Title: Case Study 1-Way ANOVA
1Case Study1-Way ANOVA
- Yields of Entozoic Amoebae Under 5 Methods of
Innoculation - GriffinMcCarten(1949). The Journal of
Parasitology. Vol.35,2,pp.193-198
- 5 Methods of Innoculation (Conditions)
- None (Control)
- Heat at 70C for 10 minutes
- Addition of 10 Formalin
- Heat followed by Formalin
- Formalin, followed after 1 hour by heat
- n10 Replicates per Condition (N50)
- YYield (10-4)
4(No Transcript)
5Group Means/SDs and Sums of Squares
6Analysis of Variance and F-test
H0 m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 (No differences in
condition effects) HA Not all mi are equal
(Differences Among Condition Effects)
7Diagnostics - Tests of Equal Variances
Levenes Test
8Diagnostics - Normality Assumption
Histogram Approximately bell-shaped
Normal Probability Plot Approximates a straight
9Kruskal-Wallis Test
10Post-Hoc Comparisons (I)
11Post-Hoc Comparisons (II)
Fishers LSD m1 gt m2 , m1 gt m3 , m1 gt m4 , m1 gt
m5 Tukey, Bonferroni m1 gt m2 , m1 gt m3 , m1 gt m5