Title: Adam Smith
1Adam Smith
2Adam Smith
- In addition to the text, you should read the
Chapter on Adam Smith in the book the Worldly
Philosophers, by Heilbroner - This chapter will provide you with additional
background material
- Born in Kircaldy (Scotland)
- Father died before he was born and his mother
lived to the age of 90 - Kidnap by Gipsies when he was 4 and was left
abandon - Walked 15 miles in Nightgown until awoken by bells
4Professorial Syndrom
- Walk in a distracted fashion and fell in a Pit
- Would work through academic matters out loud
- Brewed himself a drink of bread and butter and
pronounced it the worst tea he had ever dranked - I am a beau in nothing but my books
- His book on moral theology attracted the
attention of Charles Townshend - Notorious to Americans since, as Chancellor of
the Exchequer, he - Refused to let colonist elect their own judges
- Increase the duty (tariff) on American Tea
- Townshend married well to the widow of a duke
6Tutoring (continued)
- He chose Adam Smith to tutor the son of the widow
- The contract was for 500 pounds per year plus
expenses and a pension of 500 pounds per year for
life after done - Smith had never collected more than 100 pounds
per year from fees collected directly from
students - His students refused refund when he had to leave
saying they had more than received their return
7Tutoring (continued)
- For 18 months Smith and his student went to
France - Met Voltaire in the south of France
- Met Francois Quesney in Paris
- He agreed with the Laissey Faire of the
Physocrats but did not agree with - Agriculture being the source of all productivity
- Believed labor was an important component of
- Smith met with Benjamin Franklin
- He was impressed with Mr. Franklin and his
descriptions of the Colonies - Probably why he later wrote about the Colonies
- a nation which, indeed, seemed very likely to
become one of the greatest and most formidable
that ever was in the world. - An admiration that is later also shared by Karl
- Adam Smith lived with his mother until she
reached the age of 90 - 2 years after he published the Wealth of Nations
he was appointed - Commissioner of Customs for Edinburgh which paid
600 pounds a year - His death went relatively unnoticed
- Perhaps the most amazing aspect of Adam Smiths
work is the fact that in the absolute chaos and
crude conditions of the labor markets of his time
he was able to view the beauty of the market
system - He viewed the potential it had in developing
economic growth and - The difficulty it provided if unregulated
11A. Smith First Classical Economist
- Comparison with Shaskepere
- Very Careful Writer
- The Theory of Moral Sentiments (London, A.
Millar, Edinburgh, A. Kincaid J. Bell, 1759)
second edition, revised 1761, third edition,
enlarged as The Theory of Moral Sentiments, To
which is added A Dissertation on the Origin of
Languages (London, A. Millar, Edinburgh, A.
Kincaid, A. Bell, 1767) fourth edition (London,
W. Strahan, J. F. Rivington, T. Longman and T.
Cadell, Edinburgh, W. Creech, 1774) fifth edition
1781, sixth edition considerably enlarged and
corrected, 2 volumes (London, A. Strahan A.
Cadell, Edinburgh, W. Creech J. Bell, 1790).
12Published Works
- An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
Wealth of Nations, 2 volume (London, W. Strahan
T. Cadell, 1776) second edition, revised, 1778,
third edition with "Additions and Corrections, 3
volumes (London, A. Strahan T. Cadell, 1784),
fourth addition (London, A. Strahan T. Cadell,
1786), fifth edition, 1789 (Philadelphia, Thomas
Dobson, 1789
- Economic Development and Policies to Promote
Economic Growth - Assumption An economy always employs its
resources fully in production - Methodology Deductive Theory and historical
Description - Vision
- 1. Interdependence of the segments of the economy
- 2. Policies to be followed to promote wealth of
- A. Contextual Economic Policy
- Arguments based on observation of historical and
institutional circumstances - B. Natural Order, Harmony, and Laissez Faire
- Scientific Investigation can reveal (discover)
factual cause and effect relationship - Human beings are rational, calculating and
motivate by self interest
15Human Interest
- Every man. Is first and principally recommended
to his own care and every man is certainly in
every respect fitter and abler to take care of
himself than of any other person (Theory of Moral
16Human Interest
- the desire of bettering our condition is a
desire which, though generally calm and
dispassionate, come with us from the womb, and
never leaves us till we to to the grave. In the
whole interval which separates those two moments,
there is scarce perhaps a single instant in which
any man is so perfectly and completely satisfied
with his situation, as to be without wish of
alteration or improvement of any kind (Wealth of
17Market (Cont.)
