Title: Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
1Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
- Dr. Harivansh Chopra,
- Professor,
- Department of Community Medicine,
- LLRM Medical College,
- Meerut.
- harichop_at_gmail.com
- To study the epidemiology of Pertussis.
- To study prevention and treatment of Pertussis.
- Syadenham first used the term Pertussis
(intense cough) in1960. - It is preferable to the term whooping cough
since most infected individuals do not whoop.
- Worldwide distribution.
- Global burden in terms of DALYs lost was 12.95
million in 2002, and 2.95 lakh died during the
same year.
- Pertussis is endemic with epidemic cycles every 2
3 years after accumulation of susceptible
6India Decline of Pertussis
- Majority of cases occur from July through
- Extremely contagious, with attack rate as high as
100 in susceptible individuals exposed to
aerosol droplets at close range.
- Sub clinical infection is 50 in fully immunized
and naturally immune individual.
10Agent Factor
- Agent is Bacillus pertussis in majority of cases.
- In 5 cases Bacillus parapertussis.
- Bacillus pertussis does not survives for
prolonged periods in the environment
11Source of Infection
- A case of pertussis, which may be mild, missed or
unrecognized. - Chronic carriage by humans is not documented.
12Infective Material
- Nasopharyngeal and bronchial secretions
Droplet infection and Direct contact. - Freshly contaminated fomites.
13Infective Period
- A week after exposure to about 3 weeks after the
onset of the paroxysmal stage.
Secondary Attack rate is 90.
14Incubation Period
15Host Factor Age
- Primarily a disease of infants and pre-school
children. - Higher incidence found below five years of age.
16Host Factor Age
- Median age of infection
- Developing countries 20-30 months.
- Developed countries 50 months.
- Infants lt 6 months of age have highest mortality.
17Host Factor Sex
- Female children show higher incidence and
18Host Factors - Immunity
- Infants are susceptible to infection from birth
because there is no protection from maternal
antibodies. - Recovery from Pertussis and Adequate Immunisation
both lead to immunity.
19Host Factors - Immunity
- Neither natural disease nor vaccination provides
complete or lifelong immunity against reinfection
or disease. - Protection begins to wane 3 5 yrs after
vaccination unmeasurable after 12 yrs. - Subclinical reinfection contributes significantly
to immunity against disease, ascribed to vaccine
or prior infection.
Catarrhal Stage
Paroxysmal Stage
Convalescent Stage
Due to long duration of the disease, Pertussis is
also known as 100 day cough.
21Catarrhal Stage
- The stage lasts for 7-14 days.
- It is the most infectious period.
- Features
- Low-grade fever.
- Sneezing.
- Lacrimation.
- Conjunctival suffusion.
22Catarrhal Stage
- Cough
- Not paroxysmal in early stages, but more annoying
and frequent at night. - Does not improve with passage of time, unlike
upper respiratory tract infections. - Paroxysmal nature of cough can be suspected
towards the later part of this phase.
23Paroxysmal Phase
- This stage lasts for 2-4 weeks
- Cough
- Initially dry, intermittent, irritative hack.
- Evolves into inexorable paroxysms.
24Paroxysmal Phase
- The bout of cough terminates with along drawn out
inspiratory crowing sound or whoop.
What is cough?
Cough is a forced expiratory effort against
closed glottis.
Hear cough, click here
- The whoop is produced by the air rushing in
during inspiration through the half open glottis.
Hear whoop, click here
26Paroxysmal Phase
- The paroxysms of cough may occur every hour, or
even frequently, and may terminate by vomiting.
27Paroxysmal Phase
- The child may appear chocked ,is unable to
breath, looks anxious and has suffused face.
28Paroxysmal Phase
- The whoop may not always present in infants, who
present with apneic or cyanotic spells.
29Infants lt3 mo do not display classical stages.
After the most insignificant startle from a
draught, light, sound, sucking, or stretching, a
well-appearing young infant begins to choke,
gasp, and flail extremities, with face reddened.
Cough (expiratory grunt) may not be prominent.
30 Whoop (forceful inspiratory gasp) infrequently
occurs in infants lt3 mo of age who are exhausted
or lack muscular strength to create sudden
negative intrathoracic pressure
31A well-appearing, playful toddler with similarly
insignificant provocation suddenly expresses an
anxious aura and may clutch a parent or
comforting adult before beginning a machine-gun
burst of uninterrupted coughs, chin and chest
held forward, tongue protruding maximally, eyes
bulging and watering, face purple, until coughing
ceases and a loud whoop follows as inspired air
traverses the still partially closed airway.
