Food Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Food Science


Bacteria are the most adaptable of all microbes and they also are unicellular. The bacteria associated with food spoilage are heterotrophic. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Food Science

  • Food Science

Problem Area
  • Handling and Storing Plant Products

  • Controlling Molds with Food Preservatives

Student Learning Objectives
  • 1. Describe how different microbes cause food
  • 2. Describe methods used in controlling food
  • 3. Explain the methods used in preventing the
    growth of microbes in food.
  • 4. Explain methods for decreasing food

  • aerobic
  • anaerobic
  • asexual reproduction
  • binary fission
  • budding
  • food additives
  • food contamination
  • food microbiology
  • heterotrophic
  • inhibition
  • molds
  • mesophiles
  • parasite
  • psychrophiles
  • thermophiles

How do microbes lead to the spoilage of food?
  • Food microbiology is the study of certain
    microbes and how they affect food. Microorganisms
    may synthesize compounds that alter the flavor,
    color, or odor of the food product. Fruits and
    vegetables, when they are harvested, are still
    living entities. They are capable of respiration
    and contain substances acted upon by enzymes.
    This enzymatic activity continues to occur even
    after harvest. Ripening and senescence (natural
    aging of plant products through biological
    processes) may occur after harvest, as well as
    deteriorative processes such as browning,
    softening, and oxidation of lipid material.

  • The natural fate of plant material after it dies
    is degradation by microbial action. Microbes are
    tiny organisms that can only be seen through a
    microscope. They depend on their environment to
    provide food. If the environment is favorable,
    the microbes will thrive and multiply. There are
    four important microbes in food science some
    produce favorable results while others can have a
    very negative impact on foods.

  • A. Molds are a form of fungus which is a plant.
    Fungi are organisms that receive their nutrients
    from decaying organisms and can live almost
    anywhere where air and moisture are present.
  • 1. Those commonly found on foods reproduce
    asexually. Asexual reproduction means that the
    offspring are formed by simple cell division or
    mitosis rather than sexual reproduction. The
    offspring are genetically identical to the
    parents. Molds produce spores which can be
    carried through the air. As the spores are
    deposited on substances with favorable
    characteristics for temperature, moisture, and
    nutrients a mold colony can develop.
  • 2. Molds can be beneficial to food production
    they are used to add flavor and color to cheese
    and in making soy sauces, citric acid, lactic
    acid, and many enzymes. Penicillin and other
    antibiotics are produced with the help of molds.
    Molds can also produce mycotoxins which are
    poisons and are a by-product of mold growth. They
    can be lethal. One example is aflatoxin, which
    can contaminate corn.

  • 3. Molds can grow at extremely low or high
    temperatures and reproduce in acidic or basic
  • a. Mesophiles are those molds that grow at room
    temperature (50 F110 F).
  • b. Psychrophiles are molds that grow at
    refrigerated temperatures (less than 50 F).
  • c. Thermophiles are molds that grow at high
    temperatures (110 F140 F).
  • 4. Molds require oxygen in order to survive they
    must live in an aerobic environment or one in
    which oxygen is present. Thus, one of the most
    effective methods of preventing mold growth is to
    store the food product under anaerobic conditions
    or in the absence of oxygen.

  • B. Yeasts are unicellular plants. This means they
    are single-celled. Yeasts are also members of the
    fungi family. They are a unique plant because
    they do not contain chlorophyll. Yeasts live
    mainly on sugars and starches or in high salt or
    sugar environments.
  • Yeasts can be used to aid the fermentation
    process. In the case of making bread, beer, and
    yogurt, this is good. In the case of hot dog
    making, the presence of yeast leads to spoilage.
    Yeasts reproduce by budding. A bud or small knob
    forms on the parent cell. The bud grows and
    finally separates or buds from the parent
    producing an identical offspring.

  • C. Bacteria are the most adaptable of all
    microbes and they also are unicellular. The
    bacteria associated with food spoilage are
    heterotrophic. Heterotrophic or heterotrophs
    obtain their nutrients from other organisms
    versus an autotroph which can produce its own
    nutrients. Plants are autotrophs.
  • Bacteria can use almost anything as a food source
    and come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are
    thus hard to control. Bacteria reproduce through
    a process called binary fission where the cells
    DNA is replicated and the cell simply splits into
    two identical cells.

