Title: Integrated, Multidisciplinary
1Integrated, Multidisciplinary
Technology-Enhanced Science Education The Next
Its Online, Therefore It Exists!
- Ivo D. Dinov
- www.NSER.org
2Challenges of K-College Science Ed
- Broad/Balanced
- Training
- Short-term view favors solid training in one
narrow scientific discipline - Faster
- Cheaper
- Measurable outcomes
- Long-term results may be opposite of expectations
- graduate professional schools seek individuals
with widespread interests, training capabilities
- IIT Divide
- Between providers consumers of educational
materials - Instructors are more conservative, less willing
to explore, validate and/or adopt new IT
instruments - Different from the normative gap of knowledge
- Byproduct of the fast-paced evolution of IT dev
- General
- Geographic
- Social
- Economic
- Technological challenges
- Specific
- The continuing expansion of the Intergenerational
Information Technology (IIT) divide - Social demand for broad, comprehensive and
balanced multidisciplinary education.
3Challenges Actions
IIT Divide
- Continuing Instructional Technology Training
- Engagement of Instructors in Science Technology
Research Projects - Institutional Commitment in IT and Blended
Instruction - Funding Agency Engagement in IT and Blended
Education - Integration of Available Digital Resources in the
- Involve science educators in continuing
technology education training. - discipline-specific or general societal /
organizational umbrellas. - Most instructors participate in some annual
continuing education events within their
discipline. - Few are deeply involved in regular
technology-based refresher courses (e.g., lt 25
of UCLA Stats faculty) - Dinov (2008) Integrated Multidisciplinary and
Technology-Enhanced Science Education The Next
Frontier, JOLT, 4(1), 2008, 84-93. - http//jolt.merlot.org/vol4no1/dinov0308.htm
4Challenges Actions
IIT Divide
- Continuing Instructional Technology Training
- Engagement of Instructors in Science Technology
Research Projects - Institutional Commitment in IT and Blended
Instruction - Funding Agency Engagement in IT and Blended
Education - Integration of Available Digital Resources in the
- State/Federal Science Fairs
- Learn and contribute to new or ongoing research
projects conducted by higher education
institutions, professional organizations, private
and federally funded initiatives - Integrate research-derived data into curricula
- http//jolt.merlot.org/vol4no1/dinov0308.htm
5Challenges Actions
IIT Divide
- Continuing Instructional Technology Training
- Engagement of Instructors in Science Technology
Research Projects - Institutional Commitment in IT and Blended
Instruction - Funding Agency Engagement in IT and Blended
Education - Integration of Available Digital Resources in the
- Provide infrastructure and resources is essential
for the engagement of teachers in
multidisciplinary ST education. - Provide computational resources, audio-visual and
Internet-digital infrastructure, seed grants,
human resources etc. - Institutional commitment could be a significant
barrier or a considerable asset in developing an
IT blended curriculum. - http//jolt.merlot.org/vol4no1/dinov0308.htm
6Challenges Actions
IIT Divide
- Continuing Instructional Technology Training
- Engagement of Instructors in Science Technology
Research Projects - Institutional Commitment in IT and Blended
Instruction - Funding Agency Engagement in IT and Blended
Education - Integration of Available Digital Resources in the
- In 2006-2007, the NSF received 44,000 grants,
11,000 of which were funded - Extramural funding does enable instructors to buy
out time for attending continuing education
events, develop blended curricula, establish new
collaborations, collect data and design research
projects - www.ED.gov
- www.GrantsAlert.com
- www.NSF.gov
- www.spencer.org
- www.kidsinneed.net
- http//jolt.merlot.org/vol4no1/dinov0308.htm
7Challenges Actions
IIT Divide
- Continuing Instructional Technology Training
- Engagement of Instructors in Science Technology
Research Projects - Institutional Commitment in IT and Blended
Instruction - Funding Agency Engagement in IT and Blended
Education - Integration of Available Digital Resources in the
- Digital resource libraries catalogue, curate,
evaluate integrate many valuable IT resources -
- See list of resource libraries at
SOCR.ucla.edu/htmls/SOCR_Recognitions.html - These resources provide
- Datasets
- methodological conceptual learning materials,
- tools for data analysis and exploration
- hands-on activities, demonstrations, tutorials
and refreshers for all disciplines, topics and
levels. - http//jolt.merlot.org/vol4no1/dinov0308.htm
8Challenges Actions
Broad vs. Narrow Training
- Develop New Diverse Multidisciplinary
Educational Curricula - Institutional Commitment to Multidisciplinary
Education - Introduce Efficient Multidisciplinary Resource
Interfaces - Expectations of Students Enrolled in
Multidisciplinary Programs - Assessment of Interdisciplinary Instructional
- Lack of available multidisciplinary educational
