Title: Leadership Briefing
1 Ants PhilosophyA Recipe for Success
ASMC Washington DC Chapter Mar 29, 2005
LC Williams Senior Manager, KPMG Risk Advisory
2Top 5 lessons learned in life!
5. Nobody cares if you cant dance wellget up
and dance any way! 4. Primary reason the human
race never achieves its full potentialmeetings! 3
. The most destructive force in the
universegossip! 2. Men are like fine winethey
start out as sour grapes and its up to women to
stomp the crap out of them until they turn into
something acceptable to have dinner with! 1.
There are 2 theories to arguing with a
womanneither works!!!
3Elements of the Ants Philosophy
- Persistence and Courage
- Vision and Goals
- Commitment and Positive Attitude
4Ant Philosophy for Success
- Persistence Courage!
- Ants Philosophy
- Focus on mission
- 3 Ps for Success
- Churchill on persistence
- Abe Lincoln
- Charles Udall on life
5Ant Philosophy for Success
Ant gives its all to achieve all it can Dont
settle for 2nd best 3rd best, etc White hot
desire! Live life now Find your passion
6Ants Philosophy for Success
Vision Goals Have a higher vision of
yourself Ants sets goals Helen Keller Each of us
born unique
7Ants Philosophy for Success
Yesvery difficult Become a minority Watch
majors and minors Will Rodgers
8Ants Philosophy for Success
Stop living down to your excuses Its easy to
blame others Jerking exercise
9Ants Philosophy for Success
Commitment and Positive Attitude Ant is
committed Carry heavy loads We have to carry
heavy work loads Commitment defined
10Ants Philosophy for Success
Practice dont make perfect only
improvement Transform yourself Cheer for the
everyday heroes Dr ML King
11Ants Philosophy for Success
Be a team player Ants works in groups No I
in team WIN Attitude Blackhawk Down
12Ants Philosophy for Success
Get rid of the TGIF mentality Be like the ant
Show up and Show out George Burns
13Ants Philosophy for Success
- Oh My Goodness its Monday
14Ants Philosophy for Success
- You Got to Have
15Ants Philosophy for SuccessPower of Full
- Old Paradigm
- Manage time
- Avoid stress
- Life is a marathon
- Downtime is wasted time
- Rewards fuels performance
- Self-discipline rules
- Power of positive thinking
- Authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz)
- New Paradigm
- Manage energy
- Seek stress
- Life is a series of sprints
- Downtime is productive time
- Purpose fuels performance
- Rituals rule
- Power of full engagement
16Salute to Our Troops