- Professor Pan Jing-yun
- Department of Physiology
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7- Differences of AP configurations in different
regions of the heart. - Fast response potential
- Fast response cells atrium cell and ventricle
cells working myocardium. - Fast response automatic cells Purkinje fiber and
bundle of His. - Slow response potential
- Slow response cells SA node and AV node.
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9- Basic concepts
- Depolarization cations influx ---- Na,
- Ca inward current
- Repolarization cations efflux ---- K
- outward current
- Hyperpolarization Vm ? more negative
- than RMP
- Net current
- inward lt outward repolarization
- inward gt outward depolarization
- inward outward no change in Vm
11? Typical features Resting membrane
potential (RMP) Action potential (AP)
Phase o (rapid depolarization) Phase
1(rapid initial repolarization) Phase 2
(plateau) Phase 3 (rapid late
repolarization) Phase 4 (resting membrane
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13? Ionic basis for RMP and AP of working
myocardium a. Ionic concentration differences
cross membrane b. Permeability to
ions (conductance)
14? Ionic basis for RMP
- K permeability ?, Ki gt Ko
- RMP ? K equilibrium potential
15? Ionic basis for AP Phase 0 (depolarization)
Stimulation ? partial depolarization ?
threshold potential (-70mV) ?Na Ch.
opening ?Na influx into cell down
electrochemical gradient ? Vm less
negative?0 mV ? 30 mV (overshoot)
16Features of fast Na channel
- (1). Activated and inactivated very
- fast. Speed of depolarization 120-
- 200 V / s
- Fast response potential
- Fast response cell
- Fast channel
17- Regenerative process
- depolarization caused by Na influx
- induces more Na Ch. to open and Na
- influx.
- At same time, Kconductance falls and
- keeps Vm at depolarization state.
18- (2). Voltage dependent
- Activation -70mV
- Inactivation 30mV
- Recovery to reopen from -60mV
- (3). Blocked by TTX
19Phase 1 (rapid repolarization)
- (1) Na Ch. is inactivated at 30mV
- (2) Transient outward current (Ito)
- Koutward current, blocked by
- tetraethylammonium(TEA) and
- 4-aminopyridin.
20- Phase 2 (plateau)
- Ca2 Ch. activation at 40mV ? Ca 2 influx ?
Ca2 inward current - IK Ch. Is activated slowly at phase o
- K slowly efflux ? K outward current
- Inward Ca2 current outward K current at
early stage of plateau - Inward current lt outward K current at late
plateau, Vm ? more negative ? repolarization
21- Close of IK1 Ch. at phase o and plateau prevents
membrane potential from rapid repolarization - Phase 2 is the integration of inward
- Ca2current and outward Kcurrent.
- The features of Ca2 channel
22- (1).Slow channel, slow inward current, slow
activation and inactivation and reactivation - (2).Voltage dependent
- Activated at 40mV, inactivated at 0mV
- (3).Blocked by Mn2 and verapamil
- (4).Low specialty permeability to Na also.
23- Phase 3 (late repolarization)
- Ca2 channel is inactivated.
- ?K efflux via IK channel
- ?K efflux via IK1 channel ??outward
- K current ? Vm ? more and more
- negative ? RMP.
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26- Phase 4 (resting stage)
- During Phase 1-3, Na, Ca2 and K
- imbalance outside and inside cell.
- During Phase 4, Na, Ca2 efflux
- against concentration gradient
- K influx against concentration gradient .
27- Na-K pump
- 3 Na out and 2 K in
- Na-Ca2 exchange antiport
- 1 Ca2 out and 3 Na in dependent of
- Na concentration difference inside and
- outside cell.
- Ca2 pump Ca2 out of cell.
28II. Transmembrane potential of rhythmic
cell and their ionic basis
- Automatic fast response cell
- Purkinje cell.
- Automatic slow response cell in S-A
- node and A-V node
29 Spontaneous, phase 4 depolarization the
cause of automaticity pacemaker potential
? Maximal repolarization potential at
the end of phase 3. ? Phase 4 depolarizes
automatically and slowly.
