CSE 599 Lecture 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSE 599 Lecture 2


In the previous lecture, we discussed: What is Computation? History of Computing Theoretical Foundations of Computing Abstract Models of Computation – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSE 599 Lecture 2

CSE 599 Lecture 2
  • In the previous lecture, we discussed
  • What is Computation?
  • History of Computing
  • Theoretical Foundations of Computing
  • Abstract Models of Computation
  • Finite Automata
  • Languages
  • The Chomsky Hierarchy
  • Turing Machines

Overview of Todays Lecture
  • Universal Turing Machines
  • The Halting Problem Some problems cannot be
  • Nondeterministic Machines
  • Time and Space Complexity
  • Classes P and NP
  • NP-completeness Some problems (probably) cannot
    be solved fast (on classical sequential

Recall from last class Turing Machines
  • Can be defined as a program
  • (current state, current symbol) to
  • (next state, new symbol to write, direction of
    head movement), or
  • A list of quintuples
  • (q0, s0, q1, s1, d0)
  • (q1, s1, q2, s2, d1)
  • (q2, s2, q3, s3, d2)
  • (q3, s3, q4, s4, d3)
  • (q4, s4, q5, s5, d4)
  • etc.
  • Includes an initial state q0 and
  • A set of halting states (for example, q3, q5)

Turing Machines
  • Example (q0, 1, q1, 0, R)

Universal Turing Machines (UTMs)
  • A UTM is a programmable Turing machine that can
    simulate any TM - it is like an interpreter
    running a program on a given input
  • Takes as input a description or program (list
    of quintuples) of a TM and the TMs input, and
    executes that program
  • Uses a fixed program (like all TMs) but this
    program specifies how to execute arbitrary
  • Analogous to a digital computer running a
    program in fact, Von Neumanns stored program
    concept was partly motivated by UTMs

Universal Turing Machines How They Work
  • A UTM U receives as input a binary description of
  • an arbitrary Turing machine T (list of
    quintuples) and
  • contents of Ts tape (a binary string t).
  • U simulates T on t using a fixed program as
  • INITIALIZE copy Ts initial state and Ts
    initial input symbol to a fixed machine
    condition (or workspace) area of the tape
  • LOCATE Given Ts current state q and current
    symbol s
  • Find the quintuple (q, s, q, s, d) in the
    description of T If q not found, then halt (q
    is a halt state) else
  • COPY Write q in workspace and s in Ts
    simulated tape region Move Ts simulated head
    according to d
  • Read new symbol s and write it next to q in
  • REPEAT Go to 2.

Universal Turing Machines Diagram
  • See Feynman text, Figure 3.23
  • This machine uses 8 symbols and 23 different
  • Exercise Identify which portions of the machine
    executes which subroutine (LOCATE, COPY, etc.)

Now we are ready for the big question
  • Are there computational problems that no
    algorithm (or Turing Machine) can solve?
  • Surprising answer YES!
  • Proof relies on self-reference UTMs trying to
    solve problems about themselves.
  • Related to the paradox This sentence is false
  • Can you prove the above statement true or false?
  • Related to Cantors proof by diagonalization
    that there are more real numbers than natural

Proof by diagonalization An example
  • Show that there are more real numbers than
    natural numbers
  • Proof Form a 1-1 mapping from natural numbers to
    reals, and form a new real number by changing the
    ith digit of the ith real number For example, if
    1-1 map is given by

New Real Number 0.2404. (Add 1 to
diagonal) This number is different from all the
ones listed
1 0.1000
2 0.0345451
3 0.749399845
4 0.33333333333333.
The Halting Problem and Undecidability
  • Question Are there problems that no algorithm
    can solve?
  • Consider the Halting Problem Is there a general
    algorithm that can tell us whether a Turing
    machine T with tape t will halt, for any given T
    and input t?
  • Answer No!
  • Proof By contradiction. Suppose such an
    algorithm exists. Let D be the corresponding
    Turing machine. Note that D is just like a UTM
    except that it is guaranteed to halt
  • D halts with a Yes if T halts on input t
  • D halts with a No if T does not halt on input t

Diagram of Halting Problem Solver D
  • Input to D description dT of a TM T and its
    input data t

Diagram of New Machine E
  • Define E as the TM that takes as input dT, makes
    a second copy in the adjacent part of the tape,
    and then runs D

Diagram of final machine Z (the diagonalizer)
  • Consider the machine Z obtained by modifying E as
  • On input dT if E halts with a No answer, then
  • if E halts with a Yes answer, then loop
  • What happens when Z is given dZ as input?