  • Some bacteria under favorable conditions can
    reproduce every 20 minutes. One bacteria cell
    reproducing every 20 minutes would result in 17
    million bacteria in only 8 hours. Bacteria can
    also be classified as psychrophilic, mosphilic or
    thermophilic. Bacteria will readily die at a
    temperature of 180F. However, bacterial spores
    which are dormant can live indefinitely at this
  • D. Viruses are among the smallest forms of life.
    They must be viewed with an electron microscope.
    All viruses are parasites. A parasite is a type
    of symbiosis or relationship where an organism
    lives off of another organism. In the case of a
    virus, it lives off the genetic material of
    another organism.

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What are the methods used in food science to
control contamination?
  • Food contamination is the process of a food item
    becoming unfit for consumption due to contact
    with an unclean organism. Preventing
    contamination involves controlling four
    conditions. These conditions relate to both the
    ingredients in the food product and the
    environment where the product is processed.
  • A. Controlling Air Movementmolds, yeasts, and
    bacteria travel through the air. If the movement
    of air is controlled, the chances for
    contamination are minimized. This is one reason
    why large food processing machines are covered
    with lids.

  • B. Segregationevery component in food
    preparation is a source of contamination. When
    foods are processed, each step is separated so
    that the contaminant does not travel from one
    step to the other. Segregation is routine in food
    processing plants. Most people are not as careful
    at home. The same cutting board may be used to
    cut different foods without being washed.
  • C. Controlling Temperaturemost food contaminants
    are mesophiles (grow at room temperature). For
    this reason, food is rarely kept at room
    temperature for extended lengths of time. Meat
    should be kept refrigerated before it is cooked.
    After it is cooked, it should not be left at room
    temperature for long. Foods should be kept below
    40F or above 140F to prevent bacterial growth.
  • D. Controlling Moisture Levelsmost microbes
    thrive in high-moisture environments. High
    moisture environments are common at room
    temperature. This is why food spoils less quickly
    when heated or cooled.

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How can the growth of microbes in food be
  • Preventing the growth of microbes is secondary to
    preventing contamination. Effective prevention of
    contaminants makes the prevention of microbe
    growth easier. Microbe growth prevention is
    carried out using one of two methods.
  • A. Death can be attained using heat or by
    cooling. Processing operations are carried out to
    halt the physiological deterioration and
    microbial action that occurs in fresh fruits and
  • 1. Heat is the most effective and least expensive
    method of killing the microbes.
  • 2. Refrigeration destroys most of the microbes.

  • 3. In freezing, extensive cell damage is created,
    which allows deteriorative enzymes to act rapidly
    upon thawing. Blanching (treating with water at
    140 to 150 F) inactivates these enzymes and
    preserves the quality of the product when thawed.
    Rapid cooling after blanching prevents the loss
    of carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals during
    the blanching process. Fruit that is frozen may
    also be treated with ascorbic acid to retard
    oxidative processes.

  • B. Inhibition is preventing the growth of the
    microbes. It involves altering the environment of
    the microbes so that they cannot thrive. The
    environment may be altered by reducing moisture,
    adding chemicals or changing the pH level of the
  • 1. Food additives are substances added to foods
    during processing to retain or improve desirable
    qualities or characteristics. Processors can add
    sulfur dioxide, potassium sorbate, sodium
    propionate, sodium benzoate, or other additives
    which will inhibit the growth of unfavorable
  • 2. Processing Methods can be used to control
    microbial growth. Foods can be canned (heated to
    high temperatures under pressure), frozen
    (destroying enzymes and microorganisms), or dried
    (to decrease moisture levels). The canning
    process not only inactivates enzymes but also
    kills spoilage bacteria. High acid foods such as
    fruits require less heating during canning, since
    high acidity tends to reduce spores of anaerobic

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How can consumers keep food safe?
  • A. Wash your hands and any surface that food
    comes in contact with regularly.
  • B. Cold foods should be kept at temperatures less
    than 40F
  • C. Hot foods should be kept above 140F
  • D. Cooked and raw food should always be kept
    separate. Keep utensils and dishes separate as
  • E. Meats should never be thawed on the counter.
    Use the refrigerator or microwave to thaw them.
  • F. Cooking should not be interrupted.
  • G. Vegetables and fruits should be washed before
  • H. Discard anything that looks suspicious
  • I. As a general rule, foods should not be left
    out for more than 2 hours.
  • J. Do not use foods that have passed their
    expiration date.

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  • How do microbes lead to the spoilage of food?
  • What are the methods used in food science to
    control contamination?
  • How can the growth of microbes in food be
  • How can consumers keep food safe?
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