apply Transparency R178
Suffix -sion
Part B discussion decide
precision diversion fish
expansion pressure
mitten ribbon

Which words do not have either the /sh n/
or the /zh n/ sound? decide, fish,
pressure, mitten, ribbon
In your notebook, make one column for /sh
n/ words and another for /zh n/ words. Copy the
words above into the appropriate columns. Then
add additional words with partners.
T74 Practice/Apply Transparency R178
Suffixes -tion, -sion
Remember, when tion and sion are added to root
words and word parts, the root word or word part
often changes. This pattern can be learned and
  • We may drop the final consonant or vowel.
  • For example
  • attend tion (drop letter d) attention

- We may change the final letters in some way.
For example prepare tion (change the e to
a) preparation
Fluency - Punctuation
  • Good Readers use many strategies to help them
    read fluently. It is important to pay attention
    to punctuation and use it like a road map for
  • As you read you should
  • Pause at commas and stop at periods.
  • Raise the pitch of your voice for questions.
  • Read sentences with exclamation points with

Fluency - Punctuation
Listen as I read
As I read part of Charlottes Web aloud, I
am going to pay attention to all punctuation
marks. I will use them as a guide for reading,
pausing at commas, stopping at periods, and
raising the pitch of my voice at the end of
Fluency - Punctuation
Now I will divide you into groups and you
can choral-read pages 308 and 309 from
Charlottes Web. Remember to pay attention to
punctuation and use it as a guide for your
Lets repeat-read P. 308-309 of Charlottes
Web. This time, raise your hands every time you
come to a period. This will help you remember to
stop briefly each time you see a period when you
are reading. Remember to take your time
reading, pay attention to punctuation, and ask
for help when necessary.
T76 Guided Practice - Practice/Apply
Focus SkillMaking Inferences- Comprehension
Writers do not directly tell readers all the
information that is needed to understand a story.
It is up to readers to figure out, or make
inferences about, characters, events, or other
parts of a story.
Listen as I read aloud A Noise from the
Barn. Pay attention to specific information
the writer has given. Then we will
answer questions about it.
Angela was finishing her farm chores when
she heard a loud noise. It sounded like baaaaaah.
What was that? Angela asked the wise old
cow. That sound came from inside the barn,
said the cow, who continued chewing her portion
of grass. I wouldnt worry about it.
What do you think? the girl asked Horner the
horse, who was standing nearby. Well, Im not
sure, replied Horner, who was a much more
nervous creature than the cow. Perhaps you
should check on it. You
A Noise From the Barn
never know. There just might be something
wrong. Angela ran to the barn and opened the
heavy, wooden door. She saw her father kneeling
down in the sheep pen. He looked like he was
concentrating. Whats happening Dad? Is there a
problem with the sheep? Well, come and see for
yourself, said Dad. Angela came closer. Her
father was washing something. Next to him a
mother sheep was resting on a pile of straw.
We have a new baby sheep! cried Angela
Yes, its a healthy lamb. I was a little
worried because it came so early. But everything
turned out fine. I guess that cow was
right, said Angela. There isnt anything to
worry about. Bessie the cow knows what
shes talking about, said Dad. This little lamb
is something to be happy about!
T77 Transparency R171
Making Inferences
  • What do you already know about cows?
  • Cows give us milk, cows do not really talk.
  • 2. What does the author tell you about Bessie?
  • She is old and wise she says not to worry
    about the noise.
  • Why do you think Bessie can talk in this
  • Bessie must be special this is a fantasy,
    and in fantasies animals and other parts of
    nature often talk.

T77 Practice/Apply Transparency R171
Making Inferences
  • Lets revisit Charlottes Web, then answer the
    following questions.
  • What does the author tell you about Wilbur?
  • He lives on Zuckermans farm he is friends
    with Charlotte.
  • What do you already know about pigs?
  • Pigs have curly tails, pigs lie around in the
  • Why do you think Wilbur can talk in this
  • Wilbur is a character in the story he is not
    real this is a fantasy.

  • Sequence is the order in which events happen.
  • Time-order words such as first, next, then,
    later, and finally, can help readers figure out
    the sequence of events in a passage.
  • Dates and times are also time-order words.

  • First, Mr. Wilson introduced the acting troupe.
  • Then, the actors did a scene from Charlottes
  • At the end, we all clapped.
  • How can I determine sequence in the passage
  • As I read, I ask myself, What are the time-order
    words? I think that First and Then are
    time-order words. Then I ask myself, What
    happened first?