The machine D cannot exist!
  • By construction, Z halts on dT if and only if the
    machine T does not halt on dT
  • Therefore, on input dZ
  • Z halts on dZ if and only if Z does not halt on
  • A contradiction!
  • We constructed Z and E legally from D. So, D
    cannot exist. The halting problem is therefore
  • Conclusion There exist computational problems
    (such as the halting problem) that cannot be
    solved by any Turing machine or algorithm.

  • We can now make a distinction between two types
    of computability
  • Decidable (or recursive)
  • Turing Computable (or partial recursive/recursivel
    y enumerable)
  • A language is decidable if there is a TM that
    accepts every string in that language and halts,
    and rejects every string not in the language and
  • A language is Turing computable if there is a TM
    that accepts every string in that language (and
    no strings that are not)
  • Are all decidable languages Turing computable?
  • Are all Turing computable languages decidable?

Examples Decidable Languages
  • The language 0n1n is decidable
  • If the tape is empty, ACCEPT
  • Otherwise, if the input does not look like 0
    1, REJECT
  • Cross off the first 0. Then move right until the
    first 1 (not crossed off)
  • Cross off that 1, then move left until the first
  • Repeat the above 2 steps until we run out of 0s
    or 1s
  • If there are more 0s than 1s REJECT
  • If there are more 1s than 0s REJECT
  • If there are an equal number, ACCEPT
  • L 1n n is a composite number is
  • All decidable languages are Turing computable.
    Are there Turing computable languages that are
    not decidable?

Examples Turing Computable Languages
  • The Halting Problem is Turing Computable
  • HALT ltdT,t gt dT is a description of TM T,
    and T halts on input t
  • Proof Sketch The following UTM H accepts HALT
  • Simulate T on input t.
  • If T halts, then ACCEPT
  • Crucial Point H may not halt in some cases
    because T doesnt, but if T does halt, so does H.
    So L(H) HALT.
  • Hilberts 10th problem Given a polynomial
    equation (e.g. 7x2-5xy-3y22x-110, or x3y3z3),
    give an algorithm that says whether the equation
    has at least one integer solution.
  • Try all possible tuples of integers.
  • If one of the tuples is a solution, ACCEPT

Beyond Turing Computability
  • Are there problems that are even harder than HALT
    i.e. that are not even Turing Computable?
  • Consider the language DOESNT-HALT ltdT,tgt T
    does not halt on input t
  • Result DOESNT HALT is not Turing Computable!
  • Proof Suppose DOESNT-HALT was Turing computable
    and a Turing Machine DH accepts it. Let H be our
    UTM that accepts HALT.
  • Define another TM D as follows On input ltdT,
  • Run H and DH simultaneously (alternate step by
  • If H accepts, ACCEPT
  • If DH accepts, REJECT
  • Then D decides HALT! A contradiction, therefore
    DH does not exist and DOESNT-HALT is not Turing

  • Software verification is impossible without
  • You cant get around this, but you can reduce the
    pathological cases
  • Be careful-- these pathological cases wont go
  • There are mathematical facts we cant prove
  • Gödels Theorem Any arithmetic system large
    enough to contain Q (a subset of number theory)
    will contain unprovable statements
  • Based on constructing the statement This
    statement is unprovable
  • Uses numerical encodings of statements (called
    Gödel numbers) like those for a TM
  • Any sufficiently complex system will have holes
    in it.