30- ? When depolarization reaches
- threshold level, excitation (AP)
- appears.
- .
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32 1. Slow response cell -- P cell in S-A node
33(1) Features of P cell in S-A node a. Slow
depolarization of phase 0, 7ms, 10V/s
,magnitude 70mV Due to Ca2 channel opening,
blocked by Verapamil or Mn2.b. No distinct
phase 1 and phase 2
34c. Smaller overshoot (15mV)d. Maximum diastolic
potential 70mV, firing level 40mV.f.
Repolarization K outward current.g.
Faster spontaneous phase 4 depolarization.
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36(2) Ionic basis for spontaneous phase 4
depolarization in P cell
37 a. Inward current, if b. Inward Ca2
current, iCa c. Outward K current, iK
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39 a. Inward current, if Features of if (a)
Carried by Na, blocked by Cs, but not
TTX (b) Activation at -60mV,full
activation at 100mV (c) Noradrenalin ? ?if
Acetylcholine ??if
40b. Inward Ca2 current, iCa Activation
at -55mV Noradrenalin ? ?if
Acetylcholine ??if Blocked by Ca
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42C. Gradually diminishing outward K
current, Ik
43- With time the inward current (iCa,if )
- gt outward current(Ik), causing phase 4
- diastolic depolarization to reach firing
- level results in a new action potential.
44- 2. Ionic basis of AP of rapid
- response automatic cells
- as the same as that of AP of
- working cells except phase 4.
45Ionic basis of spontaneous phase 4 depolarization
in fast response cell-Purkinje cell
46 (1) Gradual increase in inward
current,if(2) Gradually diminishing outward
K current, iK If gt IK ,
depolarization ?threshold potential ? a
new AP
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48III. Electrophysiological properties of
cardiac muscle
- Excitability
- Automaticity (autorhythmicity)
- Conductivity.
49?Excitability and its affecting factors
- (1).Excitability 1/threshold strength.
- Affecting factors
- a.Excitation is caused by depolarization
- reaching threshold level, so affecting
- factors are
501. Excitability and its affecting factors
1).Excitability index 1/threshold
strength.Affecting factors a. Excitation is
caused by depolarization reaching
threshold level, so affecting factors
51- (a). RMP level the lower the RMP, the larger the
distance from RMP to threshold potential, the
larger the threshold strength needed to induce
excitation ??excitability, Ko?
52- (b) Threshold level
- Threshold level moves upward,
- the distance between it and RMP
- becomes larger, excitability
- decreases.
53- (c). Behavior of Na channel
- Resting activation inactivation
- stage stage stage
- reactivation
- stage
54Voltage-dependent Na Ch. Resting stage - 90
mV Activation stage - 70mV Inactvation
stage 30mV Reactivation stage -
60mVTime-dependent Na Ch.
55B. Cyclic changes in excitability in a
cardiac cycle
- (a).Effective refractory period (ERP)
- 0 -60mV
- Absolute refractory period (ARP)
- 0 -55mV
- Local response (no AP) -55 -60 mV
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58- (b) Relative refractory period (RRP) -60
-80mV - Excitability lower than normal, Na channel is
reactivation, but not fully reactivated. - Stronger stimulation than normal
- induces a premature potential.
59- (c) Supra-normal period (SNP) -80
- -90mV
- Excitability is higher than normal,
- Vm at this period is less negative than
- normal RMP, and its distance to
- threshold potential is shorter than
- normal. The new AP is still smaller
- than normal.
60- Feature of premature potential
- A propagated AP, but smaller
- than normal AP
- Low speed of phase 0
- Low amplitude of phase 0
- Low conduction
- Shorter duration of AP.
61- The speed and amplitude of depolarization are
determined by RMP. - The recovery of ability of Na Ch. to reopen
depends on membrane potential (Vm).
