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DUC MINH NGUYEN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * a growing awareness of the importance of food fish production on human nutrition, employment, poverty (Bailey ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • a growing awareness of the importance of food
    fish production on human nutrition, employment,
    poverty (Bailey and Skladany, 1991 Edwards,
    2000, Edwards, Little and Demaine, 2002) and even
    recreation in more developed societies (Jolly and
    Clonts, 1993).
  • In Vietnam, aquaculture is a very important
    economic sector due to its rapid growth and
    contribution to total national fisheries
    production (FAO and NACA, 1997).
  • aquaculture revenue constituted 4 of Vietnamese
    GDP in 2003 and exported a value of 2.35 billion
    in 2004 (FAO, 2005), or 10 of the countrys
    total export revenue
  • total aquaculture area in Vietnam is 902,229
    hectares of two million potential water surface
    areas (FICEN, 2005), cover 3 of the total land
  • the role of aquaculture in livelihood improvement
    of the poor farmers has not been considered
  • Lack of literature relating aquaculture adoption
    and happiness or life satisfaction of the

Happiness studies
  • Frey and Stutzer (2002) since the 1990s, a
    number of studies of the determinants of
    happiness have been conducted by economists
    following a long history of happiness analysis by
  • However, Easterline (2001)
  • The relationship between income and happiness is
    confounded by economists and social researchers
  • because the terms of happiness, subjective
    well-being, satisfaction, utility or even welfare
    are usually used interchangeable
  • Although each individual defines happiness in his
    or her terms, the factors cited as shaping
    happiness are much the same for most people.

Money can buy happiness
  • Frey and Stutzer (2002) Higher income persons
    are likely happier than the lower because they
    have more opportunities to get what they desire.
  • Di Tella, MacCulloch and Oswald (2003) happiness
    increases with income, and have a similar
    structure in different countries.
  • Lee, 2006 earning more money allows for life
    improvements, whether those improvements arise
    from more money or other desirable objects
  • The important role of higher income in lasting
    happiness of human being is also supported by
    Andrews (1986), Argyle (1999), Diener (1984),
    Diener and Lucas (1999), Lykken and Tellegen
    (1996), Schwars and Strack (1999).

or money reduces happiness?
  • Frank (2004)
  • the absolute income increases recently have
    failed to increase measured well-being.
  • relative, not absolute, income affects happiness.
  • Frey and Stutzer (2002) higher income
    aspirations reduce peoples satisfaction with

Aquaculture raise happiness?
  • contribution of fish production in livelihoods of
    small scale farmers is increasing (Edwards, 2000,
    Edwards, Little and Demaine, 2002)
  • fish culture has increasingly contributed to
    household income of small scale farmers in
    southern Vietnam (Duc, 2001).
  • But, does income from fish culture raise
    happiness of fish farmers?

This study
  • uses cumulative logistic models
  • explore impacts of aquaculture on satisfaction
    and life improvement of fish farmers
  • contains three parts.
  • description of the methodology.
  • investigates the determinants of pleasure to fish
    culture (job satisfaction)
  • examines the role of earnings from fish culture
    in the farmers life satisfaction

The cumulative logistic model
  • Frey and Stutzer (2002) suggest a logistic
  • Wit a ?xit ?it
  • - Wit is level of happiness
  • - xit is a vector of explanatory variables of
    demographics and socioeconomics characteristics

The cumulative logistic model
  • the responses are ordinal variables,
  • considering farmers utility has a following
  • Ui ? ?xi ??i (Equation 1)
  • but Ui can not be observed directly.
  • Allison (1999), Greene (2003) there exists a set
    of cut points or thresholds, p1, , pJ-1, that
    are used to transform Ui into the observed
    variable Y as following
  • Yi 1 if p1 ? Ui
  • Yi 2 if p2 lt Ui ? p1
  • Yi 3 if p3 lt Ui ? p2
  • .
  • .
  • Yi J if Ui? pJ-1