- Competitive markets exist in which factors of
production advance economic advantage - Natural process resolves conflict better than
human arrangements (physiocratic idea) - Optimum allocation of resources occurs in
competitive markets with out intervention
18The Working of Competitive Markets
- Market vs. Natural Prices
- Market Prices a Short-Run phenomenon
- Natural Prices a Long-Run phenomenon
- NOTE in the LR NP will equalize rate of profits,
wages and rents among economic sectors
(landlords, capitalists, workers)
19The Working of Competitive Markets (cont.)
- In other words, given competitive market
absence of government intervention, resulting
natural prices bring about optimum allocation of
resources because consumers receive goods they
want at lowest prices and maximum rate of growth
20Exceptions to laissez faire
- protection of infant industries by tariffs
- provision of public goods (roads, schools, vital
records, justice, national defense) - ALSO, FREE ENTERPRISE SHOULD BE CHECKED AND NOT
21- People of the same trade seldom meet together,
even for merriment and diversion, but the
conversation ends in a conspiracy against the
public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.
It is impossible indeed to prevent such meetings,
by any law which either could be executed, or
would be consistent with liberty and justice. But
though the law cannot hinder people of the same
trade from sometimes assembling together, it
ought to do nothing to facilitate such
assemblies, much less to render them necessary.
Wealth of Nations, Book 1, Chapter 10.
22Capital Accumulation (basis of wealth of a nation)
- Determines division of labor and proportion of
population engaged in production - Leads to economic development
- Individual self-interest plus accumulation of
capital leads to optimum allocation of capital
among industries
23Capital Accumulation (basis of wealth of a
nation) (CONT)
- Labor cannot accumulate capital because wage
level permits only satisfaction of consumption
desires (subsistence level wages) - Landholders do not accumulate capital because
they spend it on unproductive labor (servants,
etc.) - Capitalists are the benefactors of society so
unequal distribution of income in their favor
benefits society by promoting economic growth
instead of immediate consumption of all production
24An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
Wealth of Nations
- Book I value theory, division of labor,
distribution of income - Book II capital as a cause of wealth of nation
- Book III economic history of several nations
used as illustration - Book IV history of economic thought practice
including mercantilism physiocracy - Book V public finance
25Purpose of production
- Purpose for consumption and export
- End purpose of economic activity is consumption
- One purpose of exports is to pay for imports
- Source of wealth produced by labor (physiocrats
emphasized land as the source of wealth) - Wealth of a nation is measured in per capita
terms - One purpose of exports is to pay for imports
26Causes of the Wealth of Nations
- Productivity of labor
- Proportion of laborers usefully and productively
employed - Summary
27Productivity of labor
- Depends on division of labor and specialization
- Pin factory example - increase from 20 to 4800
pins per worker per day when divided into 18
operations - Social disadvantage - workers dehumanized by
repetitive, monotonous tasks - Division of labor depends on extent of market and
capital accumulation - volume sold increases opportunity for division of
labor - production process time consuming so stock of
goods (capital) needed to maintain labor during
production - capital stock of goods comes from saving (this is
the function of the capitalist)
28Proportion of laborers usefully and productively
- Productive labor
- employed in producing vendible commodities
- Unproductive labor
- employed in producing service (normative
judgment) - included sovereign, justice, military
(i.e., less govt, the better for the economy
implication should lower taxes on capitalists
so they can accumulate more capital to save and
29Summary of the causes of the wealth of nations
- Accumulation of capital is the bottom line
- Economic growth - depends on division of total
output between consumer goods and capital
accumulation (the larger capital accumulation
the greater the rate of growth)
30Summary of the causes of the wealth of nations
- Requirements for highest rate of growth
- free markets (no govt intervention)
- private property
- unequal distribution of income to allow
accumulation of capital
31Meaning of Value
- Two Values
- value in use - the utility of an object.
Ambiguous, subjective measure - value in exchange - the purchasing power of an
object. Objective measure of price expressed in
the market. - Diamond-Water Paradox Water has great utility
but little exchange value a diamond has little
utility but great exchange value
32- The word value, it is to be observed, has two
different meanings, and sometimes expresses the
utility of some particular object, and sometimes
the power of purchasing other goods which the
possession of that object conveys. The one may be
called "value in use" the other, "value in
exchange." The things which have the greatest
value in use have frequently little or no value
in exchange and, on the contrary, those which
have the greatest value in exchange have
frequently little or no value in use. Nothing is
more useful than water but it will purchase
scarce anything scarce anything can be had in
exchange for it. A diamond, on the contrary, has
scarce any value in use but a very great
quantity of other goods may frequently be had in
exchange for it.