  • How can I determine sequence? (continued)
  • I tell myself that the word first means Mr.
    Wilson introduced the acting troupe must be the
    first event in the passage.
  • The word then tells me the next event is the
    actors performed.
  • Then the words At the end tell me that we all
    clapped was the last thing that happened.

T78 Reinforce the Skill
  • first next May 21, 1985
    430 P.M.
  • How are these words alike?
  • They are time-order words.
  • Lets make sentences that reflect time-order
    using these words. For example
  • The car race began at 430 P.M. on May 21,
  • Now, in your notebook, brainstorm a list of
    time-order words and phrases. Write two or three
    sentences with your words. For example
  • In the morning, the school bus arrives at
    730 A.M.

T78 Reinforce the Skill Practice/Apply
Robust Vocabulary
I will name some objects that are bristly.
If you think the object I name is bristly, nod
your head yes. If not, shake your head no.
  • a broom
  • some red ribbons
  • a porcupine
  • hairbrush

Robust Vocabulary
I will name some objects that might be
dreadful. If I name something dreadful, put a
frightened look on your face. If not, look very
  • a monster
  • eating an orange
  • falling down the stairs
  • playing tag

T80 Extend Word Meanings
Robust Vocabulary
  • If you were summoning someone, what would you
  • If you wanted to be sedentary for a day, what
    would you do?

T80 Extend Word Meanings
Robust Vocabulary
I will name some actions that might be a
nuisance. If the action I name is a nuisance,
give a thumbs up sign. If not, give a thumbs
  • eating pizza
  • yelling
  • hiking with your family
  • poking a person in the arm

T80 Extend Word Meanings
Robust Vocabulary
I will say some phrases. If the phrase
sounds as if someone is boasting, puff yourself
up as big as you can. If it does not sound like
boasting, shake your head no.
  • I will clean the table.
  • I know I will win first place.
  • I am happy you won.
  • I am the best swimmer in the school.

T81 Extend Word Meanings
Robust Vocabulary
  • What are some objects that might sway in the
  • If you were adamant about winning the contest,
    what would you say?
  • What is inevitable on a rainy day?
  • What is one way in which a family member obliges

T81 Extend Word Meanings
Grammar Irregular Verbs
  • Daily Proofreading
  • our teacher sayed the answers aloud.
  • Our teacher said the answers aloud.
  • I has gone on a rollercoaster meny times.
  • I have gone on a rollercoaster many

Grammar Irregular Verbs
  • Remember that the tense of a verb tells the time
    of the action.
  • A verb may show past, present, or future tense.
  • Irregular verbs in the past tense tell about
    actions that happened yesterday or some other
    time in the past.

Grammar Irregular Verbs
  • Remember.
  • Irregular verbs do not end in ed.
  • Some irregular verbs, such as run, say, bring and
    ring, are used incorrectly. Students should
    memorize the tenses of these verbs.
  • Irregular verbs can be used with helping verbs,
    such as has or have.

Lets Practice Using Irregular Verbs
  • Susan carried her lunch to school.
  • The verb carried is a regular ed verb that tells
    about a past event.
  • What irregular verb(s) could we use instead?
  • brought, took
  • What can we say about brought and took?
  • They are irregular verbs that have a similar
    meaning, but do not end in ed.

T82 Practice/Apply
Lets Practice Using Irregular Verbs
  • The bell has sounded already.
  • What can you tell me about the verbs in this
  • Has is a helping verb and sounded is a regular
    ed verb.
  • What helping verb and irregular verb could we use
  • has, rung
  • Note, the words has rung tell about an action in
    the past, but not in a specific time.

T82 Practice/Apply
Lets Practice Using Irregular Verbs
  • Brainstorm a list of irregular verbs you could
    use to tell a mini-story about what happened on a
    field trip.
  • In your notebook, start with the irregular verbs
    brought and rung.
  • Now add to the list.
  • With partners, write four sentences in all.
  • Exchange your work with another set of partners
    and circle all the irregular verbs you find.

T82 Independent Practice
Writing Directions
You will now revise and finish your drafts. When
writing directions use clear, detailed sentences
explaining what to do. Also include numbers or
time-order words such as first, next, now, then
or last.
  • Directions
  • Explain how to do something.
  • Explain steps one-by-one and in time-order.
  • Use accurate words and phrases.
  • Use numbers or time-order words.
  • Follow a logical order.

Proofread and correct the following sentence
using editors marks. wilbur
scrambled to the top of the manure
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