Title: Principles of Livestock/Poultry Evaluation and Showmanship
1Principles of Livestock/Poultry Evaluation and
2Competency 19.00
- Describe the grading system for various
feeder/finish livestock
3Objective 19.01
- Describe the grading system for various
feeder/finish livestock
4Beef Cattle Classes
- Age classes
- Calves
- less than one year of age
- Cattle
- One year or older
- Veal calves
- Less than three months old
5Beef Cattle Classes
- Age classes continued
- Slaughter calves
- 3 months to one year old
- Feeder calves
- 6 months to one year old
6Beef Cattle Classes
- Sex Classes
- Steer
- Male castrated before sexual maturity
- Heifer
- Has not had a calf or matured
- Cow
- Bull
- Stag
- Male castrated after sexual maturity
7Beef Cattle Grades
- Quality Grades
- Prime
- Choice
- Select
- Standard
- Commercial
- Utility
- Cutter
- Canner
8Beef Cattle Grades
- Yield Grades
- Yield Grade 1
- Yield Grade 2
- Yield Grade 3
- Yield Grade 4
- Yield Grade 5
9Beef Cattle Grades
- Feeder Cattle Grades
- Determined by
- Frame size
- Muscle thickness
- Thriftiness
- Slaughter Cattle Grades
- Both quality and yield grades
10Swine Classes
- Use Classes
- Slaughter
- To be killed and sold as meat
- Feeder
- To be feed to heavier weights before slaughter
11Swine Classes
- Sex Classes
- Barrow
- Male castrated before sexual maturity
- Guilt
- Young female that has not had pigs
- Sow
- Boar
- Stag
12Swine Grades
- Slaughter swine
- Quality and Yield determine USDA grades
- U.S. Number 1
- U.S. Number 2
- U.S. Number 3
- U.S. Number 4
- U.S. Utility
- Feeder pig
- Grades determined by slaughter potential and
13Objective 19.02
- Classify grades of feeder/finish livestock
14Beef Grades
- Quality Grade
- Determined by
- Animals age
- Muscling
- Marbeling
15Quality Grade (Beef)
- 1)Age and Class of Animal
- Steers and Heifers Prime, Choice, Good,
Standard, Commercial, Utility,
Cutter, and Canner - Cows All except Prime
- Bulls and Stags All except Prime and Choice
16Quality Grade (Beef)
- 2) Muscling
- The amount and distribution of the finish
- Firmness or fullness covering the animals body
17Examples of Quality Grade (Beef)
18Quality Grade (Beef)
- 3) Marbling
- Intermingling of fat with muscle fibers
- Observed in the ribeye muscle between the 12th
and 13th rib - Adequate marbling must be present for tenderness
and high quality grades - The fat should not be soft and oily
19Marbling (Beef)
Very Abundant
20Marbling (Beef)
Slight Marbling
21Marbling (Beef)
Small Marbling
22Marbling (Beef)
Modest Marbling
23Marbling (Beef)
Moderate Marbling
24Marbling (Beef)
Slightly Abundant Marbling
25(No Transcript)
26Quality Grade (Beef)
- Maximum age
- Standard, Select, Choice, or Prime is 42 months
or less - Commercial grade is over 42 months
- Utility, Cutter, or Canner have no age limits
- No Prime grade for slaughter cows
27Yield Grades (Beef)
- Percentage of the carcass that is boneless,
closely trimmed retail cuts from the round, loin
rib, and chuck - Numbered 1 to 5
- Yield 1
- Best muscling with least amount of fat
- Yield 5
- Worst grade with the less muscle and more fat
28Yield Grades (Beef)
Relationship of Yield Grades and Cutability Yield
Grade- Boneless, Closely Trimmed Retail
CutsFrom the Round, Loin, Rib and Chuck 1 52.6 -
54.6 2 50.3 - 52.3 3 48.0 - 50.0 4 45.7 -
47.7 5 43.3 - 45.4
29Yield Grades (Beef)
- The terms "yield" and "yield grade" should not be
confused. - "Yield" alone means dressing percentage (carcass
weight divided by live weight multiplied by 100),
and is not directly related to yield grades or
30Yield Grades (Beef)
- Adjusted fat thickness- External fat is measured
at the 12th rib - Percentage of Kidney, Pelvic and Heart Fat (KPH)-
A subjective estimate of fat - Rib Eye Area
- Hot Carcass Weight
31Yield Grades (Beef)
USDA yield grades estimate the quantity of edible
meat from the major wholesale cuts--round, loin,
rib and chuck
32Yield Grades (Beef)
33Swine Grades
- Quality Grade
- Determined by the percent of carcass weight of
the - Ham
- Loin
- Boston butt
- Picnic shoulder
- Yield
- Determined by backfat and degree of muscling
34Objective 19.03
- Classify grades of feeder/finish livestock using
a given criteria
35Feeder Steer and Heifer Grades
- USDA Number 1, 2 and 3
- Each USDA Grade has
- Large Frame
- Medium Frame
- Small Frame
36Slaughter Steer and Heifer Grades
- USDA Quality grades from Prime down to Canner
- About 80 of grain fed grade choice.
- USDA Yield grades from Yield Grade 1 down to
Yield Grade 5
37Feeder Swine
- Five U.S Grades (1,2,3,4, and Utility)
- U. S. No. 1
- Has thick muscling, large frame, and is trim.
- Utility Grade
- Diseased or unthrifty
- Has a head that appears too big for the body and
has wrinkled skin. - Potential for feeding out to slaughter weight and
grade affects feeder pig grades
38Slaughter Barrows and Guilts
- USDA grades from U.S. No. 1 down to U.S. No. 4
- Muscling
- thick
- average
- thin
39Slaughter Barrows and Guilts
- U.S. No. 1 Less than 1.00 inch.
- U.S. No. 2 1.00 to 1.24 inches.
- U.S. No. 3 1.25 to 1.49 inches.
- U.S. No. 4 1.50 inches and over
- U.S. No. 1 must be no less than average muscling.
40Slaughter Barrows and Guilts
- Backfat
- Maximum backfat for U.S. No. 1 is 1.0 inch or
1.25 inch if muscling is thick. - Maximum backfat for U.S. No. 3 is 1.49 or 1.75 if
thick muscling - Thick muscling compensates for or effectively
subtracts 0.25 inch of backfat, and thin muscling
adds 0.25 inch of backfat to the formula.