Crowd Simulations Guest Instructor - Stephen J. Guy VERY efficient implementation, runs at about 600FPS on 3.14 GHz Quad Core * Geoposters *Geometry up close ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
Needs to happened at least 12/second (more is better)
5 Outline
Animation basics
Key framing
Simulation Loop
How to move one man
Walk Cycle
How to move one thousand
Crowd Models
Collision Avoidance
Data Structures
6 Walk Cycle
Simply Translating a character to its goal is unrealistic
Walk Cycle A looping series of positionswhich represent a character walking (or running or galloping)
Shifting the animation provides the illusion of walking
Inplace Shifted w/ Time 7 Digression - Eadweard Muybridge
19th Century English Photograyher
Used multiple cameras to capture motion
Invented Zoopraxiscope (spinning wheel of still images) to animate images
8 Walk Cycle - Analysis
Simple to implement
Captures the basics of human movement
Walks must cycle
Cant handle changes in stride length
Cant handle jumps
Must be animated by hand
9 Walk Cycle - Alternatives
Inverse Kinematics
Using math to figure out where to place the rest of the body to get the feet moving forward
Motion Capture
Record data of real humans walking
Motion Clips
FSM of different motions
? 10 Outline
Animation basics
Key framing
Simulation Loop
How to move one man
Walk Cycle
How to move one thousand
Crowd Models
Collision Avoidance
Data Structures
11 Crowd Simulation Models
Simplest model Agent Based
Capture Global Behavior w/ many interacting autonomous agents
Each person is represented by one agent
Chooses next state based on goal and neighbors
Pioneered by Craig Reynolds
Won 1998 (Technical) Academy Award
12 Agent Based Simulations
Craig Reylonds
Social Forces Model
Dirk Helbing
Physics Review B 1995
Nature 2000
Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles
Van den Berg
I3D 2008
13 Agent Based Simulations
Craig Reylonds
Social Forces Model
Dirk Helbing
Physics Review B 1995
Nature 2000
Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles
Van den Berg
I3D 2008
14 Flocking
Seminal work in multi-agent movement
Assign simple force to each agent
Used in
Lion King
Batman Returns
Separation Alignment Cohesion 15 Boids - Continued
New forces can be added to incorporate more behaviors
Avoiding Obstacles
Collision Avoidance
Be Creative!
16 Boids Online
Visit http//
And http//
17 Agent Based Simulations
Craig Reylonds
Social Forces Model
Dirk Helbing
Physics Review B 1995
Nature 2000
Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles
Van den Berg
I3D 2008
18 Helbings Social Force Model
Very similar to boid model
Treats all agents as physical obstacles
Solves a F/m where F is social force
Fij Pedestrian Avoidance
FiW Obstacle (Wall) Avoidance
Desired Velocity Current Velocity Avoiding Other Pedestrians Avoiding Walls 19 Social Force Model Pedestrian Avoidance Collision Avoidance Non-penetration Sliding Force
rij dij ?Edge-to-edge distance
nij Vector pointing away from agent
Aie(rij-dij)/Bi ? Repulsive force which is exponential increasing with distance
g(x) ? x if agents are colliding, 0 otherwise
tij Vector pointing tangential to agent
?Vtji Tangential velocity difference
FiW is very similar
20 Helbing - Continued
Noticed arching
Also observed in real crowds
Killed or injured people whoexperienced too much force (1,600 N/m) became unresponsive obstacles
Noticed Faster-is-slower effect
21 Agent Based Simulations
Craig Reylonds
Social Forces Model
Dirk Helbing
Physics Review B 1995
Nature 2000
Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles
Van den Berg
I3D 2008
22 Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles
Applied ideas from robotics to crowd simulations
Basic idea
Given n agents with velocities, find velocities will cause collisions
Avoid them!
Planning is performed in velocity space
RVOAB(vB, vA) vA 2vA vA ? VOAB(vB)
23 RVO Planning In Velocity Space ? 24 RVO Planning In Velocity Space ? 25 RVO Planning In Velocity Space RA RB ? 26 RVO Planning In Velocity Space (VA VB)/2 ? 27 RVO Planning In Velocity Space ? 28 RVO Planning In Velocity Space 29 RVO Planning In Velocity Space 30 RVO Planning In Velocity Space 31 RVO Planning In Velocity Space 32 RVO Planning In Velocity Space 33 Videos
12 Agents in a Circle
34 Videos
1,000 agents in a circle
35 Related data-structures
Allowing efficient gathering of nearby neighbors O(log n)
Roadmaps A
Allows global navigation around obstacles
36 Roadmaps
Create roadmap in free space
Find visible source nodes
Graph Search to find path to Destination
A is very popular graph search algorithm
37 Video
1,000 people leaving Sitterson Hall
Uses RVO, Roadmaps, A and Kd-Trees
38 Outline
Animation basics
Key framing
Simulation Loop
How to move one man
Walk Cycle
How to move one thousand
Crowd Models
Collision Avoidance
Data Structures
39 Rendering Crowds
Traditional OpenGL pipeline can be too slow for 1000s of agents
View Culling helps, but often not enough
Need Level-of-Detail techniques
Use models with more polygons up close, less when far away is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.
You might even have a presentation you’d like to share with others. If so, just upload it to We’ll convert it to an HTML5 slideshow that includes all the media types you’ve already added: audio, video, music, pictures, animations and transition effects. Then you can share it with your target audience as well as’s millions of monthly visitors. And, again, it’s all free.
About the Developers is brought to you by CrystalGraphics, the award-winning developer and market-leading publisher of rich-media enhancement products for presentations. Our product offerings include millions of PowerPoint templates, diagrams, animated 3D characters and more.