Managing Projects: The Role of the PM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Managing Projects: The Role of the PM


Chapter 3 Managing Projects ... Negotiation In order to meet the desires of the job of the project manager- acquiring adequate resources, ... Document presentation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Managing Projects: The Role of the PM

Chapter 3
  • Managing Projects The Role of the PM

Project Management and the Project Manager
  • The best way to explain the unique role of the PM
    is to contrast it with that of a functional
  • The PM starts with being a specialist but
    gradually it metamorphose from technical
    caterpillar into a generalist butterfly.
  • The PM is required to have an ability to put many
    pieces of a task together to form a coherent
  • The functional manager uses the analytic approach
    and the PM uses the systems approach.
  • Pm should be both a facilitator but a generalist
    also and have a reasonably high level of
    technical competence in the science of the

  • There are 3 major questions that PM faces
  • What needs to be done.
  • When it must be done.
  • And how are the resources required to do the job
    to be obtained.
  • Pm is responsible for the project, and depending
    on how the project is organized, the functional
    managers will make some of the fundamental and
    the critical project decisions.
  • The PM is responsible for organizing, staffing,
    budgeting, directing, planning and controlling
    the project.
  • In other words, the PM manages it, but the
    functional mangers may affect the choice of
    technology to be used by the project and the
    specific individuals who will do the work.

Project Responsibilities
  • The PMs responsibility are broad and fall
    primarily into 3 separate areas
  • Responsibility to the parent organization,
  • responsibility to the Project and the client,
  • responsibility to the members of the project
  • The PMs responsibility to the project and the
    client is met by ensuring that the integrity of
    the project is preserved in spite of the
    conflicting demands made by the many parties who
    have legitimate interest in the project.
  • The PMs responsibilities to the members of the
    project team are dictated by the finite nature of
    the project itself and the specialized nature of
    the team. PM must be concerned with the future of
    the people who serve on the team.

Special Demands on the PM
  • A number of demands are unique to the managements
    of projects and the success of the PM depends to
    a large extent on how capably they are handled.
  • Acquiring adequate resources
  • Acquiring and motivating personnel
  • Dealing with obstacles
  • Making projects goals trade-offs
  • Failure and the risk and fear of failure
  • Breadth of communication
  • negotiation

Acquiring adequate Resources
  • The resources budgeted for a project are
    frequently insufficient to the task. Many details
    of resources purchase and usage are deferred
    until the project manager knows specifically what
    resources will be required and when.
  • The good PM knows there are resources trade-offs
    that need to be taken into consideration.
  • The problems of time and budget are aggravated in
    the presence of a phenomenon that has been long
    suspect but proved in mid-1980s.
  • Resources acquisition by PM.

Acquiring Motivating Personnel
  • A major problem for the Pm is the fact that most
    of the people needed for a project are borrowed.
  • PMs quest for quality people
  • Motivation problem
  • Skills for selection process
  • High-quality skills
  • Political sensitivity
  • Strong problem orientation
  • Strong goal orientation
  • High self-esteem

Dealing with Obstacles
  • One characteristics of any project is its
    uniqueness, and this characteristics means that
    the PM will have to face and overcome a series of
  • From the beginning of the project till the
    termination, crisis appears without warning.
  • The Pm learns by experience, the wise PM learns
    from the experiences of the others.
  • Managing a project is just like managing a
  • At the project completion, obstacles tend to be
    clustered around 2 issues 1st, last minute
    schedule and technical changes, and second a
    series of problems that have as their source the
    uncertainty surrounding what happens to members
    of the project team when the project is completed.

Making project goal Trade-offs
  • The PM must make trade-offs between the project
    goals of cost, time, and performance and, of
    course, the ancillary goals.
  • The PM must also make trade-offs between project
    progress and process. i.e. between the technical
    and managerial functions.
  • The first set of trade-offs is required by the
    need to preserve some balance between the
    projects time, cost and performance goals.
  • During the design or formation stage of the PLC,
    there is no significant difference in the
    importance PM place on the 3 goals.
  • It appears that the logic of this findings is
    based on the assumption that the project should
    be designed to meet all the client-set goals. If
    compromises must be made, each of the objectives
    is vulnerable.

  • Schedule is the dominant goals during stage,
    being significantly more important than
    performance, which is in turn significantly more
    important than cost.
  • Scheduling and performance are approximately tied
    for primacy during the main stage of the PLC when
    both are significantly more important than cost,
    though the importance of cost increases somewhat
    between the buildup and main stages.
  • During the final stage, phase-out, performance is
    significantly more important than scheduling,
    which is significantly more than cost.
  • The second set of trade-offs concerns sacrificing
    smoothness of running the project team for
    technical progress.
  • The PM also has responsibility for the other
    types of trade-offs. If the PM directs more than
    one project, he or she must make trade-offs b/w
    the several projects.

  • The PMs enthusiasm about the project-a prime
    requirement for successful project management-can
    easily lead him or her to
  • Overstate the benefits of the project
  • Understate the probable costs of project
  • ignore technical difficulties in achieving the
    required level of performance.
  • Make trade-offs decisions that are clearly biased
    in favor of the project and antithetical to the
    goals of the parent organization.

