Title: Special Relationships
1Special Relationships
- WHSD moto Diversity is our strength.
- diversity the differences in the numbers and
kinds of populations that exist in a community - Based on this definition, is this moto accurate?
- How can diversity lead to the success of an
existing community? What about a community
rebuilding after some type of disaster?
3Habitat vs- Niche
- Habitat
- The location in which the organism lives
(grasslands, freshwater, tree tops, inside a
host, etc.)
- Niche
- The lifestyle of the organism within the habitat
(predator, nocturnal, parasite, scavenger, etc.).
4CompetitionCompetition occurs naturally between
living organisms which coexist in the same
environment. For example, animals compete over
water supplies, food, and mates. In addition,
humans compete for attention, wealth, prestige,
and fame. Example black tipped reef sharks
feedingWhat does competition lead to?
5In ecology, predation describes a biological
interaction where a predator organism feeds on
another living organism or organisms known as
prey. Example lizardfish feeding on shrimp
gobiesShould an ecosystem contain more
predators or prey?
6The term symbiosis commonly describes close and
often long-term interactions between different
biological species. -mutualism -commensalism -
parasitismHow did Marlin interact with his home?
7The term Mutualism describes any relationship
between individuals of different species where
both individuals derive a fitness benefit.
Example The ants eat the plant while the
pollen is transferred to another plant on the
ants back.Remember it has to occur between
different species
8Commensalism describes a relationship between two
living organisms where one benefits and the other
is not significantly harmed or helped. Example
A frog using a lily pad to sit on and wait for
prey does not harm the plant.Any other examples?
9A parasitic relationship is one in which one
member of the association benefits while the
other is harmed. Parasitic symbioses take many
forms, from endoparasites that live within the
host's body, to ectoparasites that live on its
surface. In addition, parasites may be
necrotrophic, which is to say they kill their
host, or biotrophic, meaning they rely on their
host surviving. Example leech is a parasite