- Smith put forth contradictory wage theories
including - subsistence theory of wages
- productivity theory
- bargaining theory
- residual claimant theory
- wages fund theory
34Wage and Profit
- Issues that impact on the inequalities of wages
and profits arising from the nature of
employments themselves - 1. the wages of labour vary with the ease or
hardship,the cleanliness or dirtiness, the
honourableness or dishonourableness of the
35Wage and Profit
- 1. the wages of labour vary with the ease or
hardship,the cleanliness or dirtiness, the
honourableness or dishonourableness of the
employment. - Thus in most places, take the year round, a
journeyman tailor earns less than a journeyman
weaver. His work is much easier. A journeyman
weaver earns less than a journeyman smith. His
work is not always easier, but it is much
36Wage and Profit
- 1. Continuation
- The trade of a butcher is a brutal and an odious
business but it is in most places more
profitable than the greater part of common
trades. The most detestable of all employments,
that of public executioner, is, in proportion to
the quantity of work done,better paid than any
common trade whatever.
37Wage and Profit
- Secondly, the wages of labour vary with the
easiness and cheapness, or the difficulty and
expense of learning the business. - When any expensive machine is erected, the
extraordinary work to be performed by it before
it is worn out, it must be expected, will replace
the capital laid out upon it, with at least the
ordinary profits. A man educated at the expense
of much labour and time to any of those
employments which require extraordinary dexterity
and skill, may be compared to one of those
expensive machines.
38Wage and Profit
- 2. Continuation
- Education in the ingenious arts and in the
liberal professions is still more tedious and
expensive. The pecuniary recompense, therefore,
of painters and sculptors, of lawyers and
physicians, ought to be much more liberal and it
is so accordingly.
39Wage and Profit
- Thirdly, the wages of labour in different
occupations vary with the constancy or
inconstancy of employment. - A mason or bricklayer, on the contrary, can work
neither in hard frost nor in foul weather, and
his employment at all other times depends upon
the occasional calls of his customers. He is
liable, in consequence, to be frequently without
any. What he earns, therefore, while he is
employed, must not only maintain him while he is
idle, but make him some compensation for those
anxious and desponding moments which the thought
of so precarious a situation must sometimes
40Wage and Profit
- 3. Continuation
- When the inconstancy of employment is combined
with the hardship, disagreeableness and dirtiness
of the work, it sometimes raises the wages of the
most common labour above those of the most
skilful artificers.
41 Wage and Profit
- Fourthly, the wages of labour vary accordingly to
the small or great trust which must be reposed in
the workmen. - The wages of goldsmiths and jewellers are
everywhere superior to those of many other
workmen, not only of equal, but of much superior
ingenuity, on account of the precious materials
with which they are intrusted.
42Wage and Profit
- 4. Continuation
- We trust our health to the physician our fortune
and sometimes our life and reputation to the
lawyer and attorney. Such confidence could not
safely be reposed in people of a very mean or low
condition. Their reward must be such, therefore,
as may give them that rank in the society which
so important a trust requires. The long time and
the great expense which must be laid out in their
education, when combined with this
circumstance,necessarily enhance still further
the price of their labour.
43Wage and Profit
- Fifthly, the wages of labour in different
employments vary according to the probability or
improbability of success in them. - The probability that any particular person shall
ever be qualified for the employment to which he
is educated is very different in different
occupations. In the greater part of mechanic
trades, success is almost certain but very
uncertain in the liberal professions. Put your
son apprentice to a shoemaker, there is little
doubt of his learning to make a pair of shoes
but send him to study the law, it is at least
twenty to one if ever he makes such proficiency
as will enable him to live by the business.
44Wage and Profit
- Wages vary in inverse proportion to the
agreeableness of the employment. education in
the ingenious arts and in the liberal
professions, is tedious and expensive. The
pecuniary recompense, therefore.of lawyers and
physicians ought to be much more liberal and it
is so accordingly.
45Wages Fund Doctrine
- Assumes there is a fixed capital fund for payment
of wages - wages fund - the store of goods (capital)
previously produced (food, clothing, housing,
etc.) for the use of workers during the
production period (time from start to finished
product) - Source of wages fund is the savings or failure to
consume of the capitalists - Wage rate wages fund/labor force
- Smith suggested that a) ? wages ? ? population
? ? labor force ? ? wages (anticipated Malthus
population theory)
46Development of Society and Property Rights
- Period Property Rights
- Hunting No Property Rights
- Pastoral Some Private Property
(society hierarchy) - Agricultural Feudal, Property in
Landowners hands - Commercial Property of Capital