Title: Early History of Metal Theory
1Chapter 1 The Free Electron Fermi Gas
- Early History of Metal Theory
- 1900-1930 (Drude, Lorentz, Fermi, Dirac, Pauli,
Sommerfeld, Bloch, ) - The Basic Hamiltonian
- Approximations Assumptions
- The Ground State (T 0)
- Wave-functions, allowed states, Fermi sphere,
density of states - Thermal Properties
- Expectation values, energy, specific heat
- Electrical Transport Properties
- DC and AC conductivities
- Magnetic Properties
- Classical Hall effect, Pauli paramagnetism,
Landau diamagnetism, cyclotron resonance, the
quantum Hall effect
2Drude-Lorentz Model 1900-1904
- Ashcroft-Mermin Chapter 1
- Based on the discovery of electrons by J. J.
Thomson (1897) - Electrons as particles (Newtons equation)
- Electron gas (Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics)
- Worked well
- Explained Wiedemann-Franz law (1853) k/sT 2-3 x
10-8 (W-ohm/K2) (by double mistakes) - Could not account for
- T-dependence of k alone
- T-dependence of s alone
- Electronic specific heat ce (too big)
- Magnetic susceptibility cm (too big)
Paul Drude (1863-1906)
Hendrik Lorentz (1853-1928)
3Fermi-Dirac Statistics 1926
Enrico Fermi (1901-1954)
Paul Dirac (1902-1984)
Shown by Fermi and Dirac independently
? Opened a way to a realistic theory of metals
4Pauli Susceptibility 1927
First successful application of FD statistics to
metal theory
Wolfgang Pauli (1900-1958)
26 meV at 300 K
5 eV
? Explains why the classical result is too big
5Sommerfeld Model 1928
- Ashcroft-Mermin Chapter 2
- Systematically recast Drude-Lorentz theory in
terms of FD statistics rather than MB statistics - Wiedemann-Franz law (still) came out right
- Estimated specific heat right
- Difficulties remained
- Sign of Hall coefficient
- Magneto-resistance
- What determines the scattering time t?
- What determine the density n?
- Why are some elements non-metals?
Arnold Sommerfeld (1868-1951)
6Bloch Theory 1928
- Ashcroft-Mermin Chapters 8-10
- A major breakthrough in solid state theory
- Took into account lattice periodic potential
- Still treated electrons independently
- Major accomplishments
- Meaning of t lattice imperfections (phonons,
defects, impurities, dislocations) - Concept of energy bands
- Distinction between metals and insulators (also
by A. H. Wilson in 1931) - Meaning of holes ? positive Hall coefficient
Felix Bloch (1905-1983)
7The Birth of Fermiology 1930
- Ashcroft-Mermin Chapter 14
- Landau Landau levels (1930) ? predicted
oscillations in c vs. H ? period has info on the
shape of the Fermi surface - Observations of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations
de Haas-van Alphen oscillations (1930) - Cyclotron resonance
- Predicted by Dingle (1951)
- First observed by Dresselhaus et al. (1953)
- Theory refined by Luttinger Kohn (1955,56)
Lev Landau (1908-1968)
8Chapter 1 The Free Electron Fermi Gas
- Early History of Metal Theory
- 1900-1930 (Drude, Lorentz, Fermi, Dirac, Pauli,
Sommerfeld, Bloch, ) - The Basic Hamiltonian
- Approximations Assumptions
- The Ground State (T 0)
- Wave-functions, allowed states, Fermi sphere,
density of states - Thermal Properties
- Expectation values, energy, specific heat
- Electrical Transport Properties
- DC and AC conductivities
- Magnetic Properties
- Classical Hall effect, Pauli paramagnetism,
Landau diamagnetism, cyclotron resonance, the
quantum Hall effect
9The Basic Hamiltonian
N nuclei (positive ions) Total charge
NZa electrons Total charge -NZae
Za atomic number
N 1023
10The Schrödinger Equation
N 1023
Massive many-body problem
Exact solutions cannot be expected
11Chapter 1 The Free Electron Fermi Gas
- Early History of Metal Theory
- 1900-1930 (Drude, Lorentz, Fermi, Dirac, Pauli,
Sommerfeld, Bloch, ) - The Basic Hamiltonian
- Approximations Assumptions
- The Ground State (T 0)
- Wave-functions, allowed states, Fermi sphere,
density of states - Thermal Properties
- Expectation values, energy, specific heat
- Electrical Transport Properties
- DC and AC conductivities
- Magnetic Properties
- Classical Hall effect, Pauli paramagnetism,
Landau diamagnetism, cyclotron resonance, the
quantum Hall effect
12The Static Lattice Approximation
Constant potential ? 0
13The Free Electron Approximation
Z valence electrons per nucleus ? free (or
conduction) electrons (Za Z) tightly-bound
electrons per nucleus
14The Uniform-Background Approximation
15The Independent Electron Approximation
But, Requirement 1 Electrons are still
confined to a volume V ? allowed
states Requirement 2 Electrons obey FD
statistics ? ground state construction
16The Simplified Hamiltonian
in the absence of an external field
Separable into NZ terms
neglect i
17Chapter 1 The Free Electron Fermi Gas
- Early History of Metal Theory
- 1900-1930 (Drude, Lorentz, Fermi, Dirac, Pauli,
Sommerfeld, Bloch, ) - The Basic Hamiltonian
- Approximations Assumptions
- The Ground State (T 0)
- Wave-functions, allowed states, Fermi sphere,
density of states - Thermal Properties
- Expectation values, energy, specific heat
- Electrical Transport Properties
- DC and AC conductivities
- Magnetic Properties
- Classical Hall effect, Pauli paramagnetism,
Landau diamagnetism, cyclotron resonance, the
quantum Hall effect
18Ground-State (T 0) Properties of
Non-interacting Electrons
- Procedure
- Find the energy levels of a single electron
- Fill these levels up in a manner consistent with
the Pauli principle
19Born-Von Karmans Periodic Boundary Conditions
Idea If the metal is sufficiently large, we
should expect its bulk properties to be
unaffected by the detailed configuration of its
21Number of Allowed States
22Construction of the Ground State the Fermi Sphere
23Fermi Surface in a Real Metal
Fermiology The study of the shape of Fermi
surfaces in metals
24Fermi Wave Vector, Momentum, Energy, Velocity,
and Temperature
The Fermi wave vector
The Fermi energy
The Fermi temperature
25Density of States (DOS)
To calculate thermodynamic quantities, one needs
to carry out summations of the type
over allowed values, i.e.,
For mathematical convenience, want to convert
sums into integrals
k-space DOS Dk
26Density of States (DOS)
In many cases, k-dependence appears only through
So, want to write
D(?) Energy DOS the number of allowed states
having energies between ? and ? d?
is the DOS per unit volume
27Density of States (DOS)
Want to calculate D(?). Easier in spherical
28Density of States (DOS)
? ? k2 ? ? k
g3D(?) ? ?1/2 ? ?2
g2D(?) constant ? ?
g1D(?) ? ?-1/2 constant
Exercise derive the exact form of DOS for each