Title: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Clinical Assessment, Research and Education
1Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisClinical
Assessment, Research and EducationThe ALS
Patient Care Databasewww.alscare.org
2ALS C.A.R.E. Program
- ALS Patient Care Database
Improved outcomes
Educational programs
- Voluntary, confidential, outcomes database
- Mechanism for evaluating the impact of diagnostic
and therapeutic decisions - Foundation for assessing current patterns
of clinical practice - Effort to improve outcomes for patients with ALS
and their caregivers
- Develop benchmarks
- Provide individual and aggregate data to
neurologists - Publish overall findings on issues such as
compliance with AAN practice parameters - Improve outcomes
5Design Principles
- Observational cohort study
- Physician-, patient-, and caregiver-reported data
- Standard data collection instruments
- Broad participation
- Uniform diagnostic and assessment measures
- Data collected at each routine patient visit
- Quarterly reports delivered to participating
6ALS C.A.R.E. ProgramMedical Advisory Board
- Robert G. Miller
- Fred Anderson
- Linda Boynton de Sepulveda
- Mark B. Bromberg
- Benjamin Rix Brooks
- Michael Graves
- Yadalloh Harati
- Terry Heiman-Patterson
- Sharon Matland
- Hiroshi Mitsumoto
- Dan H. Moore
- Eric Pioro
- Steven P. Ringel
- Jeffrey Rosenfeld
- Mark A. Ross
- Robert L. Sufit
- Ashok Verma
November 2007
7Study Coordinating Center
- Center for Outcomes Research - University of
Massachusetts Medical School - Prepare quarterly reports
- Provide scientific support for data analysis
- Assure confidentiality
8Physician Confidentiality
- Use of coded physician and clinic
- ID numbers
- Physician names kept in locked file
- Provisions approved by UMass Medical Schools
IRB - Expedited local IRB approval (typical)
9Patient and Caregiver Confidentiality
- Sites allocate patient ID numbers
- Provisions approved by UMass Medical Schools
IRB - Verbal informed patient consent per local IRB
10Data Collection Instruments
- Health Professional Form
- Patient Form
- Caregiver Form
- Completion Form
11Physician-Reported Data
- Type of ALS
- El Escorial diagnostic criteria
- Atypical features
- Regions affected
- ALS functional rating score
- Forced vital capacity
- ALS-related conditions
- Current management
12Patient Self-Reported Data
- Demographics (age, sex, etc)
- Personal information (insurance, income,
employment status, etc) - General health status (capacity to perform ADL,
psychosocial status, etc) - Diagnostic factors (presenting symptoms)
- Activities of daily living
- Use of services (number of physician visits,
satisfaction with medical care, etc)
13Caregiver-Reported Data
- Relationship to patient
- Source of payment (if paid caregiver)
- General health status of caregiver
- Psychosocial impact on caregiver
- Employment status of caregiver
14Quarterly Reports
- Confidential
- Include individual physician/site and aggregate
North American data - Allow participants to compare their outcomes with
North American benchmarks
15History of ALS C.A.R.E. Program
- First board meeting November 1995
- Pilot trial December 1995
- Modify data forms January 1996
- Begin data collection September 1996
- First report February 1997
- gt5,000 patients February 2003
- New report design February 2003
- New report design February 2003
- Electronic data capture September 2004
- gt6,000 patients November 2005
- Data collection completed June 2007
November 2007
16Enrollment Summary
- Clinics enrolled 323
- Clinics submitting data 109
- Neurologists enrolled 381
- Patients enrolled 6337
November 2007
17Distribution of Enrolled Sites
November 2007
18Follow-Up Data
November 2007
19DemographicsAt Study Enrollment
- Age, years
- Median 60
- Range 20-90
- Caucasian 92
- Female 41
November 2007
20Type of ALS At Study Enrollment
November 2007
- Observational, no control group
- Mainly academic practices
- No data on pathological confirmation
- More longitudinal data needed
- A North American database has been established
for studying ALS - The database is informative about practice
patterns (diagnostic tests, treatment, etc.) - Patient satisfaction and patient needs are
reflected in the database