Failure the risk fear of failure
  • It is difficult to distinguish b/w project
    failure, partial failure and success.
  • What appears to be a failure at one point in the
    life of the project may look like success at
    another. If we divide all projects into 2 general
    categories according to the degree to which the
    project is understood, we find some interesting
    differences in the nature and timing of perceived
    difficulties in carrying out a project. These
    perceptions have a considerable effect on the PM.
  • That I TYPE 1
  • TYPE 2

Type 1
  • Assume that type 1 projects are generally
    well-developed, routine construction projects.
    Type 2 projects are at the opposite pole they
    are not well understood, and there may be
    considerable uncertainty about specifically what
    should be done.
  • When type 1 project begun, they appear simple.
    The later in the life cycle of the project thee
    problem appear, the more difficult it I to keep
    the project on it time an cot schedule.
  • Contingencies allowance for the time an cot to
    overcome such problem are often build into the
    budget an schedule for type 1 project.

Type 2
  • Type 2 project exhibit a different et of problem.
    There are many difficulties early in the life of
    the project, mot of which are so-called planning
  • By an large, the problem result from a failure to
    define the mission carefully and, at times, from
    a failure to get the client's acceptance on the
    project mission.
  • Failure to define the mission leas to subsequent
  • These failures often appear to result from the
    inability to solve the projects technical
    problems. In fact they result from a failure to
    define project requirements an specification well
    enough to deal with the technical glitches that
    always occur.

Breadth of Communication
  • Most of the PMs is spent communicating with the
    many groups interested in the project.
  • Running a project requires constant selling,
    reselling, and explaining the project to
    outsiders, top management, functional
    departments, clients, and a numbers of others
    parties at- interest to the project, as well as
    to members of the project team itself.
  • The PM is the projects liaison with the outside,
    but the managers must also be available for
    problem solving in the lab, for crisis in the
    field, for threatening or cajoling the
    subcontractors, an for reducing interpersonal
    conflict between project team members.

  • Certain fundamental issues that the managers must
    understand an deal with as follows
  • The PMs must know why the project exists that
    is, the PM must fully understand the projects
    intent. The PM must have a clear definition of
    how success or failure is to be determined.
  • Any PM with extensive experience has manage
    projects that failed.
  • It is critical to have the support of top
  • The PM should build an maintain a solid
    information network. It is critical to know what
    is happening both inside an outside the project.
  • The PM must be flexible in as many people an
    about as many activities as possible throughout
    the entire life of the project.

  • In order to meet the desires of the job of the
    project manager- acquiring adequate resources,
    acquiring and motivating personnel, dealing with
    obstacles , making project goal trade-offs,
    handling failure and the fear of failure, and
    maintaining the appropriate patterns of
  • The project manager must be a highly skilled

Selecting the Project Manager
  • Selection of the project manger is one of the two
    or three most important decisions concerning the
  • The following is a list of some of the most
    popular attributes, skills , and qualities that
    have been sought when selecting project manager
  • A strong technical background
  • A hard-nosed manager
  • A mature individual
  • Someone who is currently available
  • A person who can keep the project team happy
  • One who has worked in several departments
  • A person who can walk on( or parts) the waters.

The perceptions required for the PM
  • It is not sufficient for the PM simply to possess
    these skills they must also be perceived by
    others. The fact and the perception are equally
  • Credibility the PM needs 2 kinds of
    credibility. 1st is
  • Technical credibility the PM must be perceived
    by the client, senior executes, the functional
    departments, and the project team as possessing
    sufficient technical knowledge to direct the
  • A PM with reasonable technical competence seems
    to be associated with project success and is seen
    by project team members to be a positive
    leadership quality

Technical credibility
  • The PM does not need to have a high level of
    expertise, know more than any actual team member,
    or be able to stand toe-to-toe and intellectually
    slug it out with experts in the various
    functional areas.

Administrative credibility
  • The PM has several key administrative
    responsibilities that must be performed with
    apparently effortless ease.
  • One of these responsibilities is towards the
    client and the senior mgt.
  • Responsibility towards the project team
  • Responsibility towards the interest of all the
  • Responsibility of the trade-offs.

  • The PM must keep project team members cool .
    This is not easy. As with any group of humans,
    rivalries, jealousies, friendships, and
    hospitalities are sure to exist .
  • The PM needs a sensitive set of technical
    sensors. it is common, unfortunately , for
    otherwise competent and honest team members to
    try to hide their failures. Individuals who
    cannot work under stress would be well advised to
    avoid project organization.

Leadership and management styles
  • Leadership has been defined as interpersonal
    influence, exercised in situations and directed
    through the communication process, towards the
    attainment of a specified goals or goals.
  • PM must have other skills as enthusiasm,
    optimism, energy, tenacity, courage, and personal

Ability to handle stress
  • Life in Projects is hectic like a pressure
    cooker. Therefore PM must deal with all the
    stress that comes his way
  • Following are the types of stress in a project
  • PMs never develop a reasonably consistent set of
    procedures and techniques with which to manage
    their work.
  • Too much on the plate
  • Some have a high need to achieve that is
    constantly frustrating
  • The parent organization is in throes of major
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