The cumulative logistic model
  • With ?i has a standard logistic distribution,
  • the dependence of Y on x is given by the
    cumulative logit model.
  • Log Fij/(1-Fij) ? ?xi j 1, , J -
    1 (Equation 2)
  • Where
  • (Equation 3)
  • is cumulative probabilities

The cumulative logistic model
  • Agresti (2002) defines the cumulative
  • P(Y jx) p1(x) pj(x) (j 1, ,
    J) (Equation 4)
  • and the cumulative logits are
  • j 1, . . . , J - 1 (Equation 5)
  • A model that simultaneously using all cumulative
    logits is given by
  • logitP(Yi j x) aij Xij? (Equation
  • where - Yi is response level of ith respondents
  • - j 1, , J - 1 and J is the number of
    categories of responses
  • in our study, J 5, from strongly agree to
    strongly disagree
  • - X is the vector of explanatory variables.

The cumulative logistic model
  • Each cumulative logit has its own intercept aj
    increasing in j, but the same coefficient ? for
    each explanatory variable,
  • ? representing to the effect of explanatory
    variable x on the response Y.
  • Agresti (2002) for fixed j, the response curve
    is a logistic regression curve for a binary
    response with outcomes Yj and Y gt j.

Estimation methods
  • The SAS logistic regression with backward
  • In this study, the fixed threshold j2 can
    exhibit that the farmer is please with his (her)
    fish farming (in satisfaction model) or that he
    (she) is happy with his life (in happiness
  • At j2, the response curve is a logistic
    regression curve for a binary response with
    outcomes Y 2 and Y gt 2, we can get the
    estimated cumulative probability p of farmers
    satisfaction or happiness to calculate marginal
    effects of continuous explanatory variables and
    then elasticity of the variables

  • field survey in 2001 involving 120 fish farmers
    in-depth interviewed
  • in 3 provinces Binh Phuoc, Tay Ninh and Long An
    in Southern Vietnam.
  • The survey region is the target area of UAF-Aqua
    Outreach Program (UAF-AOP),
  • implemented since 1994
  • under cooperation of provincial extension
    agencies and Fisheries Faculty of University of
    Agriculture and Forestry (UAF1).
  • Because of poor resources (dry soil, water
    deficiency, remote distances to urban),
    aquaculture was underdeveloped before the program
    began in 1994.
  • Poor farmers live mainly on agriculture and
    irregular off-farm works.
  • Aquaculture, therefore, is adopted as a good
    solution for improvement of farmers livelihoods.
  • This enterprise has been continuously growing in
    both land area and production intensity
  • In this study, the targets are limited to
    small-scale fish farmers when examining the
    relationship between their adoption of
    aquaculture technology and the improvement of
    their life quality
  • 1 University of Agriculture and Forestry (UAF)
    is currently renamed Nong Lam University, locates
    in Thuduc District, Hochiminh City, Vietnam.

  • To get the levels of pleasure from fish culture,
  • Do you feel to be completely satisfied or
    pleased by integrating fish culture into
  • To measure the farmers subjective well-being,
  • Do you recognize generally a considerable
    improvement in quality of life in your household
    since adoption of fish culture?
  • Farmers responses
  • 1 strongly agree
  • 2 agree
  • 3 can not decide
  • 4 disagree
  • 5 strongly disagree

Income definition
  • household income
  • farming income,
  • off-farm income
  • non-farm income
  • wild fish catch income cash income from wild
    fish catch
  • Farming income incomes from farming enterprises
  • rice cultivation,
  • livestock raising,
  • fish culture,
  • non-rice crop farming
  • fruit trees,
  • Fish income total income from fish culture
  • cash income from selling fish harvest
  • forgone income from amount of give-a-way and
    eaten fish
  • per capita income total household income/
    household size

