Title: The Virtual Clinic
1The Virtual Clinic
- An immersive and engaging interface for
contextualised online learning activities
- Comparing approaches to the development of
virtual health care clinics
2The Virtual Clinic
- Why are we developing this teaching and learning
tool? - Aims and requirements
- Possible solutions - 3 prototypes
- Evaluation initial feedback some surprises
3Initial goal
- Design and develop an interactive
- visual representation
- of a typical GP surgery
4Initial goal
- Design and develop an interactive
- visual representation
- of a typical GP surgery
5Initial goal
Design and develop an interactive visual
representation of a typical GP surgery
- Site visits
- Can be difficult to arrange
- Some learners may not be able to attend
- Virtual visits
- Revisit at any time
- Flexible scaffolding
- Host learning materials
6Initial goal
Design and develop an interactive visual
representation of a typical GP surgery
- Site visits
- Can be difficult to arrange
- Some learners may not be able to attend
- Virtual visits
- Revisit at any time
- Flexible scaffolding
- Host learning materials
7Contextualised learning materials
- Assets and resourcesalready availablein
8Contextualised learning materials
- Provide multiple entry points to resources
- Encourage task-based, self-guided study
- Increase engagement
9Contextualised learning materials
- Provide multiple entry points to resources
- Encourage task-based, self-guided study
- Increase engagement
10Contextualised learning materials
- An exploratory environment
- for teaching and learning
11Contextualised learning materials
- An exploratory environment
- for teaching and learning
12Contextualised learning materials
A database of educational resources
13Contextualised learning materials
A database of educational resources
accessible from a new GUI
14Aims and requirements
- Easy to access and use
- Customisable and reusable
- Extensible and Modular
- Currently a GP surgery but
The Royal College of radiologists at goingfora.com
15Aims and requirements
- Easy to access and use
- Customisable and reusable
- Extensible and Modular
- Currently a GP surgery but
The Royal College of radiologists at goingfora.com
16Second Life?
- Technical requirements
- Learning curve
- Unnecessary features
- Lack of detail
- Cost of modelling
- Lack of scaffolding
17A Custom solution
- Aims and requirements
- Easy to access and use
- ability to add, remove and update content easily
- customisable and reusable
- extensible and modular
- flexible educational scaffolding
18Technical framework
A collection of rooms
Filled with hotspots
which launch either assets
or link to other rooms
19Technical framework
A collection of rooms
Filled with hotspots
which launch either assets
or link to other rooms
20Technical framework
- Stored in a database
- Allowing users logging in to access
- different rooms (or viewpoints)
- different resources
21Technical framework
- Stored in a database
- Allowing users logging in to access
- different rooms (or viewpoints)
- different resources
22Custom Solution
- Some questions
- Interface
- level of detail - photorealistic?
- game-like look and feel?
- or just a well designed website interface?
- Pedagogy
- What kind of use?
- A collection of resources?
- Or a task-based learning activity
23Custom Solution
- Some questions
- Interface
- level of detail - photorealistic?
- game-like look and feel?
- or just a well designed website interface?
- Pedagogy
- What kind of use?
- A collection of resources?
- Or a task-based learning activity
24Exploring the options
- 3 fully functional prototypes
Exploratory 360? Panorama
Isometric game-style
25(No Transcript)
26The Prototypes
Exploratory 360? Panorama
- panoramic images the illusion of space but not
actually 3D - photorealistic
- 1st person perspective
- navigation and interaction via hotspots
27The Prototypes
Isometric game-style
- illustrated graphics
- user controls character
- hotspots and collisions
28The Prototypes
- traditional web pages with images and text
- point and click interface
- hotspots and hyperlinks
- embed any web content
- Two tiered approach
- Teaching and learning (academics)
- Usability (students)
- Common themes
- Students prefer the 360 panorama
- It feels the most real, the most authentic
- but some lecturers feel the realism is
- Overkill
- Inappropriate
- Distracting?...
- Common themes
- After the novelty value has warn off,the
priority is ease of access to materials - Isometric overview and HTML navigation menus
score highly - Not for older, self-motivated students
- Task dependent
- Some surprises
- Tutors dont want an editor / authoring tool
- This would not appeal to any academic
- They prefer to work with a learning technologist
- Many module leaders would like to use it
- But none came up with a teaching scenario
- training/guidance is neededin how to use these
new teaching tools
- Some surprises
- Tutors dont want an editor / authoring tool
- This would not appeal to any academic
- They prefer to work with a learning technologist
- Many module leaders would like to use it
- But none came up with a teaching scenario
- training/guidance is neededin how to use these
new teaching tools
34Any Questions?
- http//bioinf1.sgul.ac.uk/vclinic/
Ian Sheeler
Jerome Di Pietro