Title: Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution
1Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution
2Why did these 13 colonies revolt?
3Structures of the Colonies
- Huge population growth
- Americans doubled population every 25 years
- Average age was 16
- 31 English to colonists
- Biggest colonies VA, MA, PA, NC, and MD
- Cities Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and
4Structures of the Colonies
- Melting pot most mixed of any place in the
world - Germans
- Scots-Irish
- English
- Africans
- Irish
- Dutch
- Other Europeans
- Indians
Most numerous white ethnic groups
5Equality and Opportunity?
- Possible to go from indentured servant to wealthy
planter - Some stratification
- Merchants gained ground because of war
- Numbers of poor grew
- Available land dwindled
- Slave ownership caused increase in divide between
rich and poor
6Working in the Colonies
- Most respected job in colonies was the clergy
- Doctors were poorly trained and were viewed
negatively - Bloodletting used for treatment
- Smallpox occurred often (30 mortality)
inoculation began (2 mortality) - John Adams inoculation scene
- Lawyers were seen as troublemakers
- John Adams wasnt seen as a proper match for
part 2, 10418
- Agriculture biggest industry
- Tobacco MD and VA
- Grain NY
- Fishing New England
- Triangular trade
- Household manufacturing
- Lumber
- Naval stores
8Cod fishing on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland
9Colonial Trade Patterns, c. 1770
- Roads were terrible and dangerous
- Waterways were more reliable
- Taverns important rest, information, mixture of
various groups
11Colonial Tavern
12Religion and Worship
- Two established churches
- Anglican
- Congregational
- Pulpit became location for talk of sedition
- Anglican clergy supported the king
13Schools and Colleges
- Many thought education only for the wealthy
- Puritan NE had most education for religious
reasons - Primarily for boys
- Schools varied in length of year and quality
- South - wealthy used private tutors
- Atmosphere
- Grim and gloomy
- No independent thought
- Switching
- Colleges
- Ben Franklin first college free from church
control (University of Pennsylvania)
14(No Transcript)
- Art influenced heavily by Europe
- Many artists had to go abroad to get training and
subjects - Architecture
- Log cabin Swedish
- Red bricked Georgian
- Literature
- Phillis Wheatley slave girl who became a poet
- Ben Franklin Poor Richards Almanack
- Science
- Most influential was Ben Franklin
- Electricity
- Bifocals
- Franklin stove
16John Trumbull
17Charles Willson Peale
19On Being Brought From Africa To America
'Twas mercy brought me from my pagan land,Taught
my beknighted soul to understandThat there's a
God, that there's a Savior tooOnce I redemption
neither sought nor knew.Some view our sable race
with scornful eye,"Their color is a diabolic
dye."Remember Christians Negroes, black as
Cain,May be refin'd, and join th' angelic train.
----Phillis Wheatley
20Ben Franklins Contributions