- The whoop is produced by the air rushing in
during inspiration through the half open glottis.
Hear whoop, click here
33Adults describe a sudden feeling of strangulation
followed by uninterrupted coughs, feeling of
suffocation, bursting headache, diminished
awareness, and then a gasping breath, usually
without a whoop
34Convalescent Phase
- During convalescence, the interval between the
paroxysms of cough increases and severity of
episode decreases gradually. - Paradoxically, in infants, coughs and whoop may
become louder and more classic in convalescence.
35Clinical Manifestations Additional notes
- Immunized children have foreshortening of all
stages of pertussis. - Adults have no distinct stages.
36Clinical Manifestations Additional notes
- In infants lt 3months the catarrhal stage is
usually a few days or not recognized at all when
apnea chocking or gasping cough herald the onset
of disease.
- Which of the following is not true about
Pertussis - The other name is Whooping cough.
- The other name is Hundred day cough.
- Everyone suffering from it must have whoop.
- It is endemic with superimposed epidemic cycles
every 2-3 years.
Ans. 3.
38Diagnosis Clinical
- High suspicion index in individual having pure or
predominant complaint of cough f/b vomitting, and
Absent - Fever.
- Malaise / Myalgia.
- Exanthem / Enanthem.
- Sore throat, Hoarseness.
- Tachypnoea.
- Wheezes, Rales.
39Diagnosis Clinical
- In infants lt 3 months of age, Apnea or Cyanosis
(before appreciation of cough) is the clue
occasionally cause of Sudden Infant Death.
40Diagnosis Blood picture
- Leukocytosis 15,000-100,000cells/mm3.
- Absolute lymphocytosis.
- Absolute increase in neutrophils suggests a
differential diagnosis or secondary bacterial
41Diagnosis Chest radiograph
- Only mildly abnormal perihilar infiltrate or
edema (sometimes butterfly appearance), and
variable atelectasis. - Parenchymal consolidation suggests secondary
bacterial infection. - Occasional Pneumothorax, Pneumomediastinum, and
air in soft tissues.
Pertussis pneumonia with hyperaeration (air
42Diagnosis Bacteriological testing
- Isolation of Bacillus pertussis is the gold
standard in diagnosis. - Positive in catarrhal and paroxysmal stage.
43Diagnosis Serology
- Tests for detection of antibodies in acute and
convalescent samples are most sensitive tests in
immunised individuals. - Antibody to PT raised gt2S.D. indicates recent
infection. - Useful epidemiologically.
44Differential Diagnosis
- Adenoviral infections distinguishable by
presence of fever, sore throat, and
conjunctivitis. - Mycoplasma distinguishable by history of fever,
headache, systemic symptoms frequent rales on
chest auscultation.
45Differential Diagnosis
- Afebrile pneumonia (Chlamydia trachomatis)
distinguishable by staccato cough (i.e. breath
with every cough), purulent conjunctivitis,
tachypnea, rales. - Afebrile pneumonia (RSV) distinguishable by
lower respiratory tract signs.
- Which of the following is diagnostic of pertusis
- Leucocytosis with absolute lymphocytosis.
- Leucocytosis with relative lymphocytosis.
- Leucocytosis with neutropenia.
- Leucocytosis with eosinopenia.
Ans. 1.
- Apnea.
- Secondary infections
- Otitis media.
- Pneumonia.
- Flaring up of existing TB infection.
- Malnutrition.
Physical sequel of forceful coughing
- Conjuctival and Scleral hemorrhage.
- Petechiae in upper body.
Physical sequel of forceful coughing
- Epistaxis.
- Hemorrhage in CNS and Retina.
Physical sequel of forceful coughing
- Pneunomothorax.
- Subcutaneous emphysema.
- Umbilical and inguinal hernia.
- Antibiotics are useful only in the catarrhal
stage. - Once the child goes in paroxysmal stage it is
very difficult to abort the attack.
- Erythromycin 40-50 mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses X
14days. (Maximum 2 gm / 24 hrs.) - Respiratory Isolation for 5 days after start of
Erythromycin therapy.
53Alternative drugs
- Clarithromycin 15-20 mg/kg/day in 2 div doses X 7
days. (Maximum 1 gm/24 hrs.) - Azithromycin 10 mg/kg/day once daily X 5 days.
