Title: Diapositive 1
1Importance of Support Base for Terrorist
Organizations 1. How important is a support base
in enabling Al Qaeda and other global terrorist
organizations to continue their activities? Is a
support base very important, somewhat important,
not very important, or not at all important?
2Importance of Undermining Support Base of
Terrorist Groups 2. To attract new recruits,
raise money and carry out attacks, Al Qaeda and
other global terrorist groups need a support
base. This support base is made up of
individuals who provide active assistance,
passive sympathizers who agree with the
terrorists goals, and public opinion that is
hostile to the United States. How important is
undermining the support base for global
terrorists like Al Qaeda to prevent terrorist
attacks against the United States? Is it very
important, somewhat important, not very
important, or not at all important?
94 Total Important
5 Total Not Important