62Extrasystole and compensatory pause
63? Automaticity (Autorhythmicity)
- ? Index of automaticity
- frequency of discharge of pacemaker cell in
S-A node. 100/min dominant pacemaker - A-V junction 50/min,
- Purkinje fiber 25/min
- latent or subordinary pacemaker
64Atrioventricular delay permits optimal
ventricular fillingAtrioventricular(AV)
blockcomplete AV blockAV conduction is affected
by autonomic nerve system
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66- S-A node controls latent pacemaker
- due to
- a. S-A node drives latent pacemaker
- b. Overdrive suppression
- (a) The longer overdrive, the stronger
- suppression
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68- (b) The larger difference of excitation
- frequency between two pacemakers,
- the stronger suppression.
- Active Na pump 3 Na out, 2 K in ?
hyperpolarization ? need more time to reach
firing level.
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70? Factors determining automaticity
- Frequency of excitation of pacemaker cell
determinates the time for maximum diastolic
potential to reach threshold potential.
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72- a. Rate of spontaneous, phase 4
depolarization.ßreceptor activation, If? HR? - b. Maximum diastolic potential level , gK? HR?
- c. Threshold potential level
73? Conductivity
- a. Index of conductivity speed of
- conduction of AP
- b. Factors determining conductivity
- of cardiac muscle
74- a. Speed and amplitude of phase 0 depolarization
- (a) ? speed of phase 0 depolarization
- ? ?rate of generation of local
- current ??time for depolarization
- to reach threshold potential ?
- conductivity ?.
75- (b)?amplitude of phase 0 depolarization
- ? ?amplitude of local current ?
- ?distance of depolarization of nearby
- membrane ? ?conductivity.
- (c) Speed and amplitude of phase 0
- depolarization is determined by Vm
- More negative RMP ? ?speed of Na channel
opening ? ?speed of phase depolarization ? ?speed
of local current stimulation to reach to
threshold potential ? ?speed of conduction
77- More negative RMP ? ?number of Na channel
opening ? ?amplitude of phase 0 depolarization ?
? amplitude of local current ? speed of
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80b. ?excitability of nearby membrane area ?
- Local current stimulus conducts to area which is
in effective refractory period of premature
potential. The stimulus cant induce a new AP and
conduction block occurs.
81Local current stimulus conducts to area which is
more negative RMP,excitability decreases and
conductivity also decreases.
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84Section 2 Cardiac pump function
- Cardiac cycle
- ? Order of contraction and relaxation
- of atrium and ventricle
- ? Diastole gt systole
- ??HR ? ??diastole, ?systole
- ?HR ? ??diastole, ?systole
85Contraction or relaxation of heart ? changes in
pressure ? opening or closing of valves ?
direction of blood flow
86The opening or closing of valves is a passive
process resulting from pressure differences
across the valves
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88I. Mechanical events of the cardiac cycle
- A, Left ventricular ejection and filling
- 1. Atrial systole
- 2. Ventricular systole
- (1) Isovolumic contraction phase
- (2) Rapid ejection phase
- (3) Reduced ejection phase
89- ? Ventricular diastole
- (1) Isovolumic relaxation phase
- (2) Rapid filling phase
- (3) Reduced filling phase
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91Importance of rapid ventricular filling.
Primary pump of atrium (a) increase in
ventricular filling (b) decrease in
atrial pressure
92B. Atrial pressure changes of cardiac
cycle a wave, c wave, v wave
93?. Evaluation of cardiac pump function
- Stroke volume EDV ESV, 70ml
- Cardiac output stroke volume heart
- rate 5L / min (4.5 - 6.0)
- Cardiac index cardiac output / area of
- body surface, 3.0 3.5 L / min / m2
94- Ejection fraction (EF)
- EF
- ESV residue blood volume
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96Cardiac work
- pressurevolume work kinetic energya. Stroke
work - pressurevolume work / beat Force
Distance - FD (PA) D P(AD)
- P?V
97Stroke work(g-m) SV(cm3)(1/1000)(MAP
mean atrial P)(13.6g/cm3)Minute cardiac
work(Kg-m/min) SV(g-m)heart rate(1/1000)
b. Kinetic energy 1/2mV2 2-4 of
cardiac work
98Pressure work consumes more oxygen than volume
99? Control of cardiac output
- significance
- To meet the need of tissues under
- different conditions
- To keep cardiac output balance
- with cardiac filling
- To match the output of the right
- and left ventricle
100- Cardiac output SV HR
- Determinants of stroke volume
- (1)initial length (pre-load)
- (2)contractility
- (3)after-load
101Initial lengthVentricular function curve SV
increases as LVEDV increases at no changes in
other factors.Frank-Starling mechanism(1918)
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103EDV is at the left to optimal initial length, SV
increases as EDV increases. This feature means
that ventricle has larger initial length reserve.
