Title: The Victorian Age and Victorianism
1The Victorian Age and Victorianism
- It was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from
June 1837 until her death on 22 January 1901
Long period of prosperity
Victorianism is the name given to the attitudes,
art, and culture of the later two-thirds of the
19th century.
link and transition between the writers of the
romantic period and the literature of the 20th
2Victorian literature
Tends to be idealized portraits of difficult
lives in which hard work, perseverance, love and
luck win out in the end
- Linear concept of time
- Omniscient intrusive narrator
Significant Victorian novelists and poets
- Matthew Arnold
- The Brontë sisters (Emily, Anne and Charlotte
Brontë) - Christina Rossetti
- Joseph Conrad
- Robert Browning
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
- Charles Dickens
Modernism is an aesthetics movements that goes
from 1890 to 1930. A period characterized by
- Religious crisis due to Charles Darwins
evolution theory
- Competition for raw materials
- Lose faith in democracy and liberalism
- First World War (19141918)
- Modernism represents a reaction to traditional
standards - Experimental literature
- Most relevant Modernist Writers
- Virginia Woolf
- James Joyce
4V. Woolf
Adeline Virginia Woolf (25 January 1882 28
March 1941) was an English author, essayist,
publisher, and writer of short stories, regarded
as one of the foremost modernist literary figures
of the twentieth century.
- Novels
- The Voyage Out (1915)
- Night and Day (1919)
- Jacob's Room (1922)
- Mrs Dalloway (1925)
- To the Lighthouse (1927)
- Orlando (1928)
- The Waves (1931)
- The Years (1937)
- Between the Acts (1941)
5Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway
One of the most important example of Modern
- Plot is reduced to the minimum
- Simultaneus concept of time according to
Einsteins theory of relativity and Bergsons
philosophy - Interior Monologue
- Focus on the psychology
- Moment of Being
- Narrators eclipse
- Shift of the point of view
- Poetical language
6J.Joyces Ulysses
- Eclipse of the narrator
- Simultaneus concept of time according to
Einsteins theory of relativity and Bergsons
philosophy - Focus on characters mind
- Epiphany
- Stream Of Consciousness (There are not
punctuation, syntax and logical connections. The
reader has a very demand task) - Mythical Method