5-minute break
  • Next Nondeterministic Machines, Time and Space
    Efficiency of Algorithms

  • We have seen the limitations of sequential
    machines that transition from one state to
    another unique state at each time step.
  • Consider a new model of computation where at each
    step, the machine may have a choice of more than
    one state.
  • For the same input, the machine may follow
    different computational paths when run at
    different times
  • If there exists any path that leads to an accept
    state, the machine is said to accept the input
  • Simple Example NFA (Nondeterministic Finite

NFA Example
  • Heres one example
  • There is only one nondeterministic transition in
    this machine
  • What strings does this machine accept?
  • Are NFAs more powerful than DFAs?

NFAs and DFAs are equivalent!
  • The models are computationally equivalent (the
    DFA has exponentially more states though in this
  • Proof sketch
  • each state of the DFA represents a subset of
    states in the NFA
  • What about Nondeterministic Turing machines?

Nodeterministic Turing Machines (NTMs)
  • NTMs may have multiple successor states, e.g.
  • (q,s,q1,s1,d1) and (q,s,q2,s2,d2)
  • NTMs are equivalent in computational power to
    deterministic TMs!
  • Proof sketch
  • Design a machine based on a Universal TM U to
    simulate NTM M
  • When there is a nondeterministic transition
    (q,s,q1,s1,d1) and (q,s,q2,s2,d2),
  • U alternates between simulating one computation
    path and the other (similar to breadth first
  • If one of the paths halts, the U halts (with Ms
    output on its tape)
  • Nondeterminism useful for time and space
    complexity issues

Time and Space Efficiency
  • The fact that a problem is decidable doesnt mean
    it is easy to solve.
  • We are interested in answering what problems
    can/cannot be efficiently solved?
  • Time complexity (worst case run time) is a major
  • Space complexity (maximum memory utilized) is a
    second concern
  • We first need to define how to measure the time
    and space complexity of an algorithm or a TM

Time and Space Complexity of an Algorithm
  • Example Problem DUP Given an array A of n
    positive integers, are there any duplicates?
  • For example, A 34, 9, 40, 87, 223, 109, 58, 9,
    71, 8
  • An easy algorithm for DUP
  • for i 1 to n-1
  • for j i1 to n
  • if Ai Aj
  • Output i and j
  • Halt
  • else continue
  • Space complexity n 2
  • Time complexity How many steps in the worst

Time and Space Complexity of an Algorithm
  • An easy algorithm for DUP
  • for i 1 to n-1
  • for j i1 to n
  • if Ai Aj
  • Output i and j
  • Halt
  • else continue
  • Time complexity How many steps in the worst
  • Worst case last two numbers are duplicates
  • Total time steps
  • 1 3(n-1) 1 3(n-2) upto n-1 terms
  • approximately n2
  • O(n2) (on the order of n2)

Big O notation for expressing complexity
  • A function f(n) is big O of a function g(n), i.e.
    f(n) O(g(n)), if there exists an integer N and
    constant C such that
  • f(n) ? cg(n) for all n ? N
  • Thus, our algorithm uses O(n) space and O(n2)
    time at worst
  • Exercise Design an algorithm for DUP that uses
    O(n) space and O(n log n) time

Time versus Space Tradeoffs
  • New Algorithm for DUP
  • Idea Use Ai as index into new array B
    initialized to 0s
  • for i 1 to n
  • If BAi 1
  • Output Ai
  • Halt
  • else B Ai ? 1
  • Similar to detecting collisions in hashing
  • Worst Case Time complexity O(n)
  • Worst Case Space complexity O(2m) where m is
    the number of bits required to represent numbers
    that can potentially occur in A.