Satisfaction with fish culture
  • LogitP(pls_fishj) f(yield, income,
    fish-farmincome, fish_hhincome, fishincome, age,
    edulevel, men, land, pond-land, involve,
    expectation) Model (1)
  • where
  • pls_fish categorical variable for satisfaction
    to fish culture.
  • j five levels of satisfaction from strongly
    satisfied to strongly dissatisfied, j 15.
  • () yield the yield of fish culture, is fish
    production divided by pond area
  • () income capita household income in USD.
  • () fish-hhincome the ratio of fish income to
    total household income
  • () fish-farmincome the ratio of fish income to
    farming income
  • () age age of respondents,
  • age 1 if the respondent is older 40, age 0
  • () edulevel education level of respondents,
  • edulevel 1 if the respondent has completed
    primary school, edulevel 0 otherwise
  • () men number of men in household
  • () land total land area the farmer occupied
  • () pond-land the rate of pond area to total
    area of land
  • () involve involvement to extension service,
  • involve 1 if the farmer is involved with
    extension services (on-farm trial or technical
    training) involve 0 otherwise
  • () expectation fish expectation measured by
    the difference between farmers estimation of
    fish-hhincome and the real value.calculated from
    collected field data.

  Regression Estimates Regression Estimates Regression Estimates Marginal effect Elasticity
Parameter Coef. Error Prob.
fish_farminc 1.8626 0.9848 0.0586 0.2176 0.2009
age 1.2231 0.6944 0.0782 0.15
edulevel 0.4164 0.5091 0.4135 0.0267
pond_land 0.0616 0.0272 0.0233 0.0072 0.0725
involve 2.3381 0.9999 0.0194 0.0203
expectation 0.1387 0.0335 0.0001 0.0162 0.1713
agepond_land 0.0642 0.0301 0.0329 0.0073 0.0514
ageexpectation -0.0795 0.0297 0.0074 -0.009 -0.0958
pond_landexpectation -0.003 0.00087 0.0005 -0.0004 -0.0036
edulevel1involve -2.1587 1.2277 0.0787 -0.2027  
LogitP( happy j) f(pls_fish, income,
fcash_total, nonfarm_total, catch_total,
fish_hhinc, age, edulevel, men, land) Model
(2) where happy categorical variable
improvement in framers life quality ()
pls_fish categorical farmers satisfaction to
fish culture, () income per capita income ()
fcash_total cash income from fish culture
relative to total household income ()
nonfarm_total income from non-farming activities
relative to total household income ()
catch_total income from wild fish capture
relative to total household income ()
fish_hhincome income from fish culture relative
to total household income () age age of
respondents age 1 if the age of respondent
higher than 40, age 0 otherwise () edulevel
education level of respondents edulevel 1 if
the respondent has completed primary school,
edulevel 0 otherwise () men Number of men in
respondents household () land total area of
land occupied by the respondents household
fish farmers life satisfaction
Estimate Estimate Estimate Marginal effect Elasticity
Parameter Estimate Error Prob.
pls 3.1232 1.4613 0.0326 0.6172 0.9059
fcash_total 0.0226 0.013 0.0828 0.0045 0.0926
nonfarm_total -0.0415 0.013 0.0015 -0.0082 -1.1800
catch_total 0.057 0.0225 0.0115 0.0113 1.1093
fish_hhinc 0.4852 1.746 0.7811 - -
age 3.7583 1.4564 0.0099 0.0020 -
fish_hhincage -6.0363 2.0856 0.0038 -1.1659 -1.5656
Determinants of Happiness
Parameter Logit Marginal Effect Elasticity
fcash_hhinc 0.0226 0.0045 0.0926
nonfarm_hhinc -0.0415 -0.0082 -1.1799
catch_hhinc 0.0570 0.0113 1.1093
age 7.5783 0.0946 -
fish_hhincage -6.0363 -1.1659 -1.5656
fish_farminc 5.8173 0.1343 0.1820
pond_land 0.1924 0.0044 0.0657
involve 7.3024 0.0125 -
expectation 0.4332 0.0100 0.1552
agepond_land 0.2005 0.0046 0.0466
ageexpectation -0.2483 -0.0491 -0.0868
pond_landexpectation -0.0095 -0.0002 -0.0033
fish_farmincinvolve -5.8248 -0.1345 -0.2167
edulevel1involve -6.7421 -0.1251 -
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