Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures


Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures Chapter 18 Hierarchical Collections: Trees Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures

Fundamentals of PythonFrom First Programs
Through Data Structures
  • Chapter 18
  • Hierarchical Collections Trees

  • After completing this chapter, you will be able
  • Describe the difference between trees and other
    types of collections using the relevant
  • Recognize applications for which general trees
    and binary trees are appropriate
  • Describe the behavior and use of specialized
    trees, such as heaps, BSTs, and expression trees
  • Analyze the performance of operations on binary
    search trees and heaps
  • Develop recursive algorithms to process trees

An Overview of Trees
  • In a tree, the ideas of predecessor and successor
    are replaced with those of parent and child
  • Trees have two main characteristics
  • Each item can have multiple children
  • All items, except a privileged item called the
    root, have exactly one parent

Tree Terminology
Tree Terminology (continued)
Tree Terminology (continued)
Note The height of a tree containing one node is
0 By convention, the height of an empty tree is
General Trees and Binary Trees
  • In a binary tree, each node has at most two
  • The left child and the right child

Recursive Definitions of Trees
  • A general tree is either empty or consists of a
    finite set of nodes T
  • Node r is called the root
  • The set T r is partitioned into disjoint
    subsets, each of which is a general tree
  • A binary tree is either empty or consists of a
    root plus a left subtree and a right subtree,
    each of which are binary trees

Why Use a Tree?
  • A parse tree describes the syntactic structure of
    a particular sentence in terms of its component

Why Use a Tree? (continued)
  • File system structures are also tree-like

Why Use a Tree? (continued)
  • Sorted collections can also be represented as
    tree-like structures
  • Called a binary search tree, or BST for short
  • Can support logarithmic searches and insertions

The Shape of Binary Trees
  • The shape of a binary tree can be described more
    formally by specifying the relationship between
    its height and the number of nodes contained in

The Shape of Binary Trees (continued)
  • The number of nodes, N, contained in a full
    binary tree of height H is 2H 1 1
  • The height, H, of a full binary tree with N nodes
    is log2(N 1) 1
  • The maximum amount of work that it takes to
    access a given node in a full binary tree is
    O(log N)

The Shape of Binary Trees (continued)
Three Common Applications of Binary Trees
  • In this section, we introduce three special uses
    of binary trees that impose an ordering on their
  • Heaps
  • Binary search trees
  • Expression trees

  • In a min-heap each node is to both of its
  • A max-heap places larger nodes nearer to the root
  • Heap property Constraint on the order of nodes
  • Heap sort builds a heap from data and repeatedly
    removes the root item and adds it to the end of a
  • Heaps are also used to implement priority queues

Binary Search Trees
  • A BST imposes a sorted ordering on its nodes
  • Nodes in left subtree of a node are lt node
  • Nodes in right subtree of a node are gt node
  • When shape approaches that of a perfectly
    balanced binary tree, searches and insertions are
    O(log n) in the worst case
  • Not all BSTs are perfectly balanced
  • In worst case, they become linear and support
    linear searches

Binary Search Trees (continued)
Binary Search Trees (continued)
Expression Trees
  • Another way to process expressions is to build a
    parse tree during parsing
  • Expression tree
  • An expression tree is never empty
  • An interior node represents a compound
    expression, consisting of an operator and its
  • Each leaf node represents a numeric operand
  • Operands of higher precedence usually appear near
    bottom of tree, unless overridden in source
    expression by parentheses

Expression Trees (continued)
Binary Tree Traversals
  • Four standard types of traversals for binary
  • Preorder traversal Visits root node, and then
    traverses left subtree and right subtree in
    similar way
  • Inorder traversal Traverses left subtree, visits
    root node, and traverses right subtree
  • Appropriate for visiting items in a BST in sorted
  • Postorder traversal Traverses left subtree,
    traverses right subtree, and visits root node
  • Level order traversal Beginning with level 0,
    visits the nodes at each level in left-to-right

Binary Tree Traversals (continued)
Binary Tree Traversals (continued)
Binary Tree Traversals (continued)
Binary Tree Traversals (continued)
A Binary Tree ADT
  • Provides many common operations required for
    building more specialized types of trees
  • Should support basic operations for creating
    trees, determining if a tree is empty, and
    traversing a tree
  • Remaining operations focus on accessing,
    replacing, or removing the component parts of a
    nonempty binary treeits root, left subtree, and
    right subtree

The Interface for a Binary Tree ADT
The Interface for a Binary Tree ADT (continued)
Processing a Binary Tree
  • Many algorithms for processing binary trees
    follow the trees recursive structure
  • Programmers are occasionally interested in the
    frontier, or set of leaf nodes, of a tree
  • Example Frontier of parse tree for English
    sentence shown earlier contains the words in the

Processing a Binary Tree (continued)
  • frontier expects a binary tree and returns a list
  • Two base cases
  • Tree is empty ? return an empty list
  • Tree is a leaf node ? return a list containing
    root item

Implementing a Binary Tree
Implementing a Binary Tree (continued)
Implementing a Binary Tree (continued)
The String Representation of a Tree
  • __str__ can be implemented with any of the