Polynomial Time
  • DTIME(t(n)) All languages decided by a
    deterministic TM in time O(t(n))
  • P ? k?1 DTIME (nk)
  • Importance of P It corresponds to our notion of
    the class of problems that can be solved
    efficiently in time (runs in polynomial number of
    steps with respect to size of input)
  • Example DUP is in P so is sorting.
  • P for a TM ? P in most other models
  • Multitape TM, different alphabet, the RAM model
  • DNA Computing
  • Not necessarily for nondeterministic TMs
  • Not necessarily for Quantum Computers

The Satisfiability Problem (SAT)
  • SAT Boolean formula f f is an AND of many
    ORs and there is an assignment of 0s and 1s
    that makes f true
  • Example f (x1 NOT(x2) x3)(NOT(x1) x2
  • f is satisfiable x1 0, x2 0, x3 0 (or x1
    0, x2 x3 1)
  • Very hard for large formulas exhaustive search
    of all assignments of n variables
  • Best known algorithm runs in exponential time in
    the number of variables
  • BUT once you guess an assignment, very easy to
  • Nondeterminism might help!

The Class NP
  • NTIME (t(n)) All languages decided by a
    nondeterministic TM in time O( t(n))
  • NP ?k?1 NTIME (nk)
  • NP stands for Nondeterministic Polynomial Time
  • NTM can answer NP problems in polytime
  • Another definition uses the idea of a verifier
  • A verifier takes a string allegedly in the
    language, along with some piece of evidence.
  • Using this evidence, it verifies that the string
    is indeed in the language.
  • If the string is not in the language, or if the
    evidence isnt right, it REJECTS

  • A verifier for a language L is an algorithm V,
    where L w V accepts lt w,c gt for some string c
    that is evidence of ws membership in L
  • We measure the time of the verifier in terms of w
    -- not c, the evidence
  • The language L is polynomially verifiable if it
    has a polytime verifier
  • NP is the class of languages that have polynomial
    time verifiers
  • SAT Boolean formulas f f has a satisfying
  • Evidence c is an assignment of variables that
    makes f true

NTMs can solve NP problems using verifiers
  • Say language L is in NP.
  • Let V be a polytime verifier for L.
  • Define Nondeterministic Turing Machine N as
  • N On input w of length n
  • Nondeterministically choose an evidence string
    c of polynomial length
  • Run V on lt w, c gt
  • If V accepts, ACCEPT
  • Else, REJECT
  • Note One of the choices for c will be the
    correct evidence if w is in L.

  • Show that the following problems are in NP
  • VERTEX-COVER lt G, k gt G is an undirected
    graph that has a k-node vertex cover i.e. all
    edges are covered by at least one vertex from a
    set of k vertices
  • TSP ltC,bgt there is a tour of all the
    cities in C with total length no more than b
  • COMPOSITE numbers n n is composite

  • Basic Idea Use one problem to solve another
  • Problem A is reducible to problem B if you can
    transform any instance of problem A to an
    instance of problem B and solve problem A by
    solving problem B
  • Example
  • Language ACC ltdT ,tgt T is a TM that accepts
    input t
  • HALT ltdT,tgt T halts on input t (Let H
    decide HALT)
  • ACC is reducible to HALT On input lt dT, t gt,
  • Run H on input lt dT, t gt.
  • If H rejects (T does not halt on t), then REJECT
  • Else, simulate T on input t.
  • If T accepts, ACCEPT
  • If T rejects, REJECT
  • We have solved ACC using an algorithm H for HALT

NP Hard, NP Complete
  • A problem is NP hard if solving it means we can
    solve every problem in NP
  • Specifically, there is a polynomial time
    reduction from every problem in NP to the NP hard
  • Note By this definition, a problem is NP-hard if
    there is a polynomial time reduction from a known
    NP-hard problem to the given problem (easier to
  • A problem is NP complete if it is NP hard and in
  • These problems epitomize the class NP (i.e. they
    are the hardest problems in NP)

Importance of NP completeness
  • A large number of problems in optimization,
    engineering, computer science and mathematics are
    known to be NP complete, including problems in
    compiler optimization, scheduling, etc.
  • No one has found an efficient (polynomial time)
    algorithm for any NP complete problem
  • If someone finds a polynomial time algorithm for
    any one NP complete problem, then we can solve
    all NP complete problems (and all problems in NP)
    efficiently in polynomial time.