materials due to scarcity of expertise to develop
such instruments - Collaborations and interactions between different
areas caused by terminology, specifications of
data and methodological protocols, a priori
assumptions, etc. - See National Internet-based Science Educational
Resource www.NSER.org - Dinov (2008) Integrated Multidisciplinary and
Technology-Enhanced Science Education The Next
Frontier, JOLT, 4(1), 2008, 84-93. - http//jolt.merlot.org/vol4no1/dinov0308.htm
9Challenges Actions
Broad vs. Narrow Training
- Develop New Diverse Multidisciplinary
Educational Curricula - Institutional Commitment to Multidisciplinary
Education - Introduce Efficient Multidisciplinary Resource
Interfaces - Expectations of Students Enrolled in
Multidisciplinary Programs - Assessment of Interdisciplinary Instructional
- Need Firm institutional commitment and support
- 2004 National Academy of Sciences report
(Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research)
identified barriers to interdisciplinary efforts - limited resources,
- academic reward system,
- differences in disciplinary cultures,
- the pursuit of national rankings (based on
traditional disciplinary categorizations), - differences in policies and procedures across
departments, and - decentralized budgets favor departments over
interdisciplinary programs. - http//jolt.merlot.org/vol4no1/dinov0308.htm
10Challenges Actions
Broad vs. Narrow Training
- Develop New Diverse Multidisciplinary
Educational Curricula - Institutional Commitment to Multidisciplinary
Education - Introduce Efficient Multidisciplinary Resource
Interfaces - Expectations of Students Enrolled in
Multidisciplinary Programs - Assessment of Interdisciplinary Instructional
11Challenges Actions
Broad vs. Narrow Training
- Develop New Diverse Multidisciplinary
Educational Curricula - Institutional Commitment to Multidisciplinary
Education - Introduce Efficient Multidisciplinary Resource
Interfaces - Expectations of Students Enrolled in
Multidisciplinary Programs - Assessment of Interdisciplinary Instructional
- Multidisciplinary research projects attract
students attention rapidly and sustainably - Learners exposed to well-designed and interactive
hands-on multidisciplinary training acquire
unique perspectives in understanding and dealing
with complex problems - Balancing the availability of sufficient
area-specific high-level knowledge with abilities
to look across many areas, draw resources and
make inference about general multi-disciplinary
challenges. - http//jolt.merlot.org/vol4no1/dinov0308.htm
12Challenges Actions
Broad vs. Narrow Training
Assessment of Interdisciplinary Educational Efforts Assessment of Interdisciplinary Educational Efforts Assessment of Interdisciplinary Educational Efforts Assessment of Interdisciplinary Educational Efforts
Measures Type Analysis Methods Summary
Volume of Multidisciplinary Resources quantitative Time-series analysis, parametric inference Overall measure of interest and motivation behind interdisciplinary educational endeavors
User Demographics Mixed quantitative qualitative Qualitative data analysis Geographic, socioeconomic, age and level of the consumers of multidisciplinary training
Translational / Transitional Scientific Discoveries qualitative Domain analysis Types of problems solved using techniques, data and tools developed by broad multidisciplinary teams
Multidisciplinary Publications Mixed quantitative / qualitative Quasi-Statistics Domain analysis Scientific perception of multidisciplinary activities by peers and the general public
Training Curricula Overhauls quantitative Regression, correlation parametric inference Grass root changes in formal and informal multidisciplinary training
Economic demand for interdisciplinary workers quantitative Time-series analysis, parametric inference Economic impact trend to increase the quantity quality of workers with integrated and broad knowledge
- Develop New Diverse Multidisciplinary
Educational Curricula - Institutional Commitment to Multidisciplinary
Education - Introduce Efficient Multidisciplinary Resource
Interfaces - Expectations of Students Enrolled in
Multidisciplinary Programs - Assessment of Interdisciplinary Instructional
13The National Internet-based Science Educational
Resource (NISER)
14NISER Demo
Goal is to demonstrate
- A real research pipeline
- Data collection, visualization, analysis
interpretation - Portable web-based resources
- Hands-on example of interdisciplinary training
- Interactions between different science areas
15N (µ10.54,s2 45.64)
Chlorophyll 3D
Funding NSF DUE 0442992 0716055 NIH U54
RR021813 Collaborators N Christou, J Sanchez, R
Gould J Cui, A Che, A Toga www.NSER.org
- Philosophy
- Tools must be freely available on the Web
- Materials must be useful, extensible, correct,
validated - Tools must platform-independent and open-source
- Must utilize interactive resources
- Disciplines
- Statistics
- Physics
- Biology
- Engineering
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- National Internet-based Science Educational