Title: Make Everyday a Special Event: National Dialogue on Operations
1Make Everyday a Special EventNational Dialogue
on Operations
2Traffic flow is a concern
Data not collected in 1995
Percentage of responses satisfied and very
satisfied shown
3VMT Versus Lane Mileage
4Where should we spend our dollars?
5Preferred Improvements
Percentage of Great Help responses shown
6How Realistic is this?
- Wanting congestion relief
- Without
- The pain of construction
7Full time, integrated Operations can
At least I called ahead and delayed the meeting
- Reduce Delay
- Improve Reliability
- Reduce fatalities and Injuries
- Restore a sense of control
8Operations Tool Box
- Weather Response
- Signal timing, synchronization
- Ramp meters, HOVs, HOTs
- Incident Management
- Work Zone Management
- Demand Management
- Access Parking
- Management
- More
9ITS allows the tools to be used dynamically
10Los Angelos
11Whats the difference?
- A do-whatever-it-takes Operations Mission
- A group that is empowered
- with access to every available tool
- that is accountable
12 Why cant we operate like this every day?
13Not My Mission..
Agency Primary Focus
State DOT Design, Construct Projects
Police Law enforcement
Emergency Response Saving lives, protecting
Parking ROI
Media Ratings, advertising, ROI
Special Event Task Force Make it work 24/7
14What would it take to
Make Everyday a Special Event
Legislation ?
Models ?
Practice Guidelines?
New institutions?
15National Steering Committee on Transportation
- Frank Francois (Chair)
- Stephen Lockwood (Vice Chair)
- Lillian Borrone
- Anne Canby
- Dennis Christiansen
- John Collins
- Lawrence Dahms
- Jack Goldstein
- David Hensing
- Dennis Keck
- Walter Kraft
- Thomas Larson
- William Millar
- Michael Meyer
- Wayne Shackelford
- Robert Skinner
- Peter Ruane
- Philip Tarnoff
- Joseph Sussman
- Douglas Wiersig
- James Wright
16The Vision A Transportation Systems Performance
- Operations Definition
- Managing and operating the existing
transportation system so that its performance
exceeds customer expectations.
17From Dialogue to Action
- Research
- Draft Operations Research Agenda for TRB
- SHRP Theme
- Tools
- Operations Self Assessment Tool
- Measures
- Collecting data in 10 cities to test new
reliability measure - Developing a performance measure tool box
18Travel Time Reliability
- 1-week snapshot example
- Day-to-day comparison Same trip/same time
Reliable 3 of 5 days or 60
19From Dialogue to ActionOutreach
Association Dialogues
Regional Meetings
Operations Summit
Public Safety Initiative
Operations in Planning
20What would it take to Make Everyday a Special