The Graph of NP Complete Problems

Cook-Levin Theorem SAT is NP complete
  • Cook and Levin independently proved that SAT is
    NP complete
  • Proof involves constructing a very large Boolean
    formula that captures the operation of a
    nondeterministic TM N that runs in polynomial
    time and solves a problem A in NP
  • The large formula takes into account
  • Basic facts such as N can be in only one state q
    at any time t, a tape cell can only contain 1
    symbol, read/write head is scanning 1 cell etc.
  • e.g. S(t,q) ? S(t,q) for all q ? q and for t
    0, 1, , nk
  • Initial and final conditions after nk steps have
    been executed
  • Ns program i.e. list of quintuples

Cook-Levin Theorem SAT is NP complete
  • Crucial facts
  • It takes only a polynomial amount of time to
    generate the Boolean formula for any NTM
  • The Boolean formula limits the NTM to behaving
    just as it should
  • Thus, the constructed formula is satisfiable if
    and only if the NTM halts in nk time steps and
    outputs a Yes on its tape (which means the
    original NP problem has the answer Yes for the
    given input)
  • We have thus shown that any NP problem is
    polynomial time reducible to SAT i.e. SAT is NP
  • Now, suppose you have a new problem you suspect
    is NP complete to show that it is, just reduce
    SAT to the problem!

Proving NP completeness via Reductions
  • VERTEX-COVER lt G, k gt G is an undirected
    graph that has a k-node vertex cover
  • Vertex cover is a subset of nodes such that every
    edge in the graph touches at least one node in
    the cover
  • Show that VERTEX-COVER is NP complete
  • Proof
  • Show that VERTEX-COVER is in NP
  • Show that SAT is polytime reducible to

  • DSPACE(s(n)) is the set of languages that can be
    decided using no more than O(s(n)) cells of the
  • PSPACE ? k?1 DSPACE (nk)
  • We can reuse space, but not time.
  • Is PSPACE as big as NP? (Homework problem)
  • We are asking if NP problems can be solved by
    PSPACE machines
  • (Hint Try all possibilities for a solution
    (exhaustive search) and figure out how much space
    you really need for simulating the NP machine).

General Issues Applicability
  • Issues to think about as we examine other models
  • How do the time and space bounds apply?
  • DNA computing is massively parallel - but only so
  • same with neural systems
  • Quantum Computers?
  • Do the decidability results really apply?
  • Approximate solutions may suffice for many ill
    defined questions in
  • vision
  • speech understanding, speech production
  • learning
  • navigation/ movement

General Issues Representation
  • Does the TM model apply to neural computing?
  • Neurons compute using distributed signals and
    stochastic pulses
  • Is thinking about symbol processing the wrong way
    to think about neural systems?
  • Could some other model (e.g. probabilistic
    computing) provide us with a way to describe
    neural processing?
  • How useful is the TM model in capturing the
    abstract computations involved in DNA computing
    and Quantum computing?
  • Keep these questions in mind as we explore
    alternative computing paradigms

Summary and where we are headed
  • We asked What functions are computable?
  • Are there functions that no algorithm (or Turing
    machine) can ever compute? (Yes)
  • We asked What functions are tractable?
  • Formalized the notion of P as the class of
    problems with time-efficient solutions
  • Lots of problems are NP complete with no fast
    algorithms known
  • Big question Is P NP?
  • We are now ready to explore
  • How digital computers embody the theory we have
  • How problems that are hard to solve on digital
    computers may be solved more efficiently using
    alternative computing methods such as DNA,
    neural, or Quantum Computing.

Next Week Digital Computing
  • We will see how a hierarchical approach allows us
    to build a general purpose digital computer (a
    finite state automaton)
  • Transistors ? switches ? gates ? combinational
    and sequential logic ? finite-state behavior ?
    register-transfer behavior ?
  • The physical basis is silicon integrated-circuit
  • Guest Lecture by Chris Diorio on IC technology
    (first hour or so)
  • We will discuss the theory and practice of
    digital computing, and end by examining their
    future Moores law and semiconductor scaling in
    the years to come.

Things to do this week
  • Finish Homework Assignment 1 (due next class
  • Read the handouts and Feynman chapters 1, 2, and
  • Have a great weekend!
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