Title: a Florida-Friendly Landscape
1a Florida-Friendly Landscape
University of Florida Fall 2009
2Adopting a Florida-Friendly Landscape
- Advantages of phased-in installation
- Step-by-step process over
- several weeks, months, or years
- Minimizes landscape disturbance
Less intimidating to client Spreads effort over
3Adopting a Florida-Friendly Landscape
- Before
- Development Landscape
4Adopting a Florida-Friendly Landscape
- After
- Florida-Friendly Landscape
5Phase I Step 1 Develop a Master Plan
- Conduct a site inventory and analysis
- Select plants
- Draw plant beds and plants
6Phase I Step 1Develop a Master Plan
- A Lawn panel
- B Functional lawn areas
- C Paths and small
- buildings
- D Focal points
- E Energy efficiency
- F Screens and buffers
- G AC unit and utilities
- H Work and trash area
- I Entry
- J Wildlife area
- K Playhouse
- L Garden shed and
- compost bin
- M Cisterns or rain barrels
7Phase II Step 2Remove sod for new hardscape and
- Remove sod for new hardscape and new plant beds
for trees - Correct any drainage problems
- Install new irrigation or re-fit existing system
New mulch area for trees
8Phase II Step 3Install new hardscape
- Porous pavers allow stormwater drainage
New hardscape features
9Phase II Step 4Install trees and mulch
- Locate to
- Screen views
- Shade house on south,
- east and west sides
- Shade AC unit
- Locate (A) cisterns or rain barrels under
downspouts - Avoid volcano mulching
New trees in mulch bed
10Phase III Step 5Install Plant bed 1
- Choose location for first bed
- Remove portion of sod
- Test soil amend if necessary
- Relocate plants add new
- Use microirrigation in plant beds
Front yard
11Phase III Step 6Install Plant bed 2
- Options for placement
- Plant beds 2 and 3 are optional depending on
amount of sod desired - Plant contiguous to bed 1 for finished look
- Consider mature size of trees and shade near bed 2
Side yard
12Phase III Step 7Install Plant bed 3
- Backyard corner chosen for final bed
- Check for irrigation zone compatibility
Back yard
13Landscape Design Resourceswww.FloridaYards.org
14Landscape Design Resources www.FloridaYards.org
15Landscape Design Resources www.FloridaYards.org
16Landscape Design Resources www.FloridaYards.org
17Landscape Design Resources www.FloridaYards.org
18Landscape Design Resources http//hort.ifas.ufl.
19Landscape Design Resources http//orb.at.ufl.edu
21Adopting a Florida-Friendly Landscape
- University of Florida
- Credit Dr. Gail Hansen, MS, MLA, PhD
- Thanks also to
- Kathy Malone, M. Ed.
- Brian Niemann, BLA