Developing a Binary Search Tree
  • A BST imposes a special ordering on the nodes in
    a binary tree, so as to support logarithmic
    searches and insertions
  • In this section, we use the binary tree ADT to
    develop a binary search tree, and assess its

The Binary Search Tree Interface
  • The interface for a BST should include a
    constructor and basic methods to test a tree for
    emptiness, determine the number of items, add an
    item, remove an item, and search for an item
  • Another useful method is __iter__, which allows
    users to traverse the items in BST with a for

Data Structures for the Implementation of BST
Searching a Binary Search Tree
  • find returns the first matching item if the
    target item is in the tree otherwise, it returns
  • We can use a recursive strategy

Inserting an Item into a Binary Search Tree
  • add inserts an item in its proper place in the
  • Items proper place will be in one of three
  • The root node, if the tree is already empty
  • A node in the current nodes left subtree, if new
    item is less than item in current node
  • A node in the current nodes right subtree, if
    new item is greater than or equal to item in
    current node
  • For options 2 and 3, add uses a recursive helper
    function named addHelper
  • In all cases, an item is added as a leaf node

Removing an Item from a Binary Search Tree
  • Save a reference to root node
  • Locate node to be removed, its parent, and its
    parents reference to this node
  • If item is not in tree, return None
  • Otherwise, if node has a left and right child,
    replace nodes value with largest value in left
    subtree and delete that values node from left
  • Otherwise, set parents reference to node to
    nodes only child
  • Reset root node to saved reference
  • Decrement size and return item

Removing an Item from a Binary Search Tree
  • Fourth step is fairly complex Can be factored
    out into a helper function, which takes node to
    be deleted as a parameter (node containing item
    to be removed is referred to as the top node)
  • Search top nodes left subtree for node
    containing the largest item (rightmost node of
    the subtree)
  • Replace top nodes value with the item
  • If top nodes left child contained the largest
    item, set top nodes left child to its left
    childs left child
  • Otherwise, set parent nodes right child to that
    right childs left child

Complexity Analysis of Binary Search Trees
  • BSTs are set up with intent of replicating O(log
    n) behavior for the binary search of a sorted
  • A BST can also provide fast insertions
  • Optimal behavior depends on height of tree
  • A perfectly balanced tree supports logarithmic
  • Worst case (items are inserted in sorted order)
    trees height is linear, as is its search
  • Insertions in random order result in a tree with
    close-to-optimal search behavior

Case Study Parsing and Expression Trees
  • Request
  • Write a program that uses an expression tree to
    evaluate expressions or convert them to
    alternative forms
  • Analysis
  • Like the parser developed in Chapter 17, current
    program parses an input expression and prints
    syntax error messages if errors occur
  • If expression is syntactically correct, program
    prints its value and its prefix, infix, and
    postfix representations

Case Study Parsing and Expression Trees
Case Study Parsing and Expression Trees
Case Study Parsing and Expression Trees
  • Design and Implementation of the Node Classes

Case Study Parsing and Expression Trees
Case Study Parsing and Expression Trees
Case Study Parsing and Expression Trees
  • Design and Implementation of the Parser Class
  • Easiest to build an expression tree with a parser
    that uses a recursive descent strategy
  • Borrow parser from Chapter 17 and modify it
  • parse should now return an expression tree to its
    caller, which uses that tree to obtain
    information about the expression
  • factor processes either a number or an expression
    nested in parentheses
  • Calls expression to parse nested expressions

Case Study Parsing and Expression Trees
Case Study Parsing and Expression Trees
An Array Implementation of Binary Trees
  • An array-based implementation of a binary tree is
    difficult to define and practical only in some
  • For complete binary trees, there is an elegant
    and efficient array-based representation
  • Elements are stored by level
  • The array representation of a binary tree is
    pretty rare and is used mainly to implement a heap

An Array Implementation of Binary Trees
An Array Implementation of Binary Trees
An Array Implementation of Binary Trees
Implementing Heaps
Implementing Heaps (continued)
  • At most, log2n comparisons must be made to walk
    up the tree from the bottom, so add is O(log n)
  • Method may trigger a doubling in the array size
  • O(n), but amortized over all additions, it is O(1)

Using a Heap to Implement a Priority Queue
  • In Ch15, we implemented a priority queue with a
    sorted linked list alternatively, we can use a

  • Trees are hierarchical collections
  • The topmost node in a tree is called its root
  • In a general tree, each node below the root has
    at most one parent node, and zero child nodes
  • Nodes without children are called leaves
  • Nodes that have children are called interior
  • The root of a tree is at level 0
  • In a binary tree, nodes have at most two children
  • A complete binary tree fills each level of nodes
    before moving to next level a full binary tree
    includes all the possible nodes at each level

Summary (continued)
  • Four standard types of tree traversals Preorder,
    inorder, postorder, and level order
  • Expression tree Type of binary tree in which the
    interior nodes contain operators and the
    successor nodes contain their operands
  • Binary search tree Nonempty left subtree has
    data lt datum in its parent node and a nonempty
    right subtree has data gt datum in its parent node
  • Logarithmic searches/insertions if close to
  • Heap Binary tree in which smaller data items are
    located near root
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