AdvancEd Standard 2: Governance and Leadership - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AdvancEd Standard 2: Governance and Leadership


AdvancEd Standard 2: Governance and Leadership The district has governance and leadership that promotes student performance and school effectiveness. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: PeggyBuf9


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: AdvancEd Standard 2: Governance and Leadership

AdvancEd Standard 2Governance and Leadership
  • The district has governance and leadership that
    promotes student performance and school

InterventionThe School City of Hobart's Board
of School Trustees will actively govern and
support the efforts of the superintendent,
district staff, and families to ensure continuous
student achievement for all students. A. The
Board approves the utilization of the North
Central Association (NCA) Commission on
Accreditation and School Improvement strategic
planning process to attain the vision and mission
for the School City of Hobart. B. The Board will
build and maintain collaborative relationships
between the Board and the superintendent, all
employment groups, the NCA leadership team, as
well as with stakeholders in the community. C.
The Board will adopt the district strategic plan,
as well as each school's improvement plan. D. The
Board will communicate the strategic plan. F. The
Board will adopt board goals that support the
strategic plan. G. The Board will initiate and
adopt policies needed to support the strategic
plan. H. The Board maintains legal counsel. I.
The Board will align and allocate funding for
the resources needed to advance student
achievement. J. The Board will monitor progress
toward the vision and mission.
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A, C, D
Interest-based bargaining
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Interventions 1. The Board's Policy will be
executed through Administrative Guidelines 2. The
district's central office provides leadership for
the North Central Association (NCA) Commission on
Accreditation and School Improvement strategic
planning process to attain the vision and mission
for the School City of Hobart. A. The district's
central office ensures the integrity of the
planning process. B. The district's central
office ensures that the strategic planning
process incorporates participation of a broad
base of stakeholders. -The district has an NCA
Leadership Team that has representation from all
schools. -Each school has representation of all
stakeholder groups on their school NCA Leadership
Teams. C. The district's central office ensures
(TRC) professional development to carry out the
planning process. D. The district's central
office ensures that the recommendations of the
strategic planning team (the NCA Leadership Team)
are presented to the board for action. E. The
district's central office coordinates periodic
and annual review of the strategic plan. F. The
district participates in an external peer review
conducted by NCA. G. The district meets the
state's legal standards for accreditation.
Intervention Curriculum - The district provides
a curriculum that meets local, state and federal
guidelines. A. There is a planned curriculum with
instructional content, materials, resources, and
processes for how the school's curriculum and
instructional strategies support the achievement
of the Indiana academic standards. B. The
district is compliant with mandatory
curriculum. C. Curriculum evaluation is scheduled
on a regular basis to establish the congruence
between vision and mission and curriculum. D. A
basic description outlining the subjects to be
taught and the contents of each subject area are
a part of a guide and is shared with parents. E.
Student learning is assessed frequently through a
variety of evaluation techniques for the purpose
of diagnosis, remediation, and reporting. F.
Standardized tests, as appropriate, are
administered to each child on a regular basis,
and there are procedures in place and in use that
illustrate how test results are implemented in
curriculum updating. G. Teachers have high
expectations for each student and demonstrate
this through the methods of teaching they
employ. H. Reports of each student's progress are
made available to parents in written form and/or
through conferences. A Parent Portal is
available as well. I. Each school has a media
center that holds a balanced collection of print,
non-print, and teaching/learning materials. J.
The minimum school year consists of one hundred
eighty (180) student instructional days with a
minimum of five (5) hours for grades 1 through 6
and six (6) hours for grades 7 through 12 or a
minimum of nine hundred (900) instructional hours
for grades 1 through 6 and one thousand eighty
(1,080) instructional hours for grades 7 through
12 each school year. K. Each school complies with
applicable state emergency preparedness codes and
with applicable state health testing codes. L.
The district makes necessary provisions
concerning special education and limited English
(ENL) proficient students. M. The district makes
necessary provisions for a safe disciplined
learning environment. N. The district makes
necessary provisions for technology usage along
with professional development. O. All student
applicants are admitted according to established
written admission criteria and procedures. P.
Each school has an established discipline policy,
including written procedures for handling
behavior. Q. Permanent cumulative records for
each student are maintained, stored, and shared
as appropriate and are handled according to
applicable state and federal laws.
Intervention Evaluation and Professional
Development (Visit TRC!) 1. The district
maintains an evaluation system for certified
staff that provides opportunities for continuous
professional development. A. The district, in
accordance with the Hobart Teachers Association
(HTA), has a rigorous evaluation system that
includes -Goal Setting -Self-assessment
-Pre-observation Conferences -Formative
Evaluation -Classroom Walkthroughs -Summative
Evaluation B. Teachers who are on their sixth
contract and have reached distinction in the
summative evaluation phase are eligible for the
Master Teacher Growth Program (MTGP), which is a
self-directed professional development program
for a five year cycle. C. The School City of
Hobart will implement Professional Learning
Communities. D. The district provides
professional development. 2. The district, in
accordance with Board Policy, evaluates every
employee. A. The district maintains a continuous
program of professional development for
non-certified staff. B. Supervisors recommend
professional development for departments and
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Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 8
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