Title: Integrated Care Pathways (ICPs)
1Integrated Care Pathways (ICPs)
- Ali El-Ghorr
- Rosie Cameron
- www.nhshealthquality.org
- Background
- What are ICPs
- NHS QIS Work Programme
- Results of scoping exercise
3Integrated Care Pathways
A way to compare planned care with care
actually given
4Policy Context
Kerr report (2005)
Delivering for Health (2005)
Need to improve access, quality and efficiency
of NHS services
62 days cancer target 9 weeks for
diagnostics 16 week target for cardiac
intervention 18 weeks whole patient journey
target for cataracts 18 weeks for outpatients 18
weeks for inpatients and day cases
5National Policy on ICPs
National standards will be developed for
Integrated Care Pathways (ICPs) for the main
diagnoses - schizophrenia - bi-polar
disorder - dementia - depression -
personality disorder by late 2007.
Source Delivering for Health (2005)
6National Policy on ICPs
NHS Boards to develop local ICPs to meet National
Standards by 2008. Implementation of the
standards will be accredited by NHS Quality
Improvement Scotland.
Source Delivering for Health (2005)
- An ICP determines locally agreed
multidisciplinary practice, based on guidelines
and evidence where available for a specific
patient/client group. It forms all or part of the
clinical record, documents the care given, and
facilitates the evaluation of outcomes for
continuous quality improvement. - Source National Pathways Association, 1998
8Key Features
- Multidisciplinary / multi-agency
- Part of the clinical record
- Defined beginning and end
- Evidence based and best practice
- Service user focused
- Measurable outcomes
- Record and act on variation from ICP
9How QIS ICP Project will operate
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11Toolkit for ICP development
Jan-06 Ap-06 Jul-06 Oct-06 Jan-07 Ap-07 Jul-07 Oct-07 Jan-08 Ap-08 Jul-08 Oct-08
Project Initiation
Recruit Steering Gp / Subgps
Scoping exercise
Generic standards for ICPs
Evidence summaries
Local ICPs
Develop accreditation tool
Communication plan
- Clinical Leadership
- Management support
- Whole system acceptance
- Reduced duplication of records
- Ease of use
- One person responsible for each ICP
- Simple variation tracking
- Continued education programme
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15 16Mental Health Integrated Care Pathways
This series of Integrated Care Pathways serve as
a guide to treatment and progress. Professional
Judgement should always be used and
will override, but any variations in care must be
clearly documented.
Contact person name_at_nhs.net
17List of contents
Generic elements
Admission Assessment Nursing / AHP
notes Medical notes Results Care
Plans Condition specific elements Bipolar
disorder Dementia Depression Personality
disorder Schizophrenia Generic
elements Discharge Outcome measuring
tools Variance analysis
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Stepped Care model
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27Variation Analysis
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29ICP Scoping Visits
30Scoping Visits
- 15 visits to all NHS Board areas in April/May 06
- Scoping questionnaire sent out to each board area
prior to visit - Visit objectives
- Follow up to questionnaire
- Meet key people
- Discuss additional aspects of ICP development
- Learn from peoples experience to date
31Key Findings
- 14/15 NHS Board areas had done some work on what
they perceived as ICPs - 1 NHS Board area had systems and processes in
place that could be easily developed into an ICP
32What ICPs have they done?
- Admission/discharge- 11
- Perinatal- 8
- Schizophrenia- 4
- Depression- 3
- Rehab- 2
- Early Intervention- 2
- Forensic- 3
- Personality Disorder- 1
- Transfer- 3
- Detox- 2
- Falls management- 1
- ECT- 1
- Generic Process ICP- 3
- Dementia- 2
33Key Issues
- Variation analysis
- Issues re development and implementation process
- Key Challenges and messages given
34Variation Analysis
- A variety of variance recording tools
- Few examples of variance information feeding
service development - Many had no variance analysis at all
- Some used access databases
- 1 had IT system fully operational
- Several had paper based forms
35Development and Implementation issues
- 8/15 boards had identified ICP people
- Mostly it was part time or part of a wider remit
- Very few had an ICP strategy
- Lack of commitment at corporate level
- Resource intensive system to develop ICPs
- Most success was dependent on enthusiastic
individuals - Very little evidence of IT support or systems
- Development was successful but implementation and
ongoing review was difficult.
- ICPs a tool for continuous improvement
- Ambitious programme
- Short timescale
- NHS Boards required to deliver ICPs
- NHS QIS working in partnership with Boards
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