54Alternative drugs
- Ampicillin, Rifampicin and Cotrimoxazole are
modestly active against pertussis. - The 1st and 2nd generation Cephalosporins are not
active against pertussis.
- The attack of pertussis can be aborted with the
help of antibiotics only if the is treated - In catarrhal stage.
- In paroxysmal stage.
- In convalescent stage.
- In all the above stages.
Ans. 1.
- The drug of choice for the treatment of Pertusis
its dose is - Erythromycin 40-50 mg/kg/day
- Cephalexin 50-100 mg/kg/day
- Cotrimoxazole 5-8 mg/kg/day
- Tetracyclin 20-40 mg/kg/day
Ans. 1.
57Care of Household and Close Contacts
- Erythromycin 40-50 mg/kg/day in 4 divided doses
X 14 days regardless of age, history of
immuinisation, and symptoms.
58Care of Household and Close Contacts
Situation for contact lt 7 years Recommendation
Not vaccinated against pertussis Initiate vaccination
Partially vaccinated against pertussis Complete the recommended schedule
Received 3rd dose gt 6 mths. back Booster dose
Received 4th dose 3 years back Booster dose
Purified Acellular Vaccine
Whole Cell Vaccine
60Whole cell vaccine (DTP)
- Developed in late 1940s.
- Bacteria killed by heat or formalin.
- Controversial because of local and systemic side
effects - Redness, Pain, Swelling.
- Fever (30-70).
61Whole cell vaccine (DTP)
- National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (Britain)
- Infantile Spasms.
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
- Efficacy
- Three doses.
- 80 - 90 effective.
62Purified acellular vaccine (DTaP)
- Introduced in 1981 by Japan.
- Contains subcomponents of bacteria
- Filamentous Hemagglutinin (Fha).
- Pertussis Toxin (PT).
63Purified acellular vaccine (DTaP)
- Efficacy
- Two doses.
- 70 protection against culture confirmed
infection. - 80 protection against severe whopping cough.
64DTP Vaccine
- Content (BE ltd.)
- Diptheria toxoid 20Lf to 30Lf.
- Pertussis 4 IU.
- Tetanus toxoid 5Lf to 25Lf.
- Dose 0.5 ml.
- Route Deep intramuscular.
- Recommended site Antero-lateral part of thigh.
65Vaccination Schedule
- Immunization Policy
- 3 DPT doses during first year of life.
- EPI recommendation 6, 10, 14 weeks.
- Booster Policy
- 4th DPT vaccine at 12 to 24 months.
- 5th DPT vaccine used by some countries (In
India, given 3 years after 4th dose).
66Contraindications to vaccination
- Personal or strong family history of epilepsy,
convulsions or similar CNS disorders. - Any febrile upset until fully recovered.
- Reaction to one of the previously given triple
- What is the correct composition of DPT vaccine
- D 40Lf P 4 IU T 5Lf to 25Lf.
- D 20Lf to 30Lf P 10 IU T 5Lf to 25Lf.
- D 20Lf to 30Lf P 4 IU T 5Lf to 25Lf.
- D 20Lf to 30Lf P 4 IU T 25Lf.
Ans. 3.
68Diphtheria toxoid Tetanus toxoid Pertussis
vaccine Diphtheria toxoid 25 Lf, tetanus toxoid
10 Lf, purified Bordetella pertussis antigens
(pertussis toxoid 25 mcg, filamentous
haemagglutinin 25 mcg, 69 kDA outer membrane
protein 8 mcg) per 0.5 mL aluminium hydroxide
69Dose 0.5 mL IMI. Primary course 3 doses at 2,
4 and 6 months, then 4th dose at 18 months, 5th
dose at 4-5 years
- Pertussis is a vaccine preventable disease caused
by Bacillus pertussis. - It is characterised by intensive cough and whoop,
and absence of other systemic features. - Highly contagious disease prophylaxis of all
contacts recommended.
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73TABLE 3 Composition of DPT vaccines TABLE 3 Composition of DPT vaccines TABLE 3 Composition of DPT vaccines
Contents Glaxo (per 0.5ml) Kasauli
Diphtheria toxoid Tetanus toxoid B. pertussis (millions) AI. phosphate Thiomersal, B.P. 25Lf 5Lf 20 000 2.5 mg 0.01 30 Lf 10 Lf 32 000 3.0 mg 0.01