104- Sarcomere length 2.0-2.2?m is optimal initial
length. - Overlap between thick and thin filements in a
sarcomere is very well - Number of cross-bridge linkages is the biggest
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106Factors influencing EDV
- a. Venous return blood volume
- b. Duration of filling (diastole)
107a. Venous return blood volume depends on velocity
of venous return, which is determined by
difference between peripheral venous pressure and
end-diastolic pressure.
108b. Duration of filling (diastole) Increase
in HR results in short filling period,
distolic filling decreases, therefore, EDV
109- B. contractility1.Sympathetic nerve and
catecholamine - ??contractility
- ventricular function curve shifts to
- upward and the left
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114 Contractility is depended by Number of
activated cross- bridge linkage /total
number of cross-bridge linkage
Intracellular free Ca2 Affinity of
troponin to Ca2
- Cardiac sympathetic nerve ending
- ? noradrenaline ? binds to ß-
- adrenergic receptor??permeability
- to Ca2 leads to
116- ?Contractility due to ?Ca2i
- ?Ca2 influx ? calcium-induced
- release of calcium ??Release
- Ca2 from sarcoplasmic
- reticulum
117- ?Speed of relaxation during diastole
- a.?Affinity of Ca2 to troponin
- ?dissociation Ca2 from troponin
- b.?Uptake Ca2 of sadrcoplasmic
- reticulum ? ?Ca2i
- c.?Na-Ca2 exchange ? ?Ca2i
118The role of cAMP-dependent protein kinase
Increase in contractile force and speed of
contractionIncrease in the speed of relaxation
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120- ? Effect of after-load on cardiac output
- After-load aortic pressure
- ?Aortic pressure ??stroke volume ?
- blood accumulates in ventricle ??EDV?
- recovery of stroke volume by Frank-Starling
- mechanism
- recovery of EDV through ?contractility ?
- cardiac work?.
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1222. Effect of heart rate on cardiac output
- cardiac output HRSV
- ?HR, ?CO.
- HR gt 200bpm, CO?due to diastole too short, venous
return too small.
123Autonomic nervous system controls heart rate
Vagal tone Sympathetic tone
124(1)Effect of cardiac vagal nerve?HR Vagal
nerve ending ? ACh binds to M cholinergic
receptor ? ?permeability to K results in
?automaticity of S-A node
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126 a. More negative maximum diastolic
potential b. ?Speed of phase 4 depolarization
due to ?K efflux during phase 4,
i.e. decrease in diminishing K outward
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128?conductivity due to ACh ?? Ca2 influx
??amplitude of phase 0 depolarization ? ?
conductivity at A-V junction
129(2) Effects of cardiac sympathetic n Cardiac
sympathetic ending ?NE binds to ßreceptor
??permeability to Ca2 leads to
130?Automaticity ?If at phase 4 in automatic
cell.?Conductivity ?Ca2 influx at
phase 0 in A-V junction ? ?Speed and
amplitude of phase 0 depolarization ? ?
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132Autonomic nervous system controls heart
rateVagal tone predominates in normal
personIntrinsic heart rate 100 beats/min
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134? Cardiac reserve Heart rate reserve
Stroke reserve Diastolic reserve
Systolic reserve
135Measurement